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Mrs G

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Everything posted by Mrs G

  1. I woke up and I may have woke up hubby but, I heard a voice saying "hello", my phone is so sensitive, it will make phone calls on it's own, sometimes. I picked it up to see if that was the case and checked it a second time, too, just to be sure. No one was on the phone. It was 3:00, I was thinking it might have been the people across the street. They have loud and wild parties every now and then. I just went back to sleep. I have been having some crazy dreams here lately, not sure why but, they are very strange.
  2. Awesome........ We have two of the grand children and the little one is a little hyper, I'm not sure if she could sit still that long. Hubby may be coming by himself.
  3. It's the Paulding Photography Club, it meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday night of the month. The first meeting is an educational meeting. The 2nd meeting is the competition. It's across the street from the OLD Courthouse and if you are in front of the round flat water fountain, just look across the street and you will see the doors and I think the 122 is over the door. There is a FB webpage but, it may be ONLY for the paid members. Membership is $20 a yr and for a family is $30. We would love to have you visit our club, tomorrow night. We always have snacks but, you might want to bring a dr
  4. This just bumfuzzles me. I know there are people who work in the States Prison System that knows, these inmates have these accounts but, how can they really STOP it? How can they stop the cell phones from being smuggled in??
  5. We've been to that store one time, only to see what the prices were like. Beleive me, we won't go again!!!!!!! I'll give it another year.
  6. My link Don't they know that all of those Vacations they take and shopping trips is costing US (taxpayers) a LOT of money??????? Oh, I forgot, they don't care!!! They may very well be the costliest President, that we have had in a Loooooonnnngggggg time.
  7. Oh yeah, I think the children would like "Goats on the Roof", in Tiger, Ga My link
  8. WHO CARES WHAT "OPRAH" HAS..........................
  9. We have been season pass holders for about 3 or 4 yrs. We didn't renew last year because we have done everything there is to do except for the horseback, bicycle or the segway tours. We have taken the roof top tour, the butlers tour, behind the scenes tour, the Christmas thingymajig but not the Christmas Candlelight tour. I can't see paying that much extra money. I like the "daytime" tours better. If you get there right at 3 pm, on any day of the week, your ticket will be good for the following day, as well. The house closes up about 5 but, the last tour starts about 3. The other buildings
  10. Mrs G

    Tax Help

    This didn't help you??? My link
  11. I was cleaning out my emails and found this. I thought It may be of interest to someone on pcom. Check out this site. My link
  12. I wonder what has happened with these people and have they been reimbursed of their $629 and Been paid for their training. I wonder what did the police do, did they even write up a report/complaint? Dallas Dodge should give these people their money back!!!!!!!!
  13. I think I read on FB somewhere, that CFA raised $13,000 yesterday for the Halstead Family. That was an awesome turnout. I just wonder if this was for both CFA's or just Hiram? Hiram was the store the article was about. It didn' clarify if it was for both or just Hiram. WAY TO GO PAULDING COUNTY!!!!! :yahoo:
  14. An employee (contract worker, per dealer employee) enlisted several people (from Craigs List) to train for a sales position. They would pay up front $629 (in CASH) for training and they could get their money back after 90 days on the job. Anyway, after a few days of training, they were off for the weekend and would come back the following week for some more training. When they arrived, the man (contract worker) wasn't there, these enlisted people asked where so and so was, they were told that so and so was no longer working there. These people asked what about their $629 that they had forked
  15. Local, meaning Hwy 120/Dallas Hwy/Charles Hardy Pkwy area.
  16. Wow, I didn't even know that Brookhaven had become a "City". Chief Yandura is Moving On Up, Way to go Chief!!! Hope you will enjoy the change, it could be a BIG change.
  17. Where can I find the topic about an Employment Scam at a local Auto Dealer. I have tried to do a search but, haven't found anything. Thank You!!!!!
  18. Both of my girls are awesome bakers, they only do it for family, though. Yes, I'm very Proud of them. Thank You!!
  19. OK, I stand to be corrected. I'll go check it out in the morning!!!! The place looked empty and I saw NO signs of life, when I passed by, the other day!!!!
  20. I really didn't know that they had closed until I had to make a trip to Rockmart last week and on my way home I saw the front of the building and the parking lot looked deserted. Then, when I turned onto 120 going South, I realized that's where Rambo's used to be. I hate to see the local/small hometown people loose their businesses.
  21. I thought Cakewrecks.com was for cakes gone wrong????? Although, I have NOT seen the website, does it have something else, other than wrecked cakes?
  22. It's the back side of Rambo Nursery, it has been closed down for a little while. We passed be there the other day and I asked hubby the same thing!! We don't go that way very often so I forgot that Rambo even existed, once upon a time.
  23. All of the surrounding parking lots/spaces are full and the traffic is backed up. When we came earlier, the traffic was backed up on Hwy 61 South and Police were directing the traffic. As my Grand Daughter would say "My Lub It!!!!
  24. The Chic-fil-a in Dallas is packed. NO parking available at Chic-fil-a, Walgreens or the lot behind the Waffle House!! Awesome turn out. We live in an Awesome community!!!
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