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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. I'm guilty of throwing another older topic in the mix. What is one more to a group of 10 already? Kinda like adding another peanut to a barrel of them. Doesn't make a difference.
  2. So let me get this straight..........A, let say, community organizer could "denounce" his Islamic faith in order to protect the interests of Islam and it would be acceptable by the muslims? hmmmmmm, how interesting is that.
  3. The philosophy behind Islam is the enemy. The religion clearly states they HATE you. You are an infidel and should be destroyed according to the false prophet Muhammed. Sharia Law calls for the extermination of you and they will not quit until that happens. It has been going on since 580 AD. Their history proves it and your words contridict it. I will choose to believe them and not your personal opinion.
  4. No they're not. If they're turning over, it is because of the pacifist nature some "Americans" take toward the enemy. You are letting you're personal feelings get in the way of what reality and the truth represent.
  5. Reasons that some turn a blind eye to. Some will wake up too late. I intend to stand in "their" way and preserve America and her Constitution. Our enemy is using our own rights against us in the name of peace and some are fooled every step of the way. Wake up people. My link
  6. Your conclusion was not right. My response was in order of the tone of the post. Go back and look. Right before mine, there was the reference of STUPID. Nuff said. BTW, I hate racism. Our country wasn't built on any of the premises. I'm glad blacks don't have to drink from different fountains, and we all can go to school together. Also, I am from the North and migrated South. I hope this suits your fancy.
  7. You always go around and assess matters that make you look like the jerk you are? Is that how you do things? Does it make you feel good to elevate yourself in these matters when you can twist things around? That fatty tissue around that brain of yours appears to getting thick and clammy. If you view comments like mine as racist, then it is quite obvious that you are thinking in terms of color and look to discredit folks by using inflamatory terms like racist to make you seem superior. Just like a lib. You own it and move on, lib. Your party montra doesn't hold water. I would ask for yo
  8. Disgusting to me. Look at the millions of dollars they are costing the city of New York. If that were me in the street bowing to David Koresh, I'd be shot by Janet Reno personally and left to die in the street.
  9. I appreciate the clarity. I will talk this over with my friend too. He'll be making a decision for his son.
  10. Sorry to burst your bubble but your assessment is all wrong. I replied to comments directed on how stupid voters are for putting someone like Johnson and McKinney in office and so I posted another proof positive that the same "type" of voter resides elsewhere too. The comment "same type of voter" had nothing to do with color but with the stupidity of their vote. Seems like your politically corrected mind can't see past race everytime some says "you people" or similiar statements. So please don't put wrong ideas into a comment of mine where I never intended it.
  11. I am just wondering. I thought it was the 4th year but my friend was given a paper stating that PCHS is in its 3rd year. Now something is fishy. I know some federal guidelines are suppose to kick in with the administration but that depends upon the year.
  12. Remember, these same type of voters put Corrine Brown in office. Gotta watch........... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgbBP9Em00A
  13. A friend of mine just told me that it has only been 3 years for PCHS but I could swear that this year's failure has made it at least 4 years if not 5. Does someone know anything more than me? Is it possible for the county to manipulate scores from years past that would change it from 4 to 3? Just wondering..............
  14. so was "tomatoe". Is this Dan Quayle or just a morphed Yurjusjealous or Jughaid? The argumentative style seems to lean more toward juggles.
  15. You guys, I think this "person" is a plant on the board to generate traffic. I say we ignore his little rants and let him figure out who he is going to call when his anti social behavior gets him in trouble.
  16. Seems like some on here are taking this a litte to "personal". Lighten up a bit. Your not going to solve a doggone thing here in pcom land............
  17. Did they ever recover the black boxes from any of these planes?
  18. Seems like this guy was a little psycho. JMHO.
  19. I highly recommend a show I watched that rebuked many of your questions here. It satisfied me, anyway. I can't remember it but a good google search will find it. It is a made for tv show titled something like 9/11 myths rebuked. Remember, a good conspiracy is always more attractive than the boring old truth. Don't let your imagination make this bigger than what the facts presented make it. Those buildings weren't bombed or timed exploded.
  20. My only question about 9/11 was the flash right before the planes hit the buildings. I don't think they know exactly what the cause was. Some speculated it was static build up in the plane while others swear it was a missle striking the building just before impact. That is one question I haven't heard any finality on.
  21. Ray Sorenson from Iowa paints a rock at an entrance to a quarry every year. Graffiti dominated until Ray turned it into something of a landmark. The flag is painted on. Click on the links and look at all the pictures. Awesome. Freedom Rock Defense Dept recognition
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