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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. I know what you mean. On Kennesaw Due West the sun beams right in my eyes when I'm driving. I wear sunglasses and have the visor down....it makes no difference...can't see a thing. If something were to be in the road in those blinding areas, I would hit it. It scares me to death.


    Then at night, there are teenagers that walk up and down McClung. We travel that road at least 3, and sometimes more, nights a week. These kids really need to be staying inside their subdivisions or yards. They are either going to get killed, or cause someone else to get killed from trying to dodge them.



  2. LGM's perfect hot chocolate:


    1.Drive to Barnes and Noble.

    2.Go to the Cafe.

    3. Order a 'Godiva Hot Chocolate, whipped cream, 120'

    4. Drink, melt, and drink some more.



    Seriously...I've tried and tried to recreate it, and I can't do it even with the Godiva mix. I used to work there, KNOW how to make it, and can't do it unless I'm behind the counter in the cafe. :pardon:

  3. It's been bothering me as well. Especially since the wreck week before last that took a mother and her son........and then the motorcycle wreck, he was pushing his bike and a woman came up behind him.....how does that happen? And the one before that, and the one before that.


    I don't know what is going on, except maybe what Rio said, people just don't care anymore.


    Way too many for this county.

    It's easier than you think, actually. Every single day I pass the same man walking down the same road. With the time of day I'm going down the road, the sun is glaring off of the pavement AND my windshield. I can see the white/yellow lines and pavement just fine, but I can NEVER see him when he doesn't have his shirt on. He just blends right into the golden/yellow sunlight. I've almost hit him more than once, and he always turns and curses at me. He's always in different parts of the road (within a few miles), always shirtless, always walking on the edge of the road rather than in the grass


    I've started driving 35mph on that road JUST because I know he's goingto be there, somewhere. :unsure:

  4. I got out from under my rock and arrived after 10:30. I walked in and didn't recognize anybody but lilgallowsmama so I walked up to her, said hi, and had her point out everybody to me. I enjoyed meeting several Pcommers and seeing a few that I had met a month ago at CP Kings.


    I guess I need to be more active, because there were several Pcommers there that I had never heard of before. Or, maybe y'all have changed your name. I figured out last month who several Pcommers are who had changed their names...


    It was fun watching katjaumal sing with Robin Hood behind her. :)





    I really liked the Gene Simmons Brandon Lee from "The Crow" costume! LGM looks sexy (where are the photos of the boy shorts?)




    This photo is awesome!

    It was great to see you, NR! :D :wub:


    Those photos are elsewhere. Not puttin' em on p.com. :nea: :p

  5. Yeah, my X prefers longer hair, too. I think it's a man thing b/c THEY don't have to deal with it. :glare: I LOVE how quick and easy it is. ^_^



    :o You'll have to tell me who's showing the pics so I can murderlate them. :aggressive: I *hope* they only showed you b/c you're you. :wub:



    Thanks! :friends:



    You told me 'somewhere' was ok....so I put them 'somewhere'. :unsure:

  6. Eh, I'm not all that worried. I heat food in plastic containers in the microwave, too. Not often, but I do.


    When I've made "ziplock" omelets, first, I don't use Ziplock--I use dollar store baggies. Second, you don't actually "boil" them. They are submerged in hot water and cook for about 13 minutes, until the eggs are set.

    Do they cook all the way through, because the youtube definitely doesn't look like they do. :unsure:

  7. Pour about a cup of Febreeze in the wash. Not cheap, but much cheaper than a new comforter.


    That's a pretty good idea too.

    The kid has three comforters though...and this one is one of my 'retired' comforters, so I can toss it if I need to. I'd just rather not, it's the more comfortable/warm of the three.


    We have an abundance of three things in this house - blankets, books, and craft stuff. :blush:

  8. :lol: Thanks for that laugh, downyball should only open or work when it goes into the first spin cycle.


    Don't feel bad, I learned that one from experience. I just give the clothes a run with detergent with baking soda and use oxyclean with it.


    I didn't make it in time...Downy Ball had already opened. <_< :rolleyes:


    Guess I'll just cross my fingers. :pardon:

  9. My kids say that I now have "Reba hair" without it being fully red. :unsure:



    There are a couple of pics floating around from the party last night, but everyone has been appropriately threatened with their lives not to post them. :aggressive: :pardon: BTW, the hair was a big hit last night. :D



    I looooooooove the new hair! I want that cut so bad it's ridiculous, I'm just afraid of the result with having such naturally curly hair. :blush:


    I showed it to Dxh and he gave me the look of death - he's not a happy camper if my hair isn't really long. :closedeyes:

  10. Only when mixed together directly, when mixed in water and diluted it makes a mild acid, very low. Enough to kill bacteria but not to ruin the fabric. If you are going to use the fabric softener wash the comforter then wait to make sure the smell is gone. The softener can make the smell stay if it doesn't get washed out. Softener coats fabric with a a thin layer of polymers\chemicals. That makes the fabric feel soft, like when you rub your finger on a teflon coated pan. So it can seal in the smell.


    Oops. :unsure:



  11. Tell him to shower :unknw:



    He's not even here - it's the comforter that stinks.


    Thanks for the advice, everybody! I don't have any baking soda, but I used detergent, extra fabric softener, and vinegar.


    Doesn't vinegar and baking soda mixed have a pretty harsh reaction anyway? I'm thinking about elementary school volcano science projects for some reason. :unsure: :lol:

  12. So......HR's comforter was in need of a wash. Apparently, Dxh decided to toss it in the washing machine Friday, early afternoon. He forgot about it, I didn't know about it..just went to do laundry and went :bad:.


    How do I get the smell out? It's stinking up my whole laundry room/kitchen area. <_<

  13. LGM,


    I never pictured you as one who is interested in El Toro Poo-Poo, enough to indulge yourself much.


    What is it that is fun about it? Is it because there are bigger piles of El Toro Poo-Poo in some post than there are others? :unsure:


    Ah, no...the El Toro Poo-Poo isn't any fun. :nea:

    I just meant that some of the posts have validity...some posts are simply there for fun, but a good many of them are just BS. ^_^

  14. I have a pic of that and you even posed for it. When KRD and I were looking at them- he had to turn away... kinda like looking a Kat.


    I had a fabulous time with ya'll people last night!!! I do believe I shall be napping quite a bit today.


    LPPT- check your pm box...


    Like I said....all she had to do was ask. :pardon: :lol: :p

    She wound up getting a posed one later, too. :ph34r:

  15. I saw that and snickered the whole time! I guess I should have rescued ya instead! :lol:

    :o :o


    Somebody else told me as they were leaving. It was sort of a 'Just a warning, but **** squatted down and got a picture when you were up there'. :rolleyes:


    All she had to do was ask. :pardon: Coconut Rum is just good like that, apparently. :ph34r: :blush:

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