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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. She's taking after her mama, getting an early start on her craft and art.

    As long as she's no longer egging my door, making corn feed angels in my living room, or writing on the bathroom mirror with ketchup and bbq sauce, I'm pretty darn happy. ^_^

  2. :shakeshead:


    Seriously, you're like a boy version of me when it comes to clumsiness and forgetfulness. I managed to not get hurt today (so far), but I DID move my car at lunch....and then walked ALLLLLL the way to where my car was before lunch when I got off of work. Just stood there staring for a minute like 'Umm...where in the heck did my car go?' :huh: :rolleyes: . Durh. It was all the way across campus.

  3. Here's what she looked like the day after (yesterday), before we iced it again:



    And today, it's pretty much back to normal size wise. It's alot more discolored than it looks in the pictures (gotta love flash :lol: ), but nothing big. She's been showing it off to everybody. :rolleyes: "See my eye? Baseball bat to the face!' with a serious nod and grin. :lol:





  4. I'd NEVER wear PJ's on an airplane. You'll never get upgraded to first class wearing jammies. Then again, I'm one of those strange people who actually get dressed up when I go out in public. Comfortable can still look good.


    ....so start out in first class and wear jammies anyway. ;) :D


    I never got dressed up when I went out - most of my jeans were holey and spaghetti strap tank tops filled my drawers. Then I started hanging out with folk that insisted I 'look decent'. :blush: 'Decent', of course, meaning anything but like the rocker or hippie chic I always dressed like. After awhile, it started to rub off on me. The past three family birthdays I've been asked why I'm 'so dressed up', simply because I had on slacks and a button up rather than jeans. I dress alot more businessy now than I did a year or so ago, and have on business casual clothes 99% of the time whether I'm at work or not...but I still have my hippie clothes and wear pj's on airplanes. ^_^

  5. I absolutely love AT&T. I've been with them/Cingular since 2000. Dxh has a CrackBlackberry, and I just got a Nokia 6085 a few weeks ago. The Nokia numbered models are pretty basic compared to other new phones, but I've been 99% satisfied with my choice so far. The only thing I've found that I didn't like is that I can take pictures (which wasn't something I had to have, but just happened to come with the phone), but I can't email them. I wouldn't mind not having a camera at all...but since I can, I would love to be able to do something with them. :rolleyes:

  6. Only time I have noticed it is at the airport...Fat men who mow their grass with no SHIRT on..Now that is what bothers me : X

    I've only flown a handful of times, but after the first flight (to the destination) I've worn pj's ever since. Flying commercial is absolute hell to me, so pj's make it a bit more comfortable. I spend almost the entire flight curled up in a little ball anyway. :blush:


    Well you also have lounge wear and maybe some people lounge at wal-mart.. :pardon: .. I have been guilty of running to the store in my slippers and my flannel pj pants...

    Flip flops and pj pants here. :blush: Almost all of my pj pants can also be 'athletic' pants, also, though. Most of them are the black 'sweat' capris. I just throw on a shirt and tennis shoes or flip flops.

  7. I knew before all of this was over Paulding would end up on the news...


    it was, and now this....


    all of this is so sad....and it really makes our county look so bad...


    I didn't hear the story on the radio, and had to leave before it showed on the news....what's the story? :huh:

  8. I LOOOOOOVVVVEEE Me some Kenny Wayne. Saw him years ago at Lakewood and he tried to "pick me up" but I was married. He started jammin after his dad took him to a Stevie Ray Vaughan show. Which is cool cuz Lil RaceGirl's middle name came from Stevie Ray!

    You do realize that Noah Hunt does all the vocals right? Or at least he did. After Kenny got out of rehab he was working with a vocal instructor so he could try it on his own. Looking forward to his next project.


    BTW, if you dig KWS, you should check out Jonny Lang or Derek Trucks


    I loooooove Kenny Wayne and Jonny Lang. I ran across Jonny Lang when I was all of 11 or 12 years old...of course he wasn't much older. I've been a huge fan ever since. ^_^

  9. awww HR looks so precious. She does look just like her mom. How sad is it LGM that I didn't even know that was you Saturday night until after I did the chacha slide with you and someone said saw you up there next to LGM. I was like WHAT, that was LGM!! Anyways, you need to let HR come play tball for me! I am coaching spring league and she would be fun to have on my team!


