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Everything posted by Gone

  1. 1. On June 28th it was reported that 50 year old Billy Mays, America’s “infomercial king”, had gone to meet the Great Pitch Man in the Sky. 2. Hollywood has lost another great one when actor Karl Malden passed away Wednesday July 1st, at the age of 97. Malden won an Oscar in 1951 for his role as Mitch in the big-screen version of A Streetcar Named Desire. In the mid-1970s, Malden went to the small screen fighting crime on The Streets of San Francisco (1972-77) as Lt. Mike Stone, a veteran cop mentoring young Inspector Steve Keller, played by an then-unknown Michael Douglas. 3.
  2. Did he call DNR? I think the bear would be safer if relocated out of Dallas! I was hoping by now it would be on the news that they had rescued the bear. Nope..sounds like West ... smart bear not to go across 120!
  3. Okay here's what I know. I talked to the neighbor who saw the black bear as she was backing up out of her drive way. It seemed to be a normal to small female black bear… She couldn’t believe her eyes, and knew that without a picture no one was going to believe her. She called Animal Control but only got a recording so she then called the Department of Natural Resources. They asked if she was in Paulding?... she said yes ...they asked if she was in Hunter's Glen? She said yes ... they told her she was the 4th call they had received from Hunter's Glen. The Department of Natural R
  4. Well finally! It was supposed to be out in 2007... I guess Since Rowling is no longer a broke single mom ...she has not been too concerned about when this one would finally release! When I began reading these to my then 8 year old and three year old, I think the second book was due to be released. It was great because once we finished the first one, the second one was easily available in the stores...but then we had to wait for the third and remaining. Harry Potter is the only reason my oldest son finally started to enjoy reading... he did not want to wait for me to get h
  5. Gone

    Mosquitoes Suck.

    I heard higher cholesterol ... my husband gets all of them... if he is around they almost forget about me and he has high cholesterol, so it fits the urban legend. I don't know if it has been verified scientifically?
  6. Bring a can of food to support our can food drive and receive a free popcorn! (Free Family Film Festival Size only, Limit One Per Customer) Per the web site! Can't beat that, help others and receive a treat!
  7. Got it! This is great. We might go on Thursday... cute movies. 6/30 & 7/2 Madagascar 2 7/7 & 9 Hotel for Dogs 7/14 & 16 Bee Movie 7/21 & 23 Despereaux 7/28 & 30 Veggie Tales 8/4 & 6 Horton Hears a Who
  8. Thank you, I will look.
  9. Tell me about free movies please?
  10. Diet Sodas Although diet sodas are “calorie-free”, they do not replace water in terms of nutrition. Diet sodas contain phosphorus, and a high phosphorus intake, if not balanced by a good intake of calcium, can promote loss of bone. (Regular sodas have phosphorus, too, neither is a great choice). Since many adults do not get enough calcium in their diet, drinking beverages that contain phosphorus adds to the problem of good calcium balance, and this can be a problem for those prone to osteoporosis. Good calcium/phosphorus balance is just one good reason that children and young people, wh
  11. Wrists are very important. Get a referral of the doctor to go see from your pediatrician. It is not the office… Pinnacle or Resurgens that is great or poor, but the individual doctor your daughter will see. Your pediatrician will also know who is eligible on your insurance.
  12. My DH wanted me to post this… he admires Mr. Cronkite… A number of years ago I had the pleasure of taking Walter Cronkite and Wally Shirra (one of the original Mercury 7 & Apollo Astronauts) out for sail on Heart of America, a boat from the 1986 Americas Cup. We left early in the morning and stay out most of the day. Both men were as genuine and warm as you could ask for. We had taken many a celebrity and would be celebrities out on charters on this boat and these were the only two that were a true pleasure to have on board. Even though most of us on the crew were in our early to
  13. No I heard they went to creamate him today but the family announced that since Michael was already 90 percent plastic, they will be melting him into Legos so little boys can play with him for a change.
  14. Hmmmmmm?.... In Columbus. Crosses may be burned on someone else’s property, so long as you have their permission. Did I read this right?
  15. YUCK! I did not hear any Michael on 99X while I was driving? But I was not in the car all day either...who knows... that would have caused the MP3 player to be used!
  16. We had neighbors who were Chinese Nationals. They were both literally rocket scientists. They had a young daughter. We talked about whether they would have another child. They said no one was what they wanted, and I asked if that was because if they went back to China to live the government would not allow two. They said it was not that the government would not allow it, but there would be no free social services such as school or health care. They would need to pay for the additional child's needs themselves. It meant it came at a great cost. Obviously as well educated as the
  17. Like Tabby, I usually have news or weather in the background when I am home... Yesterday when all this mess started I did hear the same thing you heard, that the "family" had been there around 10:00 AM PST. I thought that was weird. Like you said there was also a doctor there per the news. Now how true that was, only time will sort the details ...and much of it in the end will be like Anna Nichole ... too many prescribed pills to a mentally unstable narcissist ... a doctor and possibly family members drugging him... what a sad little man. I have kept the TV and radio off tod
  18. All I can think is all those toxins and carcinogens changing cells. Kids are so much more susceptible to chemicals. Early cancers might be a bigger worry than the hernia. Oh, but then the dad can have the kid smoke medical marijuana!
  19. Here I had been thinking I had not had any news on today...who knows what I have missed. ... I forgot all about how the summer (I think) Anna Nichole died ...it was all Anna all the time whether or not you wanted to hear it! I guess I will leave the news off today ... it will be ALL about the acquitted child molester freak Michael. Last night we watched Burn Notice and Royal Pains on USA ...not one word about Michael!
  20. Michael Jackson has died at the age of 50. The singer suffered a cardiac arrest at his home and arrived at hospital in a coma, the Los Angeles Times reported. Captain Steve Ruda, of Los Angeles Fire Department, said in reports paramedics responded to a call at Jackson's home around 12.26pm. He was not breathing when they arrived. The paramedics performed CPR but he was reportedly totally unresponsive. A cardiologist at UCLA told TMZ.com that Jackson died of cardiac arrest. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/feedarticle/8577535
  21. Don't hold back! I hope this means his children have a chance of normalcy ...unless it is a genetic problem? His whole family is odd.
  22. Turn off the TV ... all there will be is info on MJ ..sprinkled with a little Farah.
  23. Koko Taylor "Queen of Blues June 3, 2009. David Carridine June 3, 2009 Lucy Gordon actress in Spiderman 3movie (also hung to death) May 20th, 2009 However she was not in the same week, more like 2 weeks?
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