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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. If I could only come up with something to do with the left over ice after the drink is all gone. :pardon:

    Ice is only good for creative things. Not for drinks. ;)


    SBE and I love some DP on ice and Pibb too.


    You can keep it. ;)

    I'll stick to sweet tea. :p

  2. I need a both. :lol:


    Dr.Pepper is a little on the harsh side. Mr.Pibb/Pibbxtra is a little smoother. It all depends on what kind of mood I'm in.


    Dr.Pepper on ice sure is nice. ;)


    WTF is WRONG with you people?!? Dr. Pepper and ice in one cup? :bad:

    Ice is the debil.



    Dxh used to joke that they made a drink just for me...literally everything I hate about soda in one bottle - Cherry Vanilla Diet Dr. Pepper. :bad: :bad: :bad:

  3. furniture comes with no guarantee of shrimp.



    but should be delivered today.


    unless the world ends.



    or i find a deal on shrimp.



    ....but I want shrimp. :(

    What's that you said yesterday about my cake? I want my cake. :p

  4. How about this...you have a PLAN to do something and your friends find out and want to come along. OK, fine. But somehow in the mix, they end up changing YOUR plans and you end up doing something totally different than you wanted to do...Whats up with that?

    Actually....that's sort of how I wound up in the position of making a decision in the first place. I had plans, they changed my plans, after awhile I stopped and went 'Whoa...wait a second'....and then I had a decision to make. Then the story in the OP happened. -_-

  5. :( :cray: :(

    I know :cray:

    But on the bright side, I get to spend time with HR. I've been swimming in so much tulle I have to dig to find her sometimes. :unsure: It'll be good to curl up on the couch with her....it's been months.


    literally...... :lol:


    I've never had that problem. ;) :p

  6. Do we need to start the evening with a kidnapping? :aggressive:

    Not unless you're going to kidnap mini-me too, while yer at it. :pardon: I'm 99% sure that I'm going to wind up with her Saturday night.


    :huh: :huh:


    I didn't see anything... Must be your imagination... -_-


    :lol: :lol: :p

    :nea: :p


    There are friends, and then there are people with whom you spend time. ;)

    I trying to remember that 'There are people who come into your life and stay, and there are people that come in, make an impression, and quickly leave' quote because I'm 99% sure it's going to apply here, but I can't remember it. :rolleyes:

  7. I hate when stuff like that happens! ugh!


    If it makes you feel any better, I say this at least once a day :pardon:


    Good to know somebody understands! :lol: :p

    Really though...there was somebody standing infront of me waiting on me to make a decision, and just a minute after I made the decision I changed my mind, looked up, and voila! They were gone. It just figures. Things never work out in my favor. :nea: :pardon:

  8. What friends? :huh: :lol: :lol:


    J/K :p



    How ya doing LGM?

    :lol: :p

    I have friends.


    :huh: So, uh...you come up with any ideas for this weekend? :unsure:


    SEEEEE! HP, I told you I have friends! :p


    I haven't come up with any ideas, and I'm pretty sure that I'm grounded for the evening anyway. <_< :(

  9. Yeah, but it was the middle of January so no wonder all there was left was the convertible! :p



    It was JULY, not January. :lol: It really was pointless, though. We drove from the airport (and Mall of America), straight out to the middle of nowhere. The roads were dirt/gravel/dusty and a convertible was a BAD idea.

  10. So....lets say that you want to go to Atlanta. Downtown Atlanta. (This is all completely hypothetical, by the way). You have the option to go with friends, or go alone...either way has its pros and cons, but you can't seem to make up your mind. Then, after a long day of thinking, you make up your mind, and right as you're about to say something...you look around and your friends are already gone. There you are, with your keys in your hand staring around a half empty parking lot going 'What just happened, exactly?' :unsure:



    Not quite what happened, but yeah.

    OH! I also learned today that Costco hotdogs are the debil. Seriously. :mellow:

  11. I wish, when my SUV got hit by a semi the rental I was given (after having to argue to get it) was a itsy bitsy teeny thing that could almost fit inside the cargo area of the SUV.


    :huh: Fer real? Every time I wind up with a rental it's some nifty new SUV or truck. In Minnesota, we wound up with a convertible when we picked up the rental at the airport...it was all they had left. :rolleyes:

  12. O.C.G.A. § 16-11-38




    Copyright 2008 by The State of Georgia

    All rights reserved.


    *** Current through the 2008 Regular Session ***






    O.C.G.A. § 16-11-38 (2008)


    § 16-11-38. Wearing mask, hood, or device which conceals identity of wearer



    (a) A person is guilty of a misdemeanor when he wears a mask, hood, or device by which any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer and is upon any public way or public property or upon the private property of another without the written permission of the owner or occupier of the property to do so.


    ( B) This Code section shall not apply to:


    (1) A person wearing a traditional holiday costume on the occasion of the holiday;


    (2) A person lawfully engaged in trade and employment or in a sporting activity where a mask is worn for the purpose of ensuring the physical safety of the wearer, or because of the nature of the occupation, trade, or profession, or sporting activity;


    (3) A person using a mask in a theatrical production including use in Mardi gras celebrations and masquerade balls; or


    (4) A person wearing a gas mask prescribed in emergency management drills and exercises or emergencies.


    HISTORY: Ga. L. 1951, p. 9, §§ 3, 7; Code 1933, § 26-2913, enacted by Ga. L. 1968, p. 1249, § 1.

    Thank you!!! :D :wub:

  13. slightly off the subject a little but same point on it being abused. I was checking out at ingles one day and the lady in front of me payed with WIC, OK no biggie until we get to the parking lot and I'm climbing in my little pontiac as she is hoping up into her brand new cadilac escalade. ( that is abuse of the system)

    Unless, of course, the car wasn't hers. It could be her parents car. Or she could have won it. Or it could have been donated. Or she could have been in an accident and that's her rental (Lord knows we all take the nice cars when we get rentals :D ).

    It could be abuse....it could also be any number of other things.

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