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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. I couldn't tell you who the best is, but many regular colleges (like West Ga. and KSU) offer online courses. If you're not going for a degree, then check out their Continuing Education websites for their certification programs - alot of those are online.


    Here's West Ga's Online Learning site:



    Here's KSU's Online Continuing Education site:



    Continuing Education is different than a regular Undergrad or Grad program because you get a certificate rather than a degree.


    Either way, even if you're going with a strictly online school like Phoenix, deadlines are quickly approaching. I know the deadline for admission at West Ga is the 15th, and the KSU deadline for regular admission is tomorrow.

  2. I have a feeling I know what apartments.. Me and my husband moved into a apartment about 2 years ago.. and he is a Deisel Mech.. so he drives Ys a ugly worrk truck thats big.. But thats his tranportation to and from work.. Well we started getting stickers on our door saying the truck was not allowd in the apartment.. we called and all they could tell us was that it was an ugly truck and they did not want people to have to look at it.. So i told her do you want our rent payed and she said thats yalls problem.. I go no thats gonna be your problem if he cant part his truck.. and to add.. we only had to vechiles at the apartments.. my car and his work truck.. Well we stayed there another year and could not Wait to get out


    On your bike I would go and talk to the head of the prob.. above the manager.. and if that dont work.. small calims..

    We had the 'no unsightly vehicles' rule at our complex, also. :rolleyes: I would much rather look at an ugly car than have to listen to boom-boom bass slowly driving past my door every twenty minutes in the middle of the night, but they didn't seem to care about that.



    My complex is incredibly inconvenient with bikes: You can ride them. You cannot store them on your porch or balcony. You cannot store them on the back of your truck. You cannot store them under the wide open stairs, even though there was the railing in the middle.


    So you can ride them, but you can't put them anywhere but inside your home. HR's little princess bicycle is in her bathroom. :rolleyes: Didn't have anywhere else to put it. :pardon:

  3. No they haven't...... have they?



    Nope no freaks other than myself.. The others that came were rather normal.




    They can't 'play' with him anymore, cause he's kinda taken now. ^_^ :pardon:


    I'm not complaining - now I don't have to avoid the tonk anymore. :ph34r:

  4. I did not know they had chocolate peeps....


    I didn't either. I went in for ribbon and the ghost peeps - we stock up on Peeps when they go on clearance after a holiday. :blush: I saw them and went 'No way!'...and she said that they are 'DEEEEEE-Licious!'

  5. I feel like you. And when DH asks me what I would like and I say those things he gets all upset and says you could have that anytime. And I cant really because money just goes other places. It makes me :wacko:


    But I am getting DH a I pod/video or a camcorder. Depends on the black Friday sales.



  6. I can't even tell you the stuff my sister let my oldest do....


    My 2 boys are 18 1/2 years apart, so now I have to worry about what the 23 yo is teaching the 4 yo. Sunday night he was over and drew ALL OVER his little brother's face. it started with a smiley face on his forehead, then the stick figure had to come down his nose. Then he decided he needed a mustache and goatee. I scrubbed forever trying to get that all off... I think there are still blue remains on his face.

    Before he could walk, him and one of his friends were teaching him to ball up his fist and punch them in the face....


    need I say more. The bad thing, is I don't get to do payback in the same way... it will be my grandchildren. I will be able to spoil them ROTTEN and then send them home though. :)

    HR and I were like that (we're 23 and 4, also), but then I realized that I was going to have to deal with the consequences later. :lol:




    That's what I was thinking too...

    After tonight, I 100% agree. She snuck up behind me and giggled, then said 'Hey mama...what color is this?' with a little smirk on her face. :rolleyes:

  7. :pardon:

    We just had the 'everything I want, I buy for myself...you're supposed to give people gifts they wouldn't normally buy for themselves' conversation. If he wouldn't normally buy it, how in the h*ll am I supposed to know it's something he'd want/like? :huh:


    I prefer things I would most definitely buy for myself...if I had the money. Like new vinyls...or new shoes...or books on my 'to read' list.

  8. Every single gift I give this year will be handmade. ^_^ If it's something I don't do, like bath stuff, jewelry, or knitted socks (which my sister loves), then I'm purchasing them from fellow Etsians and artisans.


    Perfect time of the year to help out the homemade community while helping yourself not go broke at the same time. :D

  9. My best friend/sister taught my boys to burp loud in public and then say... "My compliments to the chef!"


    :lol: . That is funny.


    My big brother taught HR to say 'Mama...get in the kitchen!'. :o -_- :lol: She does it with a smile and giggle though. When his wife is getting on his nerves, he laughs and says 'Woman, get in the kitchen'. :rolleyes:

  10. But the cool thing is....you get the last laugh. Just wait until SHE has kids! Think of all the fun you'll have!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Hers is gonna come home with a mohawk. :ph34r: And play-doh....lots and lots of play-doh. :lol:


    My sister and I have sort of a sibling rivalry, but in a loving way. She's scared of clowns, so I post clown stuff on her myspace and around her room. She messes with my kid. Last time they were together she loaded her up with pixie stix and cake, and giggled as she dropped her off. :rolleyes: I definitely can't wait until she has youngin's. :angel:

  11. Some people just don't think before they do things. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    Honestly, I had to try really, really hard not to laugh about it. At the same time, I'm like 'WTF?!?'. My dad fussed at her and told her that I don't pay for her to go to 'private school' for her to turn around and undo what she learns. :lol: Her and my older brother are the types of siblings that teach her things that are 'funny', but then when she does them out in public I have to explain myself. :rolleyes: -_-


    If she was so easily taught to switch them....I am sure you can get her to switch back.

    I know I can, it only took her a full day to undo them in the first place. Just a pain to argue with a 4 year old over colors...especially when they're in the middle of doing all sorts of color projects at school. It was also slightly amusing.

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