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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Guy Fawkes was a terrorist. He was a Catholic that didn't want to see a Protestant King. I see no reason to glorify a terrorist. His plot was to kill King James I and his entire family in the House of Lords. Hollywood has made the Gun Powder Plot out to be much more sensational than history recounts.


    I do love V for Vendetta though. :good:


    I know this. ^_^ I never intended to glorify him...or the folks that created the Gunpowder Plot (he was actually one of the last ones to join the plot)...I just find his story fascinating. ;)

  2. Next year sounds good :) .


    Send a PM to the Dallas Theater...or do you want me to do it?

    Tell me what I need to do, and I'll do it.

    I would LLOOOOOVE to do this. ^_^


    I LURVE that movie! That whole V words speech at the beginning is my favorite part too. I'm pretty sure that movie is made of win, directed by win, and starring win. LOVE IT

    Gives me chills and that goofy 'in awe' grin I mentioned above. The word play was incredible. :wub:

  3. I loved the movie.. LOVED it.


    I do need to read more regarding Fawkes.



    Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dxh thought I had lost my mind when I was watching the movie - I had this sort of 'in awe' goofy smile and my eyes were lit up the whole time. It was absolutely amazing, to say the least. It took him 2 or 3 times before he could even watch the whole thing, but now it's one of his favorites too.

  4. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.


    It's the 5th of November, and ever since middle school this day has had a bit of significance to me. In one of my middle school classes, we had to choose a topic to write a report on from several pages worth of 'idea starters and topics' that the teacher supplied. I chose Guy Fawkes without having a clue who he was. I studied and wrote numerous research papers and essays on him throughout middle, high school, and college. When the movie came out, I was one of the first in line on opening night...and several nights after that. I even went to Wal-Mart at midnight the night it was released on DVD to buy my own copy. :blush:

    Anyway, today, also known as Guy Fawkes Day or Bonfire Night, is the 403rd 'anniversary' of the plan to blow up Parliament. I don't neccesarily agree with such a plan (blowing things up in general isn't really cool in my book ;) ), but the historical and emotional significance of Guy Fawkes and this day has always moved me in some way.


    An article in the news today:



    Even John Lennon paid tribute to Guy Fawkes, in his own little way: :wub:


    And one of my favorite parts of the movie:

  5. :lol:


    I am beginning to think that my 4 year old with a kitten may not be a wise idea ... I am more worried for the cat :lol:

    That's what I was thinkin'. :lol:

    Yer little one reminds me of my little one when it comes to spunk, spirit, and...umm...excitability? :pardon: :lol: Yours has some awesome listening ears though. ;) :wub: Mine's lacking in that department.


    We've tried twice, both technically by accident, to get HR a kitten. First time we rescued a kitten from a friend who was mistreating the litter and their mother. That one wound up going into asylum at my moms house. Then a kitten showed up on our porch and wouldn't leave. After a couple of days (and a couple of calls to the animal shelter), it darted into the house. We kept it because the shelter was overflowing with cats at the time (and the lady at the shelter talked me into it :wub: ). We wound up rehoming him about 3 months later. HR was devastated.


    Fish. Fish work much, MUCH better with my little one. My moms grown cats handle her just fine though.

  6. kittens have needle sharp claws, and haven't yet learned to "play" without using them.



    yes, i have poke holes all over my body from our 4 moth old kitten, whom I love dearly, but would prolly seriously injure a small child.


    I concur!!! <_< :p


    Really though - HR does much better with cats than kittens...and cats seem to react to her better than kittens, also.

  7. Helena just turned two and has a major case of the attitudes lately <_< :p

    You think two is bad? :blink: I was SOOOO happy when HR turned three. HA! Big joke that was. :closedeyes: :glare: :wub:


    Oh no, I've got a 20 month old "princess" that will make you appreciate your little angels. Her newest task, when I ask her for a hug or a kiss -- her response "if you cry." And, if I don't respond to her quickly enough, she will promptly say "mommy, LISTEN." :wacko:

    Mine does that. More often, though, she'll grab your face with her hands and say 'LOOK at me', and then say whatever it is I wasn't hearing.

    Now she's big on 'Hands to yourself, Missy'....wonder when/how she learned that one. :rolleyes: :blush:


    Just wait till she turns 3! It seems that the terrible has been moved from the 2's to the 3's! Thank god Little One is 4! :lol:

    ^_^ Yup - so far 4 has been MUCH easier.

  8. Yep- me too. That made me laugh and cry at the same time. She taught me how to crochet when I had my surgery last year (actually didn't give me a choice in the matter) which was a good thing because when she died I was able to finish the blanket that she had started for her mom's Christmas present. I gave that blanket to her mom a couple of weeks before Christmas and then her mom passed away the first part of Jan. and she took that blanket to the hospital with her.


    She didn't give me a choice in the matter either. :nea: :lol: :wub:

  9. diabetic coma inducing sweet tea. :mellow:


    you's gross. i had to pour out the pitcher when you left. :lol:





    want all these caps?

    :o :o :o


    Waste of perfectly good tea. <_<


    Ummm neither one.... :pardon:

    I'm a dew and tea type person...... :ninja:

    I knew I :wub: 'd you for a reason.

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