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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. My challenge for you today: if u see someone without a smile ---- give them yours!!! you never know who may really need it today so just give it to everyone... it will not only make your day brighter but theirs too Last night at the grocery store my daughter smiled and waved at an older lady... the lady said the kindness for that one act filled her heart... she even gave her a quarter in case she wanted to get something out of one of the candy machines.. ha
  2. I am odd... I LOVE hopping into a cold bed... ha
  3. When I was on workers comp that happened to me a few times... one of my neighbors even got after them.. ha
  4. when you have kids somethings are not explainable.. ha I am so gonna try thins.. haha atleast your hubby didn't poke fun of you falling in on FB
  5. A rock hit my car back at christmas and it took paint off my car... I color it with a sharpie so the DH doesn't see it.. ha while trying on a swim suit last year at Target I forgot to take the bottoms off and then explain to the guest service lady why I am returning them and she doesn't have to give me any money... ended up having to call a manager and them busting out laughing at me I forgot to look to see if the toilet seat was down the other night and fell in I washed a cold fish and it survived... it swam side ways after that but it lived for a few more months hmmm there
  6. well I like my Chicken Tetrazzini without the side of mistress.. hahaha We cooked it together.. ha well he sat at the bar talking to me while I was fixin it
  7. Chicken Tetrazzini and garlic bread
  8. i couldn't make it... I was picking up a friend and heading out to hopefully stay out of trouble.. we will see I miss going to lunches
  9. my dd got a job over the summer so she got a checking account... she has done awesome balancing it she also has a budget ( something I was never taught) she gets so much allotted for going outwith friends and clothes... she is learning to live within her means
  10. wished I could make it but a friend and I already have plans today... you guys have fun! I could eat my weight in chips and salsa... and that is a whole lot of food.. ha
  11. prayers are with everyone... this is sad
  12. the market deli in the mall has the best lemon peppered wings I have had in awhile... call ahead and they will make you up a tray... I have done this a few times and got Market Deli a handful of fans
  13. I hope they hurry up and get my roof finished before the rain comes... ha I hope you all have an awesome day
  14. if it doesn't bother her why let it bother you some people like to not know... it is less stressful for some what works for some might not work for others some people can't work or it would be to much for child care... so we gotta do what we gotta do
  15. we split them up... he has his bills he pays... cars, house and his CCards, and insurance I pay the water, trash, power, gas( for those of you who have joined the cut the heat on at my house fan page..haha ) and groceries
  16. agreed.. I don't find that to family friendly... ha
  17. woldn't it be easier to say master or jack words... hahah
  18. when I was in sam's today I picked up a pizza
  19. I am scared to google that... can you learn us on the words... hahaha I am pretty open with my dd who is 15... if she ask something we answer the best we can... but I just have never said lets sit and have a chat...
  20. I am still waiting for my parents to tell me
  21. go to home depot and get a durluster kit... it is fairy cheap... it will work wonders on your hard woods after 7 years my hardwood looks brand new
  22. Good morning y'all... it is my last day( 4 days) of babysitting a 2 year old and a 60 pound dog who things he is a lap dog I am tired You guys have a rockin day
  23. Sadie612... the hubby works closely with Food For The Poor and we have friends that were in Haiti when the earthquake happened... we have heard from everyone except 1 person who is still missing. We skped with one of our friends today... that was a blessing you can donate through http://www.thefishatlanta.com/Article.asp?id=1657297&spid=22180
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