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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. We in NE Paulding are closer to the same stores on 41 in Cobb than most of South Paulding is to the same stores in Hiram.
  2. That was in the thread from early this month, I think, about the execution being scheduled. I think it was moved to Paulding Place if you want to peruse it.
  3. Wow. This begs the question of did he plan this all along or did it just occur to him? Whatever. Holy crap.
  4. She did it for a project in her Criminal Justice class. I think a book is a great idea! I volunteer to help you write it, GT.
  5. Don't have time to look up the links, but it wasn't random. They were related to her by marriage IIRC, and had purchased drugs from her husband before. They went there to rape her and steal the drugs and any money they could find. (All subject to my memory, of course...there are others here with far more information than this.)
  6. Well, you may be weird, but not because of this. It's just the style of different families. Some families like to stay in close touch, some don't. Some families have entirely different things going on and it's just natural not to be in close communication.
  7. Yes, ma'am. That was a good movie.
  8. I was where you are a little over four years ago. I pray God's comfort for you and your family. You are right - my relationship with Daddy is one of the greatest treasures I could ever have received on this earth.
  9. I'd have been prayin' the Sheriff caught me before she did.
  10. Gag a maggot. Gives me the willies just thinkin' about it.
  11. The pics on that Facebook announcement don't look anything like that original pic above. To me, anyway. Either which way, it still sounds like she doesn't want to be found. Sad situation either way.
  12. :sigh: I still can't get over this. CE gives good advice, though, and the church orgs (West Ridge, et al) are also a good suggestion.
  13. I'm glad the mother went ahead and filed a police report. They generally know what to look for in these situations.
  14. Ditto. And she looks older in that pic, although pics can be very deceiving. The FB being deactivated sounds to me like she doesn't want to be found. And of course if she's 18, she has that right. Doesn't stop her mother from being worried sick, though. Oops - posted this before I saw the two replies before this one. Which if she left on her own, then she has that right. If something happened to her, that's a major concern, but I shouldn't think most criminals would set about deactivating the FB account of a victim. It's just sad either way that the mom is so worried.
  15. How old is she? She looks pretty old in that pic. Not old old...older teenager, I mean.
  16. I'm so sorry. Assuming you were doing your job (and if you were there for 11 years, it would appear that they thought your work product was fine), that is just wrong on so many levels. But I agree with others who have said this will turn out to be best for y'all. Might not can see it right now, and I am certainly not making light of anyone's devastation at being let go. You have every right to feel down. Just know that I and others here will be keeping you in our prayers.
  17. She's prolly too sad to think about anything but you leaving her.
  18. I dunno...this may be a great strategery. The CEO dude comes from Apple and seemed to have a good grasp of the situation. If they do it right, it could be a boon to JCP. I like the idea of knowing ahead of time when something's going to be marked down.
  19. I thought they finally got her on tax evasion or some such.
  20. It works fine; it's just like reading anything else on your computer screen. I prefer to hold a book (or Kindle) in my hand when I'm reading. But the PC version works fine.
  21. What, you're gonna teach him manners and to be a gentleman and stuff? Why, I never. (Seriously, I never. Well, almost never. But good for you.)
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