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Mrs G

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Everything posted by Mrs G

  1. I hope you have a Blessed and Safe Anniversary. I wish you "enough!"
  2. There's an app for just about anything and everything, these days.
  3. I'd be satisfied with a perrenial plant with vibrant colors. I really don't need anything but, a perennial with vibrant colors would be GREAT. My daughters know that I love Hibiscus, Gardenias and Roses are always good. I also like Peonies, Camilias, Day Lilies and about a million other kinds of flowers, too.
  4. Even though everything shows that we are connected to the internet??? The router is fairly new. Last time that we had trouble, we got new Netgear Modem/Ruter AND I even bought a new Netgear wireless usb thingymajig about 3 months ago or less.
  5. We have been having trouble for about 5 or 6 weeks now. It comes and goes when it wants to. It even affects my cell phone and at times, even the ipads. I have tried this numerous times and still to no avail. We need to find a computer guy again.
  6. I re-read it, a couple of times more, one of those ah-ha moments, aka senior momentsThanks
  7. I'm not clear as to whether she was talking about the attic or just an upstairs portion of her home. Some of the other posters are talking as if she is inquiring about the "upstairs" portion of the home, which is totally different from the actual attic, I'm just a bit confused.
  8. I know they have a session/class/discussion, or whatever you call it, which I really do need to go check it out. If anyone is interested in carpooling, let me know. We just need to find out when and where.
  9. Oooops, I was trying to give you a thumbs up, kinda sorta. My fat fingers was too big and accidentally hit the red tab instead of the green tab. Being on the iPad doesn't help, either.
  10. I waited for about 30 minutes and no one showed up. But, WellStar has something for Diabetics.
  11. Yes, the decorating is the hardest part and the most tedious. That was for a 1 yo with Spina Bifida(sp?) and the Mother went all out for her 1st Birthday. The baby is a Beautiful child. She was on the front page of the Villa Rica News & Views for the month of April.
  12. We need to come!!! Maybe we can leave work a little early.
  13. Yes, it is hard to do this, I can't do it any longer. With Arthritis in my hands now, and I'm seeing my right hand starting to have tremors. I just can't do this!!
  14. Here is the latest creation of my oldest cake baker, the picture is a little on the too much light side but, you can still see it anyway!! I just love the cakes, I wish I was able to do this, again. The pom poms (my word for them) took over 9 or 10 hours for 7 of those, only six went on the cakes, though. Each layer/strip of ruffle on the cake was at least 1 hr for that. You can see how the time adds up. This is why it cost so much for a homemade Birthday Cake.
  15. Ummmmmmmm, WHO edited my title??? I didn't add the date!!!
  16. Wow, glad y'all were making money but, not so glad that everyone was having accidents. I hope that everyone was OK and not injured seriously. Prayers for all!
  17. My daughters use them daily and they are available at all of the local stores Wally World, Kroger, Publix, Walgreens, and everywhere. You may have to to look a little harder but, they are there.
  18. The accident is a little bit before the East bound exit ramp to Liberty Rd. Maybe still in Douglas Co. Everyone is bring diverted OFF of I-20 West bound at Liberty Rd. You can see the accident site somewhat when you get to the top of the exit ramp. People, please be careful while on these slick roads or better yet, just stay home!!!
  19. Prayers for you and your family.
  20. I saw this on FB a few days ago and sent it to hubby.
  21. There is an accident with 2 overturned vehicles in the East bound lanes but, west bound is still at 5 mph. There is at least one fatality. I'm on my phone and can't edit that post but please say a prayer for all involved in this tragic accident.
  22. I don't know what kind of birdies made a nest in our grill, a few years ago but, I went to open the griill and found some little very light blue polka dotted eggs, in a good sized nest. How do Birds get in the grill to begin with????
  23. Good for you. We had this happen years ago and we had company at the time. But, they did go to another home or two and left. The young lady tred to give us a bottle of Dawn and asked if they could do a demo of carpet cleaning. Hubby told them that we were NOT interested and they went on their merry way. Then a few years ago, we had a young lady to come to the door asking if they, her and her hispanic partner, could clean up our flower beds and put down new pine straw. I was kind of skeptical so, I took some pics of them both and then I went around the back of their van (old faded navy blue
  24. Yes, but this year we have had the "mildest" Winter, that I have ever seen. I've been here all of mylife and never have seen such a mild Winter. This area is probably about the best you are going to find. Maybe North for Summer and South for Winter??? We love Mentone, AL, Ashville, NC and that's about all I can think of right now.
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