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Posts posted by drosser

  1. Denise, I am so very sorry for your loss. The fact that you could come on a board in the wee hours of the morning after being at the hospital all day is astounding. I believe you are a very strong woman. I take heart knowing that your grandson will have a truly blessed life with you in it. My heartfelt prayers go out to you, your husband and daughter. God has a way of working things out for good. Keep the faith. You are the epitome of a truly remarkable Grandmother.





    This is the absolute truth! Denise, you are a remakable woman to be able to get on this website and give us the facts. I don't know that I could have done it if I'd gone through what you have. My God be with you in the days ahead. I pray for a quick and complete recovery for Ashton. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. My wife was first on scene and performed CPR on the child, according to her there were only 3 people in the vehicle and I assume the dump truck driver walked away but she never saw him. She is very shaken up, if the child did not pull through it will be very hard for her.



    Prayers for your wife, also. That must have been very hard on her. My heart goes out to all emergency workers and anyone ele who has to deal with situations such as this.

  3. I was only half listening to my scanner, so I didn't catch the initial call. I started trying to listen when the dispatcher said that SO advised serious injuries and gave the location. She then said an overturned vehicle. I didn't hear they type or number of vehicle involved.


    Maybe someone will know something and post it.

  4. Also, if you live in this area I was told there have been more breakins, one on Cohran Store Road. The lady and her hubby were asleep at the time, they heard the noise and they were scared away. It was at 3 am.

    Be careful ya'll. With all the growth in the county comes more criminals. We have to watch out for each other and our selves.


    A co-worker of mine lives in Asbury Woods right there at the Kroger on Ridge Road. Last night, someone slashed one of her tires and also took a few small items and a change purse out of her car. She thinks the only reason they didn't slash her other three tires was because the object used broke off in the tire.


    Very scary!!!


  5. but according to my friend, the description of the girl was similar to that of the 17 y/o black female currently missing from our area.



    I had no idea there was a young girl missing. When, where, what circumstances, etc?

  6. That's in my neck of the woods, but Kroger is way too expensive for me. Occasionally, I will go there if I just need one or two things and don't want to waste all day in line at Wal-Mart. I've seen SO cars there several times. I sometimes use the hair salon and the tanning bed. We go to the Mexican Restaurant, too.


    When the the alleged attacks happen? Was it one incident or two? Does anyone know exactly what happened? I certainly won't be going there after dark. But, then again, some criminals don't care whether its daylight or dark.



  7. Both girls were strippers. I have a friend whose daughter worked with them at a club called Oasis. Neither one of them was a goody-goody by any means!!!


    IMO, they were just as much involved as the guy who worked for the bank. These were not two little innocent girls who got mixed up with the wrong crowd. They both knew exactly what they were doing.


    I think it's a shame that one got only probation. They should all serve some time and have extensive probation afterwards.

  8. My youngest daughter did some modeling in her early teens. She was with Atlanta's Young Faces in Sandy Springs.



    A very good friend of mine has a sister with 3 kids. They have moved to Los Angeles so that the kids can be stars. They are doing very well in movies, TV, and modeling. It's amazing how much money these kids make!!!


  9. I know exactly how Tow feels. Up until 01/01/08, I had fairly decent coverage through my job. The premiums are expensive, but the coverage was ok. Co-pays were $15 for doctors, $50 for ER visits, $15 for the MRI my husband had to have on his knee, and $10, $25, or $50 for prescriptions. My only complaint was no vision coverage. Well--everything has changed!!!


    We now have gone to a deductible plan!! We have a $1,500 family deductible. I get one 100% paid visit to the GYN once a year, and we can each have a "well" visit to a family pratice doctor once a year. If one of us gets sick, we can't even go to the doctor!!! I don't know about prescriptions because the only one I've had filled was $4.00 at Kroger. To top if off, for less coverage, the premiums did not decrease. My employer claims they went up, but they will absorb the cost this year. I'd rather have my premiums increase and get decent coverage.


    I started not to keep the coverage but am afraid that something bad might happen. We cannot afford $1,500 out-of-pocket per year on medical. So we're just praying for good health!!



  10. I would not trust the guys at Just Brakes anyway. I still struggle to figure how they supposedly do all 4 wheels as well as turn your rotors for $99.


    They don't. I've known several people who've used them, and the price was always WAY above $99. Your car ALWAYS needs the rotors turned or you need a new master cylinder. If you take your car to them for inspection, they tell you (or they used to) that if they found something wrong, you could not leave without having it fixed because they could be held liable if you were in a wreck.



  11. That a competitor would make the claim that the repair job two years ago was botched is, by the way, a little suspect. I wouldn't accept that as gospel truth ... and the employee probably didn't know what he was talking about.




    This is very true, especially given the name of the other company that looked at your breaks. I was going to use them several years back and got told about a bad experience. I called them up to inquire about prices, guarantees, etc. and was very put off by some of the things they told me. I would never recommend them to anyone!!!


    I trust very few mechanics. Two good ones are A Quick Automotive (the emission inspection station) at Highway 92 and Nebo Road and Complete Automotive in Dallas. I like AQA because the guy does great work and doesn't keep your car for a week!! Complete has been great when I've used them in the past.



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