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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. We have turned out thermostat down to 67. We have insulated our home and added weather striping to all the doors to seal them tight. We also added plug covers to all the outlets. You would be amazed how much air comes in through them.

    Of course grocery shopping is a big expense and we use coupons and arrange our meals around what is on sale. One night is eggs which are less expensive than most meats, and one night is canned soup and bread night. We haven't gotten a chain store pizza in mos. and mos. The $8.00 grocery store ones cost less and feed more.

    We got busy and called our insurance company and had our deductible raised to $1000.00 and lowered some of our other coverage. (we cut our insurance in half by shopping around for a new company.)


    If you live near the Little Caesars at 61/278, they have $5 Hot and Ready pizzas. They're one topping, but it's cheaper than the good store bought kind. I grab those once every few weeks when I'm running late, don't want to or have time to cook, and need to feed folks with just a little bit of money. Typically three adults and the kiddo can eat the pizza, and I still have a slice or tow left for lunch the next day. ^_^

  2. Wow, I just may stay Pink!

    Orange: 6

    Pink: 15

    Black: 13



    I still haven't found out what +MPS extra is...


    But Pink has that stupid logo thing that takes up too much room. And everybody thinks you're a girl (not that having a Guns-n-Roses song title as your name helps any :p ).


    Go Black. ;)

  3. Just don't get it on your jeans :lol:


    Ruh-roh...what does it do to jeans? :unsure:


    I want to spend a day interviewing you as you go around conducting your normal daily routine! Hey...a new career line for me? Hahaha!


    No such thing in my world. Routine maybe, but definitely not normal. That's probably my problem. :blush: :lol:

  4. - we shop at thrift stores for clothing, household items, etc ... then we go to the dollar store (a real one that actually charges just $1 per item)

    - we conserve our electricity

    - I plan on planting a patio garden for veggies this spring

    - we barter services for things we may need

    - I am starting to make my own cleaners

    - we use cloth items opposed to disposable (less use of napkins, paper towels, sponges)

    - we pack lunches for work so we eat out less

    - we try to run all of our errands one or two times a week opposed to driving the car daily

    - we make a grocery budget and stick to it each week, I started the coupon thing too :)


    ... I am sure there is more, we are trying to be as frugal as possible!

    I don't have a grocery budget, but I'm a coupon fanatic. I started thegrocerygame.com and a few other sites months ago and went nuts with it.


    I do the same thing there. The last three vehicle I've gotten cost me less than $15k. Two of them had a blue book value of $10k at the time I bought them. I keep up the maintenance on them, change the oil, keep everything topped off. One of the vehicles has nearly 160,000 miles on it and still starts and drives better than many cars with less than 40,000 miles on them. And another is up to almost 190,00 miles, the outside is still in great condition and the inside is nearly new in condition.




    Mine has never gotten over $65 here, and my electric bill doesn't get over that amount either in the summer even with the A\C on.

    There's one of you...and two pups. There's atleast three people in and out of here...sometimes 4 or 5. ^_^

  5. Girl...you are soooo funny!


    I want to spend one day with you, so I can talk to you and see how you come up with your ideas. You crack me up with some of your posts. BTW- I've noticed the same thing but I've never given it much thought. That will stick with me today. :lol:

    :lol: :pardon:

    A friend of mine always says 'A day with Shai is always an adventure', or 'A day with Shai is never a dull one' depending on the circumstances that has left her shaking her head and laughing. :blush: :lol:


    This is true - there are enzymes in dishwasher detergents that "eat" the food particles in the dishwasher water. These enzymes will eat any organize particle such as grass, dirt, etc. I use this all the time for organic stains.


    My other favorite is Dawn detergent to get that inevitable drip of oil from salad dressing off my shirts. Works everytime - so amazing.

