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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. The child shouldn't have been "allowed" to cry?? :wacko: So when you really want something and it doesn't work out, you are NEVER disappointed? Kids cry. If you don't like it, stay home. The idea that a parent should take their child out of the store when she gets mad is absolutely absurd. I'm not going to teach my child that when she becomes bored at the store, all she needs to do is pitch a fit and I'll go running outside with her. She has to learn how to behave in situations that aren't always exciting for her. If your reasoning behind taking the child outside was for the other shoppers sake, then again I say stay home. ;)

    I thought the same thing. ^_^ Children shouldn't have to stifle their emotions based on public perception of them...however they should have to control their actions. I have no problem with a child being sad or crying...or even angry, as long as they're sad, crying, or being angry in a respectable manner.


    Dxh just fussed at HR last night for crying and after she went to bed we 'had a talk'. She wasn't yelling, wasn't throwing a fit, wasn't being disrespectful...she was simply sitting on her bed quietly crying. She was upset and she has the right to be upset.

  2. And, I wonder why he's sarcastic. :rolleyes: :pardon:

    I did something today that HR apparently didn't approve of. She whipped around, put her hand on her hip, tapped her foot on the ground, looked out the top of her eyes and just stared at me. I just went :o , and thought 'Oh Gawd...she's a mini-me'. :unsure:


    This made me lmfao! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


    Me too, but I know better than to correct a teacher. :ph34r: :lol:

  3. My sister bruises really easy, you barely have to even give her a tap and she bruises. So when we were kids my brother and I would give her bruises on her legs all the time. It was so easy for her to bruise that her teachers reported her on the fear that she was being abused at home.

    I've had to sit quiet at the ER and listen to the Dr's 'interrogate' my kiddo before. Twas hilarious, because her speech delay/impediment was really bad and she was still doing the half English/half Spanish thing. :lol: :rolleyes:

    She was covered in bruises in different stages of healing and her eyebrow was split open so I can't say that I blame them. I had her Dr. call the ER and explain that she's always covered in bruises because she has an insane pain tolerance and doesn't 'know her limits' because she can't feel the consequences. She wound up with a new buddy in that doctor. :lol:

  4. If you'll pick up some arnica gel from the Herb & Vit Depot (I assume it's still open) over by Target (or any other larger health food store), and start applying it -- it'll go away very quickly. Just be careful with applying it close to the eye.


    She'd rub it right into her eye. I haven't put anything on it, simply because that's exactly what she'll do. :D

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