    That would be awesome - she's been wanting to play! Just a warning...she apparently chases the ball after she throws it. :ph34r: :pardon:


    Where do you coach? (You can PM me. ^_^ )

  10. Didn't notice them.


    I think the novelty already wore off, now I'm thinking I want a pineapple farm.

    Why pineapples? :huh: :pardon:

    Coconuts are MUCH better than pineapples. ;)


    nah. the cows stay down by the creek mostly. i'm too scared to go down there.


    chickens really stink, unless you just have the kind that run around in the yard.


    we have one rooster. im too slow to kick the crap outta him like i want to.


  11. Is she ready for her photoshoot? I hear black eyes and tutu's are all the rage this season! :D :lol:


    I'm glad she is ok, it could have been ALOT worse! This will just give you all tons of memories to laugh about. ;)

    :lol: :nea:

    No pictures for the next couple of weeks. :p


    Two things: I'm sorry she got hurt and I'm thrilled that she thinks it's cool.


    She is as beautiful as her mother. Your DH is very lucky that I don't like the ladies. Cause if I did, he'd have a fight on his hands. I've never seen such amazing bone structure on a woman. I'm glad you've passed it on.


    Oh and thing three: jlh is scaring the hell out of me that he immediately goes for a FoL reference. I feel like Glenda the Good Witch, "Come out, come out, wherever you are..."


    Yeah, it's 9:11am and I'm high on sinus medicine, so sue me.


    (Glad she's ok)

    :o :blush:

    Thanks, Mark. Huge compliment...and one I've never heard, actually. :blush: :wub:


    She definitely thinks it's cool, but she wasn't happy that it was so swollen this morning. First thing she said was 'Mama! I can't see!' with a :glare: face. She could follow my finger when she covered her eye, the swelling is just blocking her vision.


    :huh: Are you nesting or something? Sounds like you're looking to move on to two-legged critters.





    Heh - I'm sporting a black eye in my formal ballet portrait (taken at age five). Got it when I fell off the monkey bars at school. My mother tried to cover it with makeup, and she did a pretty good job, but you can still tell a little.


    Poor thing.



    thats my little clumsy granddaughter!!! i have never seen a girl go full throttle into stuff and fall all over herself like this one does...i dont know which grandma she is seeing sat. but all grandmas have "heart attacks" when their little ones get a BOO BOO. (she loves bandaids even if there is no boo boo...put one on it..ha.)

    Yup...kid runs right into walls and tables on a pretty regular basis. She refused a band-aid though - even the cool Nemo tattoo band-aids she insisted on getting. :rolleyes: I swear that kid goes through a box of band-aids in a month, drives me nuts.


    oh lgm- i sooo feel your pain! last week my middle child decided not to listen when i said STOP and was popped in the face with a bat.








    She's a cute kid, or maybe in my "old" age I'm starting to like kids. My brother has two daughters, they are adorable. I got to spend time with the one of them at my sister's wedding. It was fun, we (brother, sister-in-law, niece, myself) went to the beach and I spent a couple of hours playing with her. Made sand castles, which she kept knocking down, let her pour wet sand all over me, caught her fiddler crabs to play with. The second niece wasn't born then.


    Oh, lord... I'm starting to like kids.

    :o :lol: :p


    Not the worst thing that could happen. ;)

  12. Awww!!!! Bless that baby's heart! ♥ *BIG HUGS* Praying she's all better SOON!♥ She is precious! Makes me wanna cry cause of her sweet eye being hurt!!

    I'm praying it's better by Saturday...when we see grandma. :o :unsure: :lol: Grandma's gonna have a heart attack. :rolleyes:


    OH NO!!!

    I know, right?


    Ouch. That's rough. Is she still proud of it? Or did the novelty wear off? Still, I feel bad for her she's such an adorable kid.

    Oh no...she's still proud. She wasn't, until I dropped her off at school and she told everybody 'Look! I's gots a shiner!'. :rolleyes: :lol:

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