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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. ......anything..........please.............. That race is shaping up like the Obama/McCain of '08.
  2. Regardless of what party you are from, that should bother you. The fact that you posted what you did only tells the world and yourself that you had rather be manipulated and told what to think instead of seeing truth for what it is.
  3. Now that's an eerie coincidence.................
  4. I am afraid you are right..............
  5. Does it not bother you that the MSM reports the TEA Partiers as hostile or violent demonstrators and yet not one single incident can be found, yet the demonstrators in AZ are physically assaulting the camera people and they are referred as "mostly peaceful". Does that not bother you?
  6. The news reported that 300 would be laid off. If that's true, I feel for them in this economy. I know it is going to be tough. Unfortunately, sign of the times. I'll have to find out about 2 of kin folk.
  7. Don't know all the details, but the radio reported that Paulding is laying off 300 teachers as part of the 22 million dollar cutbacks. Anyone heard this.............
  8. Thanks. The powers to be made me change it. I guess someone got offended. I figured one person got mad because I posted her picture from spring break.............
  9. I think we can rally like that here, too.
  10. One more Tom Murphy legacy out of the way. Thank God that idiot is gone. *from the capital
  11. Don't hold your breath. He jabs and runs.
  12. I would like to get the number of the person who did the lifting...................I think I could use the same thing.
  13. I'm sure there is about a "30%" chance she would.
  14. I'll wait until they find the "black box" or the "captains log". It is very interesting.
  15. Does the person at Subway get the same responses when they ask "White or Wheat"? I don't have 2 islands asigned Big Gov't and Big Business recruiting citizens. oh well...........
  16. I have told my wife to donate my organs after all attempts have failed. There is no need to clue anyone in on the possibility of harvesting my organs until that time comes. Folks are human and I don't want that judgment weighing in on any decision about life and death. So once the doc comes in an says, "We've tried everything" THEN she can grant permission. If it is too late for some organs, then so be it. At least that wasn't on the mind of those working on me.
  17. I think the avatar has a lot of truth to it. It appears to be more like reality than some want to abmit to.
  18. I don't know why it does that. It should appear as a woman with a fat butt.
  19. I have to agree with the dead thing. I guess the smell is next.
  20. Ok folks, so hypothetically speaking, Big Business or Big Gov't.
  21. Careful about that word "Normal". You might offend. BTW, that bag might have had some age on it.
  22. I'm with you Elwood. Those folks remind me of drivers who are trying to turn left in an intersection. They hesitate to pull into the middle, quickly turn the tires, change their mind, hit the brakes and then have 3 cars stuck in the way when the light turns red. Even in a "hypothetical" situation, a deer in the headlights is the best look you get from some.
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