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Posts posted by drosser

  1. Could possibly have been responding to a MVA at the Kroger at Ridge Road. I came through there about half an hour ago, and there was a silver Jeep (new model) on its side with a dark (blue, I think) SUV resting against it. The Jeep didn't appear to be smashed up. It was laying on the passenger side with the driver's side up. I couldn't really tell about the SUV.


    There were no ambulances so, if there were any injuries, they had already been transported.



  2. Someone like that pervert doesn't deserve to be on this earth. I literally cannot comprehend what he did. That is just unimagineable to me. Why waste money on a trial? Just let let a few of us normal people get hold of him!!


    My heart goes out to this baby and her family. That is truly devastating.

  3. LGM:


    How old is your daughter? My grandson will be 3 in July and doesn't really talk too much. He says certain words but sometimes will just repeat stuff over and over, especially when he "talks" to you on the phone. Both my daughters were having conversations with me at that age. My daughter is a little worried because she has friends who have kids younger than he is and talk in complete sentences.



  4. Intersection of Garmon/Ridge/Bethel Church. Two mini-vans blocking roadway. Several passengers injures/several unconscious. Station 9 responding.


    I just heard sirens. That's right by my house.


    Station 5 has now been dispatched. Station will be unmaned.


    Rescue 9 on scene. 3-vehicle MVA, heavy damage. Setting up command.


    I hear Rescue 5's sirens.

  5. I was living on Brownsville Road in Powder Springs with my now ex-husband. The girls were 10 and 7. The weather had said something about the possibility of "some" accumulation, so I went to the grocery store on Friday after I left work. Everyone laughed at me and said it wouldn't snow. When we got up to a winter wonderland on Saturday, no one was laughing then. A friend of my husband's had come for the weekend, so we sat around and played a lot of cards. We spent a lot of time outside with the kids. We didn't lose power. I do remember not going to work for three or four days because of the bad road conditions. We did take our old Ford Econoline van and go to visit friends who lived on the other end of Brownsville Road. I did not enjoy that ride!! I don't remember how long it took us, but I know it seemed like forever.


    We took lots of pictures and had a great time. I got a t-shirt from somewhere that says something about surviving the blizzard. I still have it somewhere. I don't think I want another blizzard, but I wouldn't mind a real good snow that only lasted a couple of days.

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