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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. My sister spent Saturday with HR. I didn't think anything about it, until we saw my sister again last night. Sister says 'Hey! Watch this! Nevaeh, what color is your shirt?'. HR responds 'RED!!!!'....her shirt was green. Then she points to something red and says 'What color is this?', and HR responds 'GREEN!!!'. :blink: Seriously? She's been swearing since I was pregnant that she was going to teach my kid red is green and green is red, but I never thought she'd actually do it. We've worked SO hard to get all of her colors down pat, and now they've been messed up simply to amuse a teenager. :rolleyes: <_<

  2. Haha, I'm not concerned about him keeping or losing his job, why was he not carted off and held in drunk tank is my question! :lol:



    'Normal' folks can get a DUI, go to jail, be out within 24 hours and go back to normal life until their court date.


    LEO's can lose their job. Their career. Their entire lifeline.


    Which do you think was more 'punishment' - overnight in the drunk tank, or losing your career? :rolleyes:

  3. How do you water a crab? They live in water....


    We had a saltwater tank for couple years with 2 hermit crabs, we got excited when they switched shells.




    You change the water, sort of like how you change the dogs water.


    They like to be misted too, but you have to watch it and not overmist.

  4. He went into his coconut hut a few weeks ago, and burrowed into the sand.


    I knew he was molting because I've seen them do it before. I knew just to wait and watch. But when I saw him last night, he was wearing a shell--a different one than he went into molt wearing.


    As far as being easy to raise--I'd have to say yes and no. I started with three and am down to one--but I've had the one for well over a year, and I had the other two for quite some time as well. But...easy?


    If the humidity isn't maintained in their crabitat, they will suffocate. Their water must be fresh every day, as well as their food. Ideally they will have both salt water AND fresh water. I keep a "pool" in the center of the tank that I add aquarium salt to, and I have a smaller dish in the corner for his fresh water.


    And it's hard to figure out what they want to eat--they aren't actually picky--they're scavengers, but the food they sell commercially for Hermit Crabs doesn't excite mine AT ALL. I've learned over time what to feed him. He often gets some little tidbit from our own dinner. He loves butterbeans, grilled chicken, pork, and grapes cut in half. Last night when he came out of his molt, he got a little wet cat food. Did THAT ever make him HAPPY!!!


    I cannot imagine raising him to be the size of my fist, but that would be SO COOL!!


    But just know if you want to get some--they are RELATIVELY easy to care for, but if it's not done properly, they will die. I bought a thermometer/hydrometer at the pet store when I set up my tank so I could make sure I was keeping the temp and humidity at a healthy level. I don't think it's great for them just to be tossed into a fishbowl with rocks at the bottom and fed and watered every few days. Not saying that's what anyone here would do, but unfortunately, it happens all the time. :(


    Yup. It's not hard work, but it does take a tad bit of research. ^_^

  5. Who do you people think you are? Raising your kids with logic and reasoning. You're supposed to yell at them and beat them half to death. That's the proper way to discipline children.




    Good for you. If my parents had gone to LGM School of Parenting I would be a lot better off. It took me until my early 20's to learn what you've already taught HR. You deserve an award.

    :lol: :wub:


    HMMM, you have to admit , she was paying attention, at the same time , wonder who she takes after. :D



    Not me! :ph34r:


    :lol: :rofl:


    That is so funny, she's smart and has wit to boot.

    :D Just like her mama. :ph34r:


    Wow! That sounds like something Mine would do!


    We should get our girls together and see what kind of crazy stuff happens!!!!!! :lol:


    Oh Lord :o :lol:

  6. How sweet!


    Are you keeping the stories in a book for her? It would be neat to share them with her when she gets older.....

    I kept a journal for the first two years, then missed the second two years when I started working regularly again. I'm starting back though...some of this stuff is just too cute to not keep record of. :lol:

  7. :lol:


    When Emily was little we took pictures of her with a happy face, a sad face, a mad face, etc and we compiled it into a feelings book. Every time she had trouble expressing her emotion; we grabbed the book, picked out how she was feeling and talked about it ... the book was awesome!

    I think we're going to make one of those. ^_^


    i am sure you remember "the curse" someone put on you when you were a teen? "i hope you grow up and have ten kids just like you!!!" then took it back and decided no one deserved the be tortured like that? well....guess was too late on the "take back" huh? keeps ya on your toes though to say the very least. she IS the debil!!! what are you people talking about she is GONNA BE the debil? have you met this kid? ha. (spoken with true love of the meanness that oozes out of her very pores)

    I'm blaming it all on you and that 'curse'. -_- ^_^









    Well, at least you know she is absorbing the lesson! :lol:

    No joke! :lol:

  8. :lol: That kid is going to be the debel when she is older. She is too smart for her own good.


