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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. I don't know if it is... it could be the wrong answer, in the dream it just seemed like the easy and simple answer. And most... well what I've been trying to answer isn't. It's something I haven't able to come up to the 'right' answer yet, beacause every way I think I can answer has a possible bad outcome to it.

    Well durh. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Every positive has a negative. ^_^

  2. has the fabric ever been washed before?


    washing in cold water really seems to help with keeping colors from bleeding. but sometimes, if the fabric has never been washed, it'll bleed anyway.

    you said it's soft, so I'm inclined to believe it was prewashed before being assembled.




    wash it in cold, on the gentle cycle. if the colors bleed it'll be ugly, but will still be soft. better than smelling of spoiled milk.

    I dunno - I bought it used. :unsure: I hand washed it when I first got it (in the bathtub), just so I didn't feel icky using somebody else's blanket...but I can't imagine that getting pink milk out of it.


    don't freak out.


    you can wash it in the dishwasher, top rack, with no detergent.


    it ain't gonna wring it dry for ya though.


    That's a good idea, actually.


    And of course I'm freaking out...I love my quilts. :cray:

  3. How old is the quilt? Depending on how it is the dyes could come out if you wash it the "wrong" detergent.


    Best thing to do is put it the washer with water, since it just happened the stain may not have had time to set. Mix the quilt around by hand, and run it on the spin cycle to get the water out. If the stain comes out, then give another gentle wash with Woolite by doing the same thing, then once more to rinse out the Woolite.



    I don't have any Woolite.


    I'm thinkin it's between 30 and 40 years old. Lady said her mom quilted alot in the late 60's to late 70's...which explains the colors and pattern of the quilt (also explains why I love it so much). HR told me to wash it in the bathtub. :rolleyes: :lol:

  4. I suppose I'll spend the majority of the day plugging my ears.

    DH is gone to Home Depot to get a new leaf blower. Gas powered please....nothing worse than getting tangled up in the cord and falling down into a pile of still wet leaves in full view of everyone driving up East Paulding Drive. The children were smart and didn't come home last night, so they get to avoid yard work today.

    And of course, since the blower will be new, I'll not get dibs on operating it. DH will blow the leaves hither thither and yon, and I'll get to run around with a rake and a tarp and try to somehow manage to get the leaves into the back yard and on the burn pile. Where they will sit for a week cause they're too wet to burn. And between the time of them drying and us getting around to burning, they will blow to the four corners of the yard again.


    Can't think of a better way to spend the day......and then repeat it again next weekend!!!




    I am crocheting and cleaning, spending time with the kiddo, and GOING TO SEE TRANS SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA TONIGHT! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

  5. My all-time favorite quilt is a vintage quilt I bought at a yard sale over the summer. The top is brown, red, and tan and the back is cream colored. It's the softest most wonderful blanket ever...and the kid just spilled strawberry (pink) milk all over the back of it.


    How do I clean it without messing it up? I'm worried about the colors bleeding, but I want to get the pink out too. :unsure:

  6. I never like traditional potato salad, so I use the red skinned (new) potatoes and leave the skin on. I just use a small amount of mayo, and the rest I use ranch dressing, a little onion, salt and pepper, it is really good!





    That sounds yummy!

    That's sounds just like my mom's recipe. Atleast I think it does...I've never actually seen the recipe but I know what it tastes like. :pardon:

  7. I know right...I have not a clue on that one either.....


    I'm thinking about just wingin' it and seeing what I come up with. That's what they get for making me make food rather than just bringing drinks and supplies. :ph34r: :lol:


    Sometimes I'll get into a food kick where I absolutely love to cook, and I'll cook all sort of stuff. 99% of the time, though, I don't. My mom's a cook, and I was always poked with a spatula and told to 'get out of her kitchen'...so I didn't learn how to cook much. I just taught myself here and there over the years and occasionally called my grandmother with 'How long does it take baked potatoes to bake?' questions. :blush:

  8. That good to hear, you do need break from the craziness.


    I'm feeling ok for the most part, I've just been going over a lot of things today. Actually for the past couple of weeks. It just seems like whenever I think one thing, it's not like I thought it was. At the back of my mond I've thought maybe a change of scenery for a while could help.

    I'm having alot of that here lately too. ^_^

  9. Yay! Hey, wanna meetup and ride together? ;)

    Sounds fantastic!!! :D ;)


    The remaining tickets cost $20 ~ $50, plus fees.


    Right now you can purchase two $20 tix, add on a $5 per ticket convenience charge and a $3.60 order processing charge, and enjoy the show for only $53.60 sitting in the grey area on the seating chart. (the two tickets I just pulled up were in section 211)





    I'll be at the front of section 5 :)

    :o :D

  10. So I've been trying for weeks to decide what I want to do with my hair - way overdue for a cut. I walked in still sort of undecided, but with pictures of longer cuts in my hand...and walked out with an AMAZING short cut. I love it!


    If you need a cut, go check out Ansley. :D


    Last night:











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