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Posts posted by drosser

  1. My chocolate lab is pretty obedient. He sits, lays down, and shakes on command. He'll stay pretty good, too.


    If he has a toy in his mouth and wants to play, if you tell him to drop it, a lot of the time he will. Sometimes he ignores the command and, when you ignore him, he will bring the toy and lay in in your lap. But...if you try to get it, he will grab it first!!


    He also has a fasicination for our clothes. He doesn't chew them up. He just likes to carry them around and lay on them. If he brings one of my husband's t-shirts into the living room, I'll tell him to get Daddy's shirt and take it into the bedroom. He'll damn sure do it, too!!! It's hilarious to watch him!!! If he has an article of clothing, he will drop it on command.


    Sometimes he will steal something out of the trash. He knows he's not supposed to because he will immediately drop it and look guilty when you approach him.


    He also gets very upset when my husband and I are getting ready to go somewhere. If it's in the evening, and we're both in the bathroom getting ready, he knows we're going somewhere so he lays on the bed and pouts.


    I love my dog!!!



  2. I can't sleep either when the weather is bad. I'd rather be awake and know what's going on. I guess I'll just lay in bed and watch the news. My husband is sound asleep. He doesn't care if we get blown away. He thinks I'm nuts because bad weather scares me.

  3. Channel 2 just said one serious injury at Phillips Arena.


    The pictures they are showing give me chills. It's a good thing this did not happen during the day or during rush hour. I think there would have been a lot of injuries.

  4. I just saw on Channel 12 that the Georgia Dome and Ritz Carlton had suffered damage from the storm. Apparently, there was glass breakage. Some of the people at the hotel were being evacuated.


    Pretty scary stuff!!! There was a game going on at the Dome.

  5. The only thing like that I would spend a lot of money for is a Thomas Kincaid painting. To me, they are the most beautiful things I've ever seen. The price would depend on which one I liked the best. I've always said, that's one of the first things I'd buy if I ever win the lottery!!


    I would never buy art just because of the painter and that fact that it is valuable. I really have to love something to justify spending a lot of money!!

  6. My heart breaks for you and your family. Some people just don't understand how much a part of the family a pet is. I can't even comprehend the day when we no longer have Luke. He is not quite 4, so I know that he'll be with us for a long time to come. But, still, we know that day WILL come. I try not to think about it.


    I will keep you in my prayers.

  7. I have laughed so much my sides hurt!!! I really need to lose about 20 pounds, but I'm scare to take it. I look at it every time I go to Wal-Mart but haven't bought it yet. The 15 pounds in two weeks is very tempting. I, too, have a long commute to and from work. Maybe I could just take it on the weekend!!!


    There's got to be something better!!!

  8. This just makes me sick. And to think this stupid girl was pregnant again. How could you bring another child into this world knowing you don't want the one you already have. I think both of the parents need to be in prison for life. There's no excuse for what they did to this precious baby.



    Thank God that he survived this horrible abuse.


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