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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Dude. I have a mental image of a wild boar rubbing his hiney on a tree. Oh, and Blondie - you got it, babe. Been there...am there.
  2. The Fire Tax was billed as what we needed to take the FD to a professional level, which they did. But then they just took them out of the regular budget and used the old FD money for other things, leaving the FD somewhat better off, but not as better off as it was presented to the taxpayers. I do not regret voting for it because of the way it was presented, but they were not honest in their dealings.
  3. See, I could never pray that prayer. 'Cause then God might see fit to bring even MORE stupid people into my life to make sure I knew how to use my newfound ability, and that would be BAAAAAAAAAD. My wish is for stupid people to just go POOF when they get within a certain distance of me (sort of like some kind of a protective force field). Yeah, I'm likin' it...
  4. :angry2: See, I haven't even read the stupid thing and I'm already mad. Seriously?!?!? $1.5 MILLION for the SCT??? GAH!!! I can tell I shall need to take some extry BP meds before I read this thing.
  5. I have Confederate Jasmine running up my front porch, and if I didn't cut it back every couple of years, it would consume my entire house, I'm convinced. And it's hardy as hades, besides being absolutely FABU!!! I can't really tell if mine started with one vine and then spread or if they planted two or three vines. I'd say if you have a longish (horizontal) space, to plant them every four feet or so. They'll MORE than cover the space. BTW, aren't you in a new (to you, anyway) house? Oh, I love that!!! It's so much fun to make a place your own and see it mature before your very eyes.
  6. Generally, I'm not a huge fan of Brown's, but they did have a good price on opening chemicals. The Leslie's I used was the one on 41 in Acworth. Did you convert your pool to saline? Ours is saline, and IT IS AWESOME!!! You will NOT NOT NOT regret it!!!
  7. What a marvelous idea!!! I LOVE rambling things...I'm going to plant me some old-timey rambling roses up against a fence in the early fall.
  8. What he said. Based on sales prices in our neighborhood, I would be able to get a much better price than what the tax FMV is listed as. The day AFTER the SPLOST passed, which people got all scared into voting for "because if you don't, we'll have to raise taxes". Riiiiiiiiiiiight. And they raised taxes anyway. Which is why I will NEVER vote myself a tax increase. The only one I ever did vote for in the past was for the fire dept., and they screwed us over on that one, too.
  9. What's good about it, I'd like to know?!? It's a) MORNING, 2) hot as hades, and c) the humidity is at least 800% (and I never exaggerate). :angry2: OK, so maybe it's good that nobody I love is dreadfully ill, I have a decent job, a place to live, and food on my table. So there is that. But I still hate hot, humid mornings!
  10. I'm down about $50K in FMV from when I bought in 2003.
  11. :GASP: Are you me?!?!? MAN, we think a lot alike.
  12. That's how I remember it, too. I think the ones that are blooming now (mine aren't) are early. Walter Reeves says that plants will bloom when they're ready. If they haven't bloomed at all, he says they're just still maturing, and that when conditions are right, they'll bloom. (I love him.)
  13. Yeah, I noticed that. Tacky. I should have added in my post above that ours stayed the same last year when everybody else's was dropping, which is what I meant by us being hit later than the rest of the county.
  14. Your being stable in times like this will make all the difference in her life.
  15. I hate stuff like this!!! My Daddy was a shade-tree mechanic, and he taught me a lot about cars. So I know some things, but DANG, people still try to take advantage of me because I'm a woman. It burns me up, too...the "don't you worry about a thing, little lady, we'll fix it right up for only $650" or whatever. GAH!!! Leslie's Pool (not automotive but same thing) tried to pull that crap on me this year. I open and close our pool, so I know what's going on. I called to check their prices on their opening pool kit (chemicals only), and he wouldn't even give me a price...just said you let
  16. OH. Got it. Yes, I hope they can remain close. Bless her heart. And the other little girl's, too. At least your daughter has one non-stupid parent in her life.
  17. Aren't these the people who were drunk when they got married? I'm sorry for your daughter. I hope stepmom wants to stay involved with her life.
  18. Our FMV dropped by $23,000; assessed value dropped by $9,000+ or 11%. Taxes dropped 12%. We're in NE Paulding, so I think we were later getting hit by the foreclosure wave than everybody else.
  19. Pipe down, peon. Your betters know better than you. Hrmph. /s off
  20. You can still see the walls along the Blue Ridge Parkway built by the WPA folks. Great idea. That's exactly who I was thinking of.
  21. AMEN. Let them staff the libraries in counties that are short on budget funds, pick up trash along the highways, or whatever. I personally would do those things if it took it to make sure I could feed my family.
  22. Also, I am not talking about the CHILDREN of said drug-using deadbeats. Those children, IMHO, should be in foster care.
  23. I gotta tell you - I don't care what happens if they don't have enough sense to live life drug-free without my dollars supporting them. Now, in the words of my hero () PBO, let me be clear - I am not talking about people with dreadful problems, who are truly in a bad spot due to things beyond their control and they need help for awhile getting back on their feet, yadda yadda yadda. I DO care what happens to them, and I am perfectly happy for my tax dollars going to support them while they need it. The people I'm talking about are deadbeats who don't care enough to hit a lick at a snake and
  24. True dat. But for some reason, my carrier wasn't interested in my Wal-Mart bling.
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