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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Yeah. Like when you posted those pics of when you were a slutty blonde teenager married to a 51-year-old guy. And yes, my picture is of me. I'm quite talented. Edited 'cause I'm an idiot who can't type worth crap today.
  2. I believe he did this the other day as well. I dunno...stuffy courtroom, full tummy, nap time, droning lawyers...I'd be sleepy, too. Not saying I wouldn't be interested or try to do my best job; just saying I can see how I'd be tempted to rest my eyelids from time to time. No update on AJC yet. Sounded like the state was planning to rest their case today, though. I haven't been following this minute-to-minute, but it kinda seems short on the prosecution side.
  3. Wow! I hope all goes well. Please do this more often...we need all the entertainment we can get in this dark world.
  4. A 2007 Pie Chart, or it didn't happen.
  5. HAHAAHHAAHAHAHAAAAA That is hilarious. Prolly moreso for me than you. hahahahahaaaaa Thanks for sharing. Is she really going to move?
  6. OH, YEAH, BABY - now you're speakin' my language. Honestly, I could really list my favorite HUNDRED movies more easily than my favorite five. Casablanca and Citizen Kane would DEFINITELY make the list. Also, The Big Sleep and The Maltese Falcon (huge Bogart fan, if you couldn't tell). The original Sabrina was cute, but sterling acting, nonetheless, with Audrey Hepburn, Bogart, and that dishy William Holden. Speaking of the latter, Stalag 17 and Born Yesterday (with Judy Holliday) are fabulous as well. My idea of heaven is to live next door to Robert Osborne and go over to his house each
  7. High Noon is one of the best of the best of the best. AWESOME movie!!! And while not in the same category of excellence, it reminds me of another good western - Bad Day at Black Rock.
  8. I forgot about Airplane! and O Brother. Yeah, need more than five. My favorite Clint westerns are The Outlaw Josey Wales and A Mule for Sister Sara. Pale Rider's pretty good, too. My favorite westerns overall are Rio Bravo (John Wayne, Dean Martin, Walter Brennan, Ricky Nelson, stupid Angie Dickinson who nearly goobs up the whole movie) and Support Your Local Sheriff (James Garner, Walter Brennan, Bruce Dern, Harry Morgan, Jack Elam).
  9. I think whoever said that about the $1500 HOA fees must have been thinking about Riverwood. I believe somebody who lives there said the other day that their fees had gone up to $1500, and they just lost their lawsuit with the developer (not sure if they're going to appeal). I'm hearing real estate agents won't even list or show anything in Riverwood because of the bad situation. MAN, I hate it for those homeowners. Thanks, noodle, for the information.
  10. Henry V (1989 Kenneth Branagh version) To Have and Have Not (Bogart, Bacall - her first, Walter Brennan, Hoagy Carmichael) Room With a View Princess Bride A Night at the Opera (1938 Marx Brothers) I must stop or I'll be here all night.
  11. BTW, HWAM - I thought you were talking about Casey Anthony. I didn't realize you meant physical appearance.
  12. Then there's this tidbit from the latest AJC update: 4:21 p.m.: Detective Thompson said he interviewed Andrea Sneiderman the day after the shooting and asked her questions about her family and its relationships. She told the investigation that he was "barking up the wrong tree." At one point in the conversation Thompson said Sneiderman offered that Neuman, her boss, was interested in her and had made an advancement toward her once, which she did not reciprocate. Sneiderman, however, told the investigator that she in no way believed that Neuman could have committed the crime. Way to th
  13. She also received a $2M ins payout after Rusty's death. I got confused on where they both were on the day of the shooting...they keep giving details about the office and home and visitors passes and badging in and driving the van, and I just got lost.
  14. Dr. also said she showed no emotion and asked for a child psychologist for the kids (they didn't provide one).
  15. Latest update in AJC has the head of the day care saying she thought it really weird that Andrea didn't have a tear in her eye when she showed up later in the day when she herself was bawling. In fairness, shock does strange things to a person. But you would think that a wife would at least muster up a tear or three.
  16. Yep - Newt (barring some unforeseen disaster).
  17. My question was sort of rhetorical, but your answer proves my point. A friend bought a new house built by them...absolute CRAP in several ways. I'm sorry. How these people sleep at night is beyond me.
  18. That hacks me off (on your behalf). Dang. Who builds a crap house like that?
  19. Blizzard was March 12-13, 1993. Yeah, I still think we're gonna get hit. :scared:
  20. You know, it's not often you see the prosecution and the defense aligned together against a witness. I think something's gonna come out about this chick yet. And don't forget the PI hired by Neuman's ex...
  21. That's why I said women (esp. in person) could see right through her. I can just see her lying next to Neuman in bed, pouting and fluttering her eyelids at him (who she already had feeling soooo sorry for and totally enthralled with her) and saying, "Oh, God, it's tearing my heart out not to be with you, but I could never leave...he'd take the kids and I just don't see any way out aside from him dying or something," as she innocently wiped away a tear. Maybe she didn't have a thing to do with it. But my money is on she did.
  22. "GO to Smith? She couldn't even spell it!" (White Christmas)
  23. GOOD HEAVENS. This chick is going to do herself in legally. What a complete DWEEB. I note in the latest AJC article that Sneiderman's family is now weighing in on her suspect behavior since Rusty's death.
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