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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. we took our 1st grader out of school that week and was on our 1st Disney vacation. The 1st day in the magic kingdom we start to hear mutter about the plane crashes... 1 hour later they evacuate the park within 3o minutes... the whole town shut down. It was hard explaining to a 1st grader why we left the "Happiest Place On Earth" and was entering the saddest place. As soon as we got to the hotel we my hubby's cell phone rang and we were told we lost a friend. Then that weekend a hurricane hit and we were in a Tornado .... My DD is in high school now and this is the 1st vacation she
  2. my friend had to get this done and used office max or kinko's ...i forget one. But Subby is a nice guy and that was sweet of him to offer... Thanks Sub
  3. I had my 1st raw fig ever this summer. My Dh's family sales them in FL. they started a fig farm..hahah cute name I thought but they were good...
  4. sure... just send me your address via facebook
  5. If I have my choice I vote Ruby Tuesday next week lets go to a commerce members place
  6. Dr Turner is the bomb diggity turnerpediatricdentistry.com
  7. I love me some mexican <---- That is me licking my lip But I will eat just about anywhere. food is the way to my heart although I am not a big fan of Chinese
  8. can we do Friday then I can come and pick up Karen
  9. dinner and a movie...maybe a lil shopping too I want to stay home but hubby wants to go out and about...so does the DD so I am out voted
  10. If your gonna be in Yorkville you will jot be fare from Rockmart. You must try the Pizza Farm there also you will not be accepted into the south until you eat at a Waffle House (lol) *Rodney's * Jim and Nicks *Tequila's is my favorite Mexican restaurant . It is in the Target parking lot *Texas Rd House * The Pcom hangout on the weekends is MacFarlane's *Fatbacks *of course all the chains like Chilie's, O'charley's , Longhorn...ect Plus once you get to the area you will venture out into other counties and will reask this question Welcome to Pcom and PAuldi
  11. nope... people have been talking about it being at certian schools and stuff. It is a few threads every day (so it seems) That have beat the topic to death. I think the gooberment is blowing it out of proportion lol, how can people not have noticed...
  12. then you haven't been on pcom much...that is all the board has been about either swine flu or obama... yawn
  13. I know someone who was fired over their postings on FB and twitter... but common scene tells somone not to post bad stuff about the peeps at your work and about how you hate your job and stuff if your boss and other peeps at work are on your friends list though..
  14. I guess no church for you this morning... Poor thing . I am sorry you are sick. If you need anything call me / Me and my buddy Owen will come to the rescue my friends dad always goes to Home Depot on Sunday's...he calls it Holy Depot
  15. Morning Sunshine's WHatcha doin this beautiful September Sunday day?
  16. i saw this on a movie and in an urban legends book
  17. :lol: I am a hockey girl... I love it. The DH loves to take me to games. I get to screamin. Plus I like the fights. I LOOOVE the Gladiators
  18. who could care less about Football
  19. I had to get me a new phone 2 weeks ago and I was pondering getting the Iphone but after playing with my friends I chose to get another touch screen phone but with a real keyboard(qwerty pad) that pulls out. plus everyone that has them the phone ends up consuming their lives. they are on it all the time and she did have a few issues when she could get on the network. Plus I am toooo cheap to pay the $30 extra a month media package
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