    Guess I should invest in some Cascade and Dawn. ^_^

  6. It was really warm yesterday evening! I figured you must get a high heating bill! :lol:


    I save money on heating my house by setting my thermostats at 65 in the evening and 62 the rest of the time, and dress to stay warm. I also use a space heater to heat my bedroom at night rather than the whole house.


    I also save money buy rarely shopping for clothes. :D When I do need clothes, I typically go to a thrift store where everything is 50% off on Mondays.


    I don't have a home phone, but I don't talk on the phone often. I mainly use my cell phone, but also have a magicJack that replaced my home phone. I also use GrandCentral so that I don't have to give out my cell phone number and can easily block telemarketers or anybody else.


    The biggest way I save money is by driving a 10-year-old car. It isn't as flashy as a model fresh off the assembly line, but it sure beats paying several hundreds of dollars per month on a car loan and full-coverage auto insurance.


    I also save money buy "trading" CDs and books.


    Another method I use to save money is shopping for deals on eBay instead of purchasing products at retail.



    Nope, my electric bill rarely sees $80. Very rarely.


    I never would have guessed that your car was 10 years old, or that you wear thrifted clothes. :nea: Just goes to show you can look super nice and not have to spend alot of money to do so. ;)

  7. Uh, this is a fire hazard even with an electric dryer. Just an FYI.



    That's what I was about to say. Then again, I refuse to leave the dryer going when we leave the house - too many dryer fires for me to trust it.


    As for saving money, we do random things here and there but we've been doing cheaper things for a really long time (we used to live on one income).

    - I use really cheap cleaners - vinegar works wonders and the smell goes away when it dries. You can even use it for fabric softener - it works and it doesn't smell when it's done. ^_^


    - We drink lots of tea, Kool-Aid and water rather than soda.


    - I clean and get up spills with washable rags rather than papertowels - I'm actually 99% sure that there aren't any paper towels in the house.


    - My place stays really warm most of the time without heat - last week it was 74 degrees at 10pm and the heat hadn'tbeen turned on yet. When it does get cold, I leave the oven door open after I cook to let the heat out into the house. Sometimes that makes it too hot...but then it stays warm all night.


    - We rarely watch tv, and when we do we all watch the same thing rather than have multiple tv's on.


    - Dxh keeps my car tuned up and changes the oil often (he works with cars, and gets oil, filters, etc. at a dicount), and use additives in the gas tank every now and then to save gas usage.


    - I'm the only one in the house that gets cold, especially at night. Right before bed, I throw the hot clothes into my bed straight from the dryer. I fold the clothes, turn the blanket back over, and then I have a warm bed to climb into. All clothes get put up the next day when HR is taking her bath.


    - HR and I take baths together alot - she prefers it that way anyway because it's more fun to throw water in mommy's face than it is to play with real bath toys. :rolleyes: <_<


    - Thrift stores rock - seriously. Example: I've gained 20lbs and needed new work clothes and most of mine are now really tight. This weekend I scored 6 sweaters and 2 shirts, almost all name brand (though I could care less about brand), for $19. HR also got a pair of warm Disney Princess pj's, with the tags still on, for $3.


    - Shop for the kiddos second hand for Christmas. HR absolutely loves her Dora Princess Castle, but it doesn't have very many add-ons. I really wanted to get her the Dora House for Christmas, which has tons of add-on options, but it's $80. I thrifted it this weekend, with the accessories, for $15. :D



    AND, most importantly, I remember that love makes the world go 'round. I give, even when I can't afford to, because there are others worse off than I am. I never throw anything away, and donate alot. I split my stuff between just giving it away and the thrift stores - remember that our donations are what keep them in business. I sell some stuff too, cheaply because the economy isn't just effecting me and others could use a break just as much as I could.

  8. im gonna cry....so i guess the whole "i wanna get our picture made when we both have really long hair" thing is just out the window for good huh? you keep cutting if off again and again!!! yes, its cute, but here i am living with the curly mop from H____!



