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Posts posted by drosser

  1. I have my scanner on and, if I heard correctly, the Kroger that was damaged is on Chapel Hill Road. They are looking for someone over off Stewart's Mill Road--something big going on that I missed--and one of the deputies asked another one to go over to the Kroger at Chapel Hill and assist emergency management.



    The damage was to the roof of the Kroger on Chapel Hill Road.

  2. My daughter is freaking out because the sirens are going off in Douglas County. I live by P B Ritch and have not heard any sirens. I walked out on the deck and the sky is mostly clear with lots of stars. I hate for there to be a warning at night because I can't see in the dark!!


    This kind of stuff makes me nervous!!! I really hate that they have extended the warning. My husband is asleep already asleep because he has to work tomorrow.


    Stay safe everyone!!

  3. Moby is a loser. He is the nastiest person I have ever had the displeasure of hearing gloat about himself. I know he is on the station out of Rome. I emailed the owners when I heard he was coming and told them I would no longer listen to either of their stations because he was coming. I told them why. I guess the contracts had been signed. I was hoping he crawled back under the rock he came from.


    The sad thing is, I really liked him from what I heard on the radio. It took direct contact to learn how awful he really is. The him on the radio is not the him in real life.



    I've dealt with Moby several times in person. He was one of the nicest people!!! Much nicer than other radio personalities. I hate to hear that you had such a difficul time with him. Would you be willing to PM me to tell me about what happened?

  4. Wow!! I am just blown away. It really, really sucks!!! I hated Kicks after they got rid of Moby. It only got good again with Caddi and Kristen. Jim Vann was the best. He'd been there forever. There is nothing that great about Bill Cellar. Wonder why they kept him? Wylie was great! I'm very disappointed about this. I'll have to check out the website to see if they have anything on it about this.


    Never could stand Rubarb and hardly ever listened to that station except when Kicks had a bad commercial on.


    Hey, I didn't even know MOBY was back on Atlanta radio. I liked him when he was at KICKS, never knew why they cut him...heard several rumors. Has he changed? It sounds like he's not the guy he used to be. What happened? When did things change?


    What station is Moby on? I'll start listening just to hear him. Whatever the music is, it would be worth it to hear Moby again!!

  5. I always dropped my kids off at the skating rink after they were 12. I would drop them off at the movies, only occasionally, when they were 14. They can't be dropped off at the movies at Arbor Place Mall at night anymore because of the new rules there. I always made sure that they were in a group, and I never dropped one off by themselves. I also coordinated this with other parents of the kids mine were going to be hanging out with.


    Both of them had pagers and, later, cell phones. We had the 10-minute rule for the pager. If I didn't get a call back within 10 minutes after the page, I was on my way. If there was no answer when I called the cell phone, they had 5 minutes to call back and there better had been a good reason why they didn't answer. Usually, that was when they were at Six Flags and might have been on a ride.


    Never had a problem with the mall, movies, or Six Flags. The only problem I ever had was my oldest got caught trying to leave a school dance at SPMS. Luckily, one of my good friends was a chaperone, and he called me immediately.

  6. I've never been bothered by an older woman/younger man, except in extreme cases such as this. This is no man. . .he is a boy. She is a grown (not mentally) woman. What kind of influence would she be on a child? IMO, not a very good one. She has some serious mental issues that need to be addressed before she should be allowed custody of the child. Are she and the boy still married? I only hope and pray she's not stupid enough to get pregnant again. I voted "undecided" but, the more I think of it, my answer has changed to "no".



  7. My chocolate lab weights 80 pounds and will be 4 in April. He is such a big baby! I cannot imagine anyone treating an animal like that. In my opinion, if they'd do that to a helpless animal, they'd do it to a child. I hope and pray the owner goes to jail. He/She should be starved like those poor babies were. It just breaks my heart that people can be so cruel.

  8. I am saddened by this. I hate that young people have lost their lives due to a very bad decision.


    I do not consider it an accident however. The driver, as horrible as it is that he has lost his life, was not a legal driver before he took that first drink. And after drinking, he was definitely not a legal driver. He chose to break the law. That takes away the accident part of this whole thing.


    I do hope his wife recovers fully and goes on to live a full and happy life. This is a tragic situation that should have never happened. Thank God that others did not die as well. I will pray for these families. A bad decision which cost way too much. I am so sorry this ever had to happen. And as a parent of children in this age group, it terrifies me to think how easily I could lose my own children. I sincerely hope that someone learns something from this tragedy. It may save other lives. Doesn't make this one any better, but it may give it some purpose.



    Excellent post!!! This certainly sums up how I feel about this horrible tragedy.

  9. Thank goodness it didn't get bad at our house. I'm right by PB Ritch and all we got was rain, a little wind, and some thunder and lightening. I HATE bad weather.


    My poor daughter was at home in Douglasville and the tornado sirens were going off. She's got two little ones and she was freaking out. She doesn't have a basement, and they kept extending the tornado warning for Douglas County. When it lightened up a bit, she came to our house. By that time, everything was over!! Oh well---I got to see my grandsons for a little while last night!!


    I'm just glad everyone is ok and there was only property damage.

  10. This is such a sad situation but I have to say that I'm so glad that the death and critical injuries were suffered by the drunk driver and his passengers and not the innocent woman and child they hit head on. Most of the time it's the other way around. Sorry if I sound unsympathetic, but I've been in a wreck with a drunk driver that injured my then 2 year old son and I have no use for a drunk driver. There's absolutely no excuse for it. And before anyone starts bashing me with "everyone makes mistakes...", well, IMHO, this is not a mistake...it's a conscious decision someone makes knowing that it's dangerous and could result in tragedy.



    Very well put!! I agree with you 100%. It is very sad that a young man lost his life because of stupid decisions made---BUT-- the driver was drinking and the passengers knew that. No one forced them to get in the car. I'm also very grateful that the mother and son in the truck were ok.


    I heard on Channel 2 this morning that the driver was in critical condition and his wife was in stable condition.

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