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Everything posted by macarose

  1. I like the idea of alternating the pro and con questions. Great idea! As it relates to the Commissioners and the Airport Authority, I'm not 100% sure that all those individuals could attend the meeting and I don't believe in compelling anyone to do so. I believe it's also best to focus on the merits, issues and risks of the airport expansion plan, and not the "he said, she said" sides of these things which seldom have merit. This is a chance to move towards educating people and away from the personal attacks that dehumanize the other side.Forgive me if I seem a bit sensitive towards pers
  2. Both sides have offered a lot of sound information that would help Paulding citizens better understand the pros and cons of airport expansion. So with that in mind, I would like to offer the opportunity for a public hearing about the issue. The public hearing will take place outside the confines of the administration building. More than likely, it will take a place at a church in the Hiram/Dallas area so that everyone who would like to sit in can be accommodated. This will be the format... Each side will have the opportunity to provide a 15 minute presentation to the gener
  3. "Parents and schools have played a significant role in discouraging young people from entering trade and manufacturing sectors that not only provide well paying jobs but job security." When it comes to kids that grow up in the suburbs of major metropolitan areas, this is as spot on as it gets. There has been a long standing myth in our country, which started right around the early-80's, that manufacturing jobs will decline in the USA, while information and service based jobs would be the main drivers of our society's wealth. 30 years later, the United States is still among the largest
  4. I would be open to serving that role. This is an issue that requires a bit of threshing out. There are a long list of facts and insights that both sides can provide, and I believe an open forum would allow that opportunity. If there is serious interest, I am willing to take the first steps towards establishing an open and equitable debate for both sides.
  5. Why not just have a county-wide vote? Both side have good points. Although I will tell all of you that the level of misinformation on these discussions is far greater than what I would expect. I'll highlight a few points here. Since I now have about 30 minutes of my life to burn 1) The primary reason why Clayton County experienced a decline was their proximity to the south side of Atlanta. Henry County also experienced a smaller decline over the last 15 years and it had everything to do with developing residential properties that were affordable for those who no longer wanted to live
  6. of helping out our fellow... animals. My family has adopted two dogs from the local kill shelters and they have been the very best friends a young family can have. Read this folks. It's not meant to pull too hard on the heartstrings. Just a healthy reminder that the best help we can receive in life is often times the help we give to God's creatures... and I will even add cats to that category. All the best! "Steven, I regularly receive pleas for help saving dogs, from Janice, a friend in Elephant Butte, New Mexico, whose dog "Blue," became a national celebrity, after she saved
  7. Same here! All the best to you and yours.
  8. I may be tempted to load up on a $4.99 oil change or two (coupled with a $5 online Valvoline coupon and Pep Boys $9.99 deal.) The $97 deal for Wal-Mart's 32 inch LED TV is also pretty good. I have a special project going on that may make that and a cheap computer monitor a perfect fit. Otherwise, I find my best deals on Ebay. In fact, El Bay usually beats Craigslist on a daily basis by a huge margin.
  9. Let's see.... No MARTA. No panhandlers. No constant walking through the criminalized parts of Atlanta. It will even offer a possible straight shot from the Hiram bus depot, and I will never have to travel downtown. I may just buy season tickets!
  10. The folks here are confusing two separate events. Event 1: Customers buy massive amounts of merchandise INSIDE THE STORE thanks to a glitch in the government run EBT system. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57607332/ Event 2: Customers buy massive amounts of merchandise ONLINE thanks to a glitch in Walmart's website. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/11/07/wal-mart-glitch-prices/3464033/ Event 2 took place about three weeks after Event 1. They are separate events and neither one has anything to do with President Obama.
  11. It's also a myth. http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2010/12/blue-ops-the-clandestine-bailout-of-ford/ Blue Ops: The Clandestine Bailout Of Ford by Bertel Schmitt One of the many reasons for Ford’s surging market share are Americans who refuse to buy a car from a company that has been bailed-out with their tax dollars. In survey after survey after survey, Americans took issue with the bailouts. The backlash was so severe that one of the first measures Joel Ewanick implemented at GM was to get rid of GM. He replaced “General Motors” with “the parent company.” Smart move: You can be
  12. Yeah, I'm familiar with that formula. Seven good shirts for $1.99 each at Sears during their clearance. The only drawback is that you have to buy your summer wardrobe during the fall.
