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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. See if you can change the text from numbers to letters to insert an email. There is usually an 'options' button when you are entering a phone number.

    I tried....it just has numbers.



    Yours should, but even better is the bluetooth option.


    You come figure it out - even the manual doesn't say anything about it. I know...who reads the manual, right? Guess I really wanted to email a picture. :lol:


    You're not the only one.

    Most people laugh it off. Some people talk shiit and spread rumors about who I'm sleeping with. ^_^


    Spekkin' of pictures, what's yer airplane doin'? :ninja:

  2. I didn't see the show you are talking about but last year one of the news shows did a segment on it and I thought it was a good idea in a way but it really creeped me out a bit.


    I could swear I read that there was one of these in the area recently. I don't remember if it was on p.com or in the news paper.

    There was, and Roswell Street Baptist has one every year. That's where I went to mine with my step-dad

  3. Pretty sure I'm going to get Chinese food - shrimp fried rice, teryaki chicken, sesame chicken, and some noodles. OH! And a sweet tea. $10 says I come back from lunch, after eating all of that, and have a massive chef salad with lots of goodies (ham, turkey, a bunch of different types of cheese, cucumbers, boiled egg...etc) on it too. Hungry, hungry, hungry!




    I'm not sure how they legally did that. I mean, if he didn't have a permit to protest, or he was in an area of endangerment, I can see them asking him to leave. But I am really unclear how they forced him to remove his hood/robe.


    I think what he was doing was foolish on a lot of levels, but I think he should have that right to look like a moron if he chooses to do so.


    I concur. ^_^

  5. I believe the hood was an issue. Furthermore, IMO, his safety was at hand and since he had the hood on, it would have been taken that a white person is standing there and that would cause racial tensions. What he did was stupid.


    AND, no one complained about his sign or his freedom of speech.


    I didn't say what he did wasn't stupid...or that anybody complained about his sign or freedom of speech. I just don't really understand where the police would get involved.

    I didn't realize that the laws allow for LEO's to tell us what we can't wear...and I really thought that, as long as we weren't breaking any laws, stupidity was legal too. :pardon:

  6. I started Perks of Being a Wallflower last night...and finished it last night, too. Insanely good book - probably because the writing style is somewhat addicting. I'm not so sure that the same book, if written like a typical novel, would have held my interest like this did.

  7. He knew what he was doing. He wore the robe and then when his friends showed up, he put the hood on and this is after he told 2 of the Obama supporters that went to speak to him that he would not put the hood on.


    So he knew what he was doing.


    Hiram police made him remove the hood and he also removed the robe as well.

    Not that I agree with what he was doing, because I absolutely do not...but on what basis did he have to remove the hood and robe? This is America. We're free to wear what we want. He's also just as free as everybody else is to stand on that corner and hold a sign.


    Like I said, I don't agree with it at all...but legally speaking I don't see what he was doing wrong. Morally, I definitely see it. LEO's, however, aren't supposed to get involved in moral judgement.

  8. My mom told that when she was a little girl that the KKK came down her road in a 'parade' holding nooses and crosses and her mom made them hide because she was so afraid of them...we're white. What does that tell you about the nutty KKK?????

    When I was in elementary school here in the early/mid 90's, my girl scout troop and my brother's boy scout troop both pulled out of one of the parades through Dallas because the KKK was marching, also. :rolleyes:


    My brother and I were a couple of VERY upset scouts. <_<

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