    You just asked me last week where to go to get it yours cut. Like, four days ago. :rolleyes:


    Yes, the cut looks great on you!


    Thanks. ^_^

  9. It's a mystery because I have the SAME problem!!! :wacko:

    Good to know. ^_^


    Unless you want to spend 20 years pondering that like I have, you're better off just to let it go. :lol:



    Just doesn't make sense! :unknw:

  10. Why is it that I can get a drop of bleach on my favorite sweater/jeans/shirt, etc and wind up with a highly visible white spot that ruins the shirt, but if I pour a half of a cup into a small sink full of sock they don't come out any whiter? <_< :huh: :pardon:

  11. Looks great, but how do you go from kind of curly, to straight and maintain it? Is it a lot of touble?


    I just use a straightener...it's super easy unless it's rainy outside. In the top picture, my hair was straight when I left the house but it was raining so it curled back up.


    I have VERY curly hair naturally...but not alot of people realize that because I wear it straight. ^_^

  12. TSO ROCKED!!!! :D :yahoo:


    My Peacoat was stolen right out of my seat - stood up and the end for applause, turned around, and the jacket I had been sitting on for almost the entire show was gone. <_< Almost a cold ride on MARTA back to the car, but somebody saved me lending me a jacket. :blush:


    Definitely going to put TSO on my 'must see again' list!

  13. :sigh:.....


    Then I don't have a clue... unless you can have her help you clean the tank, and switch the fish when she's not looking?


    Or get an identical tank, gravel and plants and switch everything? :unknw:


    Speaking of HR, did you get the quilt clean?

    Maybe I'll get her to help me clean the tank tomorrow.

    I refuse to let the fish die - I'm stubborn. 'Mommy and Mommy' are an inseparable pair, and the human mommy refuses to let either one die. ^_^


    The quilt is clean. :D

  14. No.... :huh: :lol: , switch the water and the fish when she's sleeping. You'll want to get the water ready a day or two before. Or get some bottled water, and treat the water with the Ich before you change it. Pour out the water, rinse the gravel out and then put in the new water and the new fish.


    You could also wipe the tank out with a 5-10% bleach solution, then rinse the tank out well, let it air or blow dry it. That will kill any Ich bacteria on the walls of the tank.


    The tank is in her room. :mellow:

  15. How? IMHO, it can either be an opportunity to see a positive role model or you can use it as a teaching opportunity as to what not to do depending upon the behavior. Either way unless the behavior is directed toward the children thus causing them harm in some way, it shouldn't really matter.



  16. Put a 1/4 cup of salt in the washer with the quilt - that will keep the colors from running. Otherwise, just look at the quilt and make sure there are no frayed seams or any seams that look like they are pulling apart. Otherwise, I would wash it in the washing machine on a gentle cycle on cold - no heavy spinning, etc. If you happen to have access to a front loader - that would be even better for it - alot less pulling on the seams and fabric. I would wash it in something gentle that you would use on baby clothes - dreft, ivory, woolite, something of that nature. If you are concerned the milk might have stained, I would put a stain remover just on that spot. If it can wait til tomorrow - you are welcome to bring it to me and I'll wash it in my machine.


    The two biggest issues here are the material coming apart at a seam or the thread that holds the seam together breaking. The binding around the edge is another one I just thought of. None are fatal - I can fix that. But, just be sure you inspect it closely so you know where your potential problems are.

    Thanks! :D

  17. So I woke up yesterday to two fish covered in white specs, not swimming very well. Fantastic! We have ICH. <_< I go get some of the wonderful ICH stuff, put it in the tank last night, and wake up to one healthy looking fish. I thought it'd take longer, but he's spot free and swimming all over the place. The other one looks worse though....and HR just noticed her 'so sick fish, mommy!' and started squalling.


    How do I fix it? :unsure: I've googled, and there are a zillion different answers..what do you guys do?


    Oh! And next time I mention getting a critter, remind me not to. :mellow:

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