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Everything posted by Gone

  1. If you go up Hwy 61 North to just over the Paulding County line into Bartow on the left hand side of the street is Taylors. They will take all types of metal scrap. Last time I was there, they were paying $0.45 per pound for aluminum.
  2. :rofl: Man... less caffeine! The big tube is stuffed so it piles up... but it's not a dump truck!!!! :rofl:
  3. I will be voting tomorrow ...I have been away for the summer, so I was not able to early vote.
  4. You're full of it! I hope people go out tomorrow and vote for Todd, because he will truly be a commissioner to make our community better. I know he has the ability, intelligence, honesty, integrity, problem solving ability, as well as good old fashion common sense to make that happen! I have known Todd for years. I have worked on many West Ridge Church projects with Todd and his wife Julie. My son and his son car pooled together to college last year. There are many good people in our county and he and his family are good people. I am lucky to have them as family friends!
  5. In California there is an open primary proposal on the ballot in Nov. It is very simple, a voter is able to vote any candidate running regardless of party and the top two fight it out in the general election. As you might guess both parties are fighting hard to defeat this one. It makes you think.....
  6. I think there is a difference between being glad when the person who is a civil servant is relieved of their job because they violated the trust of the community...and never trusting a police officer. That can be said for elected officials as well as public safety officials. Sometimes the BAD ones are bright enough to act the right way, say the right things, and get the job done... for a while ... but then they become corrupted with the power and do harm. We have a judicial system that steps in and corrects that ...just as this former officer has lost his job and will be tried for b
  7. Wow, in that HEAT too!
  8. Sounds like he's on steroids! All angry and irrational. From your site... Daily said that her son: "never should have taken that first sip of alcohol" on that day. In his defense, she said, Dailey suffered from sleep apnea and had been drinking to help him sleep so he could work that night. He had a bullet proof vest under his civilian clothes! Daily ...was off-duty and in civilian clothing but was wearing a bulletproof vest... http://behindthebluewall.blogspot.com/2008/02/ga-officer-daily-shoots-officer.html
  9. This is not good! Just for the month of may there were 378 families in crisis of losing their home! Very sad. From the CNN site:Helping feed that supply of homes for sale is a moderately high foreclosure rate. A total of 271 homes received some kind of foreclosure filing during May, the 10th most among Georgia's 159 counties. There were 107 bank repossessions during the month.
  10. I would go with a glass top stove. My husband wanted a gas stove... I'm not sure why. When we remodeled the kitchen in 2008 we went gas. Now, after cooking for over 2 years I know why electric stoves were invented! I feel gas is very inefficient at heating a pan directly… too much of the energy goes out into the kitchen! I like to can and make sauces... it burns your arm and is uncomfortably hot to stand over a gas stove and stir. I cannot tell how many times when cooking dinner I have turned back to the stove to continue stirring and grabbed the handle of the spatula or sp
  11. Well, I know that the restaurant my son works in, it had to be above the collar or he had to wear a hair net or pull it up in a ponytail ... hair nets are hot and itchy, his hair style was not long enough for a pony tail.
  12. Usually a job will change the hair do----or don't in this case. Once the job requires it off the collar you are home free!
  13. You are wise choose a plant that is size appropriate to your spot. Too often large shrubs will be planted under low windows or small areas and the only way to keep the plant from taking over is to severely chop it back. That can weaken a plant and it is a lot of extra work for the homeowner/gardener. If you want something that has color...what about a Knockout Rose bush... mine has gotten about the size of a snow ball bush ... and they have many colors now. I like the lovely pink one called Rainbow Knockout Rose. Good luck and Happy Gardening! http://lonadawn.blogspot.com/2009/10/r
  14. Hibiscus syriacus--Rose-of-Sharon, Althea, Shrub Althea A Plant of Many Names http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/2041217920015598663SrZvKL Right you are! We planted two Althea Fireworks on the south side of our house... 12 years later they are HUGE- over 20 feet ... had I known …I would have planted them further away from the house. I have to prune the back side so they do not scrape the house when the wind blows. I read how tall and wide they would get before I planted them …but they seem to have outgrown what the gardening book claimed they would attain. This y
  15. Gone

    well water

    I just LOVE a happy ending! Isn't P.COM great!
  16. It is a Confederate Rose. It is part of the Hibiscus family. I have three different colors of this plant, and one has a double flower. Sometimes referred to as the cotton rose, the Confederate rose is a unique Chinese shrub that is found throughout the southeastern United States. The unique popular name for the Confederate rose is based on the fact that the general area where this beautiful shrub is grown roughly corresponds to the section of the USA that once seceded from the Union and was known as the Confederate States of America. The Confederate rose, properly identified as hib
  17. They walk among us! He should have been promoted!
  18. My husband, who sails, said "I would prefer my kid sail around the world vs. climbing Mount Everest." He felt the odds were better. As a mom I think it's nuts because sailing TEAMS have encountered rough seas and died ...I can't imagine being alone when high wind and seas take over! I feel horrible for her because the winds were 45 to 45 knots (which is 46 to 51 MPH) with 30 foot swells. What a scary place to be! I hope they find her boat with her in it, sounds like at least she activated her emergency beacons right away. Here is your answer about school: ML: We
  19. Yep! ...some radio news I was listening to said that it was easy for powerful families (like Stephany Flores Ramirez's) to buy off an inmate to kill someone like Van Der Sloot - a revenge killing of sorts. I also heard even if he is given 35 years... he would only serve about 6 to 10 ... but he will probably be dead before then. He has probably figured out he is in his own special HeII right now...wonder what 3 days of interrogation in a third world country (without dad to get you released) NOW means to him? On the prisons in Peru, our US State Department has some basic informatio
  20. Glad you are here! Have fun.
  21. I will nationally, as well as locally, vote for new representation – those who have not made a carrier of being in government or working for the government.
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