  13. I was there yesterday with my family. The prices on merchandise is still by and large uncompetitive with other discount chains in the area. We were there for a good 20 minutes and left with a pair of shoelaces. If that tells you anything.
  14. The United States now has well over 20,000 local, county, city, state, municipialities, parishes, and state governments. Think about that for a second... There are government bodies for townships with fewer than 500 people, and public administrations that now serve millions of people. How many of these governments go out of business? How many of these governments must compete with other similar entities to provide the services to the taxpayers within a given area? There has been an idea ruminating in my mind for years, and I'm sure that plenty of other folks here have give
  15. Most conservatives aren't conservative.... and most liberals aren't liberal. A conservative is someone who is frugal with their money and "traditional" in their belief systems. They believe in a small government. A general right to be left alone (which extends to foreign policy and private life), and a focus on personal responsibility. Although the last statement doesn't preclude them from acting charitably to others. Let me ask you. Where do these people exist? A liberal is someone who tends to believe that government can play an important role in protecting the public and nur
  16. the advice sounds angry and self-righteous. Perhaps teenagers wouldn't rebel so much if they weren't treated in such condescending ways. I'm all for responsibility... but it should always be encouraged with mutual respect, kindness and a firm set of expectations. The above comments were for the first posting. Icare, what subject do you teach?
  17. A few weeks ago, I was reading up on a study from Bankrate.com which labeled Georgia as having the highest cost of vehicle ownership in the entire United States. That conclusion seemed to be a bit unusual. I know the recent title tax was a de-facto tax increase for many of us. Then again, the registration renewal fees for those of us who keep our cars is relatively low compared with most other states. So naturally, I began to think about some of those states that already have a reputation for high I started thinking to myself... "What about California?" "What about New York or N
  18. One word for you... Freecycle... Also the St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store may just be worth a visit. If you call them ahead of time and tell them about your rebuilding stage, they may be able to give you a nice reason to smile and pay it forward. PM me if you need anything else. All the best.
  19. The best article I have read on Syria in a very long time. His insights on the effect climate change had on the course of events is particularly interesting. http://robertpaulwolff.blogspot.com/2013/08/syria.html
  20. There is no winning in Syria... just degrees of losing... The same goes for most of the Middle East. The countries that were established during the period of British and French rule were/are designed to keep the rival tribes and sects at each other's throats in order to make governance less challenging for the colonists of the time. This is why you wind up with amazingly strange divisions between Sunni and Shia sects within certain countries that were colonized (Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Syria, etc.) while the overwhelming majorities of Iran (Shia) and Saudi Arabia (Sunni) are the
  21. Congrats Pubby! Your site has made a fantastic difference in the lives of many, and even though I technically live in Cobb, I consider Paulding County more of a home thanks in large part to your work. All the best!
  22. I was there today and the week before. The folks out there are absolutely wonderful. They go out of their way to help you, say hi, and always do what they can to make the shopping experience a pleasurable one. With the possible exception of the Olive Tree, Kmart may offer the best overall customer experience in Hiram. The selection can be hit or miss. But going there reminds me of the good within small town stores.
  23. Pubby, I don't subscribe to any of the two major political parties. Anyone who puts equity into either one of them, or the glorified egos you hear on talk radio, doesn't understand how issues are addressed in the real world. I have no political axe to grind and as for bringing up Paulette Braddock, extreme examples rarely justify extremist opinions. The truth is that every city and county government in Georgia should have some type of referendum that is answerable to the people, and every school system should have the same apparatus. If they do their job well for their constituents, a
  24. Dr. Barge First 4 minutes... nice guy... usual soft stories.... he offers a friendly demeanor that is highly unusual given my past experiences with high school principals. Next 4 minutes... it's nice to have a man of his position recognize the importance of having the curriculum be interesting, meaningful and relevant. However we are talking about a state educational system that essentially has dead bone boring subject matter dating back multiple generations, and still believes that a year's worth of studying Georgia history would be interesting to a sane fourteen year old with a pul
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