    I was very proud of her for telling me how she feels rather than just acting them out like a heathen. I was even more proud of the fact that 'You have a right to your feelings' was said almost sincerely, rather than with attitude. Her little face softened, like she was reminding me that feelings are okay. :rolleyes: :lol:


    Yer right though...I'm gonna have my hands full. :wacko:


    That is HILARIOUS! I love it! I've taught mine a lot of the same lessons over the years (he's 8 now) and it does pay off in the end, but it's always fun along the way to see how they interpret it, or apply it to others. Good job!

    Oh, you have no idea how rewarding it was. This morning was the first morning in a loooong time that I didn't wind up carrying a screaming kid out to the car, and the first morning in two weeks that she didn't pitch a fit when she got to school.


    Amazing what a little talking and discussion can do. ^_^ :wub:

  9. HR and I have been working on her 'feelings'. For about the past two weeks, when she goes to throw a fit or gets that look on her face, I set her up on the counter and say something along the lines of 'I know you're mad/sad/hurt, and you have a right to feel mad/sad/hurt, but lets find another way to get that out'...and then we go do something like scream into a pillow until we giggle or scribble on paper.


    Anyway, this morning I go to put her uniform on her and she took one sleepy look at her hunter green polo shirt and said 'Mama...'at's ugly as sin.' :huh: I said 'Ok...but you still have to wear it'. I put her long sleeved shirt on her, put the polo on over it, and as I pull it over her head she's giving me a very serious straight face. The following conversation happened:

    Me: 'What, babe?'

    Her: 'I don't like you right now.'

    Me: 'Baby, that's not very nice...you hurt mama's feelings.'

    Her: 'You have a right to your feelings.'


    :o :lol: :rofl:


    Talk about a backfire. We did have a talk on the way to school about being aware of other people's feelings, but it took everything in me to keep a straight face initially. :rolleyes:

  10. As a mental health professional, my 'bad day' could really screw someone up! If I am in a bad mood, I put on my mask and go about my day. Of course, if I'm just having an off day, I will be honest and tell my clients that I am not all together at the moment. Seeing that other people have off days and keep functioning can also be inspiring to those who just can't get over the hump.


    Imagine going to your therapist and them being rude and obnoxious to you. Uh Oh! I may have just opened a new can of worms. lol! If you have a therapist that is always rude, it's time to change. That does not create a therapeutic environment.


    I think, no matter what your profession, you are required to put your best face forward and do it! Smile when you say 'hello.' It does make a difference, and you might just improve your own mood. Heck, use work as a way of escaping the stresses of home for a bit.

    That's what I try to do....but 'home' has text messaging. :mellow: :lol:

  11. Best of luck with that one - I wound up tossing a pair of jeans over a gas smell a few weeks ago. <_<


    I put the gas nozzle in the tank, pulled, and it spewed out of all sides of the nozzle. Twice. Had the pump guy come over and it did it to him too. Had a different pump guy come over, and it finally worked....but I was still covered in gas. :rolleyes:



  12. NOPE!


    I deal with people all day, every day, that take their frustrations out on me. Oh, how I would love to just say 'I understand that your frustrated and mad at the world, but I DIDN'T DO IT SO PLEASE STOP BEING RUDE!!!!'


    I'm only allowed to say something if it gets really bad and they start in on the namecalling. Then I can politely inform them that I don't deserve to be spoken to in such a manner, and they have ended the conversation - :click:.

    I really do hate having to do that, too, because I'm here to help. Many folks don't let me get to the helping part. 'Don't bite the hand that feeds you' is something I randomly say while walking through the office on a pretty regular basis. That, and 'I can't help you if you don't help yourself'. :ph34r:

  13. Are you asking MHO?


    No, it doesn't matter. A woman of reproductive capability has the right to choose. I would never agree to anything other, and if that makes me unpopular or unfriendly here, so be it.


    I have the right to decide what happens with my body, and the government has NO PLACE in my womb.


    I'm sure that won't be a well-received opinion.


    And I don't care.




    Very much well-received in my opinion. ;)

    I couldn't go through with it, not through my own free will...for very personal reasons. However, that's my choice. I like having the right to make that choice, and feel every woman has the right to make the choice for herself. ^_^


    Couldn't watch the show though...touchy subject for me. :nea:

  14. ummm, no, making mental note not to open pm from bwitchy. I told him it's sad most of the chicks on here have seen way more than me...lol...I'll wait patiently for the real thing, thanks though... :p :lol: :p





    If she sends it to me, I'm sending it to you... :o :p






    Ack again! Dang - I'm going to have to stay out of the Tonk now, aren't I. :closedeyes: :lol: :p

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