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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Poor little thing, she looks so upset. She's definitely swollen, but the bruising doesn't look too bad, at least in the pictures.

    Those were taken last night right when I signed off...the bruising wasn't horrible this morning, but her eye was almost swollen shut. She definitely has a black eye though. ^_^

  2. Update: The kiddo couldn't sleep last night. :( I have pics from the middle of the night and then pics from this morning. This morning it was almost swollen shut so I iced it as soon as she got up - it's multi-colored too. Poor kid!


    HR's face in the middle of the night when she couldn't sleep:






  3. Poor thing. About the only thing I can think of to do for her is maybe an ice pack to help numb it some, and if she can take a Children's version of something to reduce swelling and pain. I wouldn't put anything else on it, being a kid she could rub the bruised area and then get it her eye(s). Another idea, place a small pillow in the freezer until it chills (or one of those heatable pillows you made) and then have her lay on it with the bruised part on the pillow after the ice pack. That way she can fall asleep and not get her face too cold from an ice pack.


    I'm going to stick a pillow in the freezer, then I'm going to try to get her back to bed. ^_^

  4. I am not a morning person. I'm lucky I can remember how to put on a pair of shoes at that time. That early you'd end up with a granny knot, not a french braid. :unsure:

    She's officially awake, says she can't sleep and her face hurts. :( Poor kid. It's swelling and turning black. :rolleyes:

  5. Here's another reason to hand in the man card..... I can do a french braid.... at least up to a couple years ago. :blink:

    Where are you when I need you at 6:30 am when I'm arguing with my 4 year old about her hair. :lol:


    I don't believe I would have admited that. Someone might quote it and save it for all time in PCOM land. :lol:


  6. Can't you braid a pony tail, or is that a french braid? Do they get bows?

    I can braid a pony tail...it's french braiding I have an issue with. You can put bows in either, I guess. I've never tried because I can't french braid. :pardon:



    OUCH! Poor baby, that looks like it hurt! hope all is well and she heals up quickly :)




    :D Had to do it, You don't even want to know about my night. :o

    :lol: :unsure:


    .....::hugs::? :huh:

  7. But you can make all those adorable bows? :lol:

    Bows don't go in braids, silly...they go in pigtails and ponytails. Even I can do those! :p


    I know she was at daycare but she was playin ;)

    That, she was. As long as she's not screeching in pain, I'm good. Every once in awhile she'll hold her hand to her face, laugh, and go 'ouch!' - almost like she forgot it was there. You have to remember though, the kid's pain tolerance is so high she didn't even notice when she dislocated her shoulder...or split her eyebrow open falling on a chair corner, and she's never so much as flinched when getting a shot or having blood drawn. One tough cookie. :wub:


    Ack! Poor baby - that's gonna be a beauty tomorrow!

    I know...I'm so scared. :unsure: If I wanted to cuddle her to death now, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get *anything* done tomorrow becaues I'm going to love on her so much. :wub:


    I figured she could take a beating when I saw her playing on a football team with all boys...


    I've wondered why you refer to her as HR. I got DD and DH figured out and even found this page, but HR still puzzles me...


    HR = HellRaiser ;)

  8. Awww...bless her little heart. She kind of looks proud of her first black eye though. ;)


    Glad she's OK and her hair is adorable. :wub:

    Thanks! Her teacher braids her hair in different ways all of the time. HR gets super frustrated with me because I can't braid. Well I can, but not like that. :blush: When I fix her hair in the morning she goes and looks in the mirror, then just rolls her eyes and says 'Miss Crystal will fix it'. <_< :lol:





    The bat always wins.Sports and kids just don't mix.EJ was 4 and I was pitching to him and threw the ball inside and needless to say he lost his thumb nail.Black eyes just happen in ball.She is tough and will take it ;)

    I know black eyes happen in ball. She's not in ball. She was in daycare. ;)


    I walked in and read 'hit with a bat' on the accident report and went 'At SCHOOL!?!?' :blink:

  9. I can't believe how much she's grown. Tough girl too- proud of her shiner. You won't have to worry about any guys trying to take advantage of her- she'll be like the chick in the commercial TBAR posted on here a day or so ago.

    Yeeeah, she's a toughie. Sometimes I wish she wasn't so much, though. She's going to be able to kick my arse here soon. :blush: :unsure:

  10. She's got braids and a shiner.

    :lol: <_< :p


    It doesn't look that bad--at least in the picture. It'll get worse though before it gets better.

    It's alot more swollen than it looks in the picture, but other than that, it's ok. I'm waiting on the actual black eye tomorrow. :unsure:


    Awe! She took one for the team :( :wub:


    Not really...it happened at daycare. -_-

  11. Poor thing. That's so terrible, hopefully she won't do that again. Still, she seems almost proud of it in some of the pics.

    Yeeeeah, she came running to me as soon as I walked in the door and said 'Look mama, my FACE!' with a big grin. It's really, really close to her eye though so I called my one of our best/paramedic friends, send him a pic and said 'Lemme know whatcha think'. Kid worries me sometimes. :unsure: :lol: :blush:


    Maybe it's just me - but she looks awful proud of that shiner!! LOL! :lol:


    I know! :blush: She's such a trooper. :wub:

  12. My little athlete apparently doesn't quite understand something. When you throw the ball, you have to wait for the batter to hit the ball before you chase it. :rolleyes: Seriously. Came home from school lookin' like this....hey! On the bright side, her teacher did her hair again. :pardon:










  13. HR used to be like that...then I got fed up. Now I make dinner, and I let her help me pick an item or two most of the time. Sometimes she's too busy coloring or working on puzzles. Either way, I put the plate on the table and if she doesn't eat it then she just does without. Sounds harsh....but she's arguing less and less now. ;) She went from a kid who only wanted PBj and chocolate milk for dinner to a kid who now eats all of her veggies along with her main entree because she knows mama isn't going to fix her something later when she starts whining that she's hungry.


    If it's something I know she *really* doesn't like, the I don't force it. Two bites, and she can move on to the next item. I always try again though. After a few months of this, though, there's really very little she refuses to eat. Lima beans...she and her dad both hate lima beans. :pardon:




    Simply inform the child that he doesn't have to eat, but save his food and heat it up when he is hungry. the catch? when he's hungry, the only thing he can have is what is on his plate. AND he can have NOTHING ELSE untill the plate is clean. He'll give in.



    Yup! That's what I do.


    I do understand, though, that every parent and child are different. What works with me and mine might not neccesarily work with someone else and theirs. ^_^

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