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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. ive been looking for a pattern for a couple years for this. Every pattern I found was just really crazy this one is so simple. Good luck and you will have to let us know how it came out!


    Let you know?

    Pft....you know me - I'll post pictures! :D


    Wonder if I could make mini-versions for HR... the kid *hates* putting her fingers into gloves. ::ponders::

  2. shhh dont tell but all mine call for rings too. lol I just dont use the ring :) I will still get you the pattern of the one I have.




    I love this pattern! I really dont think fingerless gloves are practical for snow balls but they are perfect for just keeping the hands warm :)


    I can make you some or get the pattern to you. It doesnt matter to me either way :wub:



    Is it a crocheted pattern?


    There were a few on my crochet pattern site, I just didn't like them so much.

    Like 'em enough to sell 'em...but not enough to wear myself. :ph34r: :lol: :blush:

  3. Heyyyyyyy!!!!!! I want some fingerless gloves. :( I need something I can type with, but still keep my wrist warm (arithritis stinks). The only patterns I can find are knit patterns, and I can't knit - I just crochet. :blush:

  4. I think $125 a week or $25 a day is about the going rate for in-home daycare. That is what I pay for my child's in-home daycare. My friend pays $35 a day but the sitter provides formula, diapers and wipes for all of the kids so the extra goes to that. Just make sure you aren't turning into a nanny. My friends that have nannies or that are nannys charge about $400 a week! That is a private family nanny in the child's own home.

    I was going to put HR in an in-home daycare, but all of the local ones within my commute wound up being almost $30 more a month than her school now. :wacko:

  5. I taught in daycare and preschool, and have thirty some-odd cousins on top of being a mommy - if there's anything I've learned with having multiple large families, it's what kids like. :lol:


    Parent's Choice (a Target brand, I think) has the Bee Bop Band, which is a playable drum that holds all sorts of instruments shaped like little critters (caterpillar, ant, ladybug, and a few other things). HR was NUTS about that when she was Jaiden's age and she still plays with it three years later. Other brands carry something similar also. I've given the same item to several cousins who wound up loving it.


    HR loved her Fisher Price farm, and still plays with it also. Fisher Price also had the Little People Carnival and a few others, but the ones that she played with the most (and still plays with) are the ones with animals. Many of my cousins have it also, and absolutely love it.


    I could list tons of stuff, but those two were her favorites at his age and got the most use.





    My daughter LOVED this:




    And played with it much longer than other things that she had.


    HR had one of those and loved it, too. ^_^ She just outgrew it (height wise), so I passed it on. They have one at the Dr's office we use, and she gets on her knees to play with it there. :lol: :blush:

  6. Ok I just wasted 1 minute and 46 seconds of my freaking life! The moron that wrote, sang, and recorded that should be hung by their scrotum!!!!!!!

    I still DO NOT understand why Oscar keeps on posting that in my threads though...



    :o ME?????????? :o

    :o :lol:


    HR absolutely loves that video.


    Oscar followed me around for weeks saying 'Don't you wish your coffee was hot like me?' so I'd get a song stuck in my head. :rolleyes:

  7. :huh:


    My place is currently 75 degrees...I about died when I was getting ready to leave in my sweater and jacket. HR woke up sweating this morning, too.


    Heat's set on 71...but it's only kicked on once in the past couple of weeks. My place just stays warm. I hate the feeling of an air conditioned house, so the air doesn't get turned on most of the time during the summer. Turn on the ceiling fan and open the windows...I've yet to see the temp in my home go higher than 80 degrees during the summer. :pardon:

  8. My mom is saying the same thing: 'I always say that I'll spend (x amount) but I really wind up spending (y amount...typically way more than x a mount)...this year I can't even do (x amount), and you're going to be SO disappointed!'



    Seriously? My SIL asked me what we want over here, individually, and I asked for white chicken chilli or a pack of those meltable potpourri things her work sells. One pack. That's like $2 - tie a pretty bow on it if you feel it's not enough, I really don't want anything. :lol:

  9. I do not see how working moms do it now.....Holy Cow at those numbers....you need a second job just to pay the daycare bill


    After they take out taxes, insurance, parking, and my mandatory Ga Teacher's contribution thingy, it takes more than one paycheck to pay for HR's daycare. -_- Add in gas, and I'm basically working to pay for my tiny little car payment (under $100), and whatever's left goes to some groceries.


    BUT, if I didn't have a job, then I wouldn't have groceries or my car payment. Gotta do what you gotta do.


    Really!! Are you even bringing any money home after you pay daycare?

    I bring home about 7/8 of one paycheck after daycare a month. Most of the time, anyway. I get paid bi-weekly, not weekly.

  10. Wow, some of these prices seem high...maybe b/c my daughter is in Villa Rica...She goes to a wonderful daycare...Little Wildcats...Their infant room is $130...1's/2's $110.00 and 3's 90.00.

    That's really low for a daycare.

    HR is in a private daycare, her infant room is in the $140 range, I think? She's not quite that much. In Kennesaw, the cheapest I could find (that answered the phone in something close to English), was $155. I had her at a KidsRKids for awhile that was $165, but they have since gone up to $175...and that's for 3/4 year olds.

  11. Oh shoot...I've brought three home, and the result has never been anything wonderful. With my high school sweetheart, everything was pretty good....until he kissed me goodbye infront of my dad. I don't mean just a little peck on the cheek either, it was one helluva kiss. I was trying to pull away...and my dad was trying to get out of the van but my step-mom locked the doors and he was fumbling because he was ticked.


    My mom's reaction to Dxh was 'You're not taking her anywhere until you change out of that skirt'. Yep, I said skirt. Seriously.


    Her reaction to the last guy I dated was 'He's a conceited snob, and you deserve better'. She let him know, to his face, that she thought he was an arrogant snob. Mama doesn't hide her feelings well. :nea: :lol:

  12. Twas awesome!!!


    When the first notes of A Last Illusion (Flight of the Bumblebee) started, I was milliseconds from being in tears I was so excited/happy/floating on cloud nine. I've been telling my dad for years that I want to see TSO, but I specifically want to see/hear that song live.

  13. I'd go green, but I don't have anything to sell. :(


    I don't even remember what color I am. Oh wait there it is, red. How'd I get that?


    You're not a Premium Member. ;) Premium Members (I think it's $10 more) get extra perks, and they get to choose a color.

    I started as red, then went to Premium black, then went to Commerce.

  14. I get those often too. Do they eat like birds (which is actually a misnomer since birds typically eat 1/2 lof their body weight in a day or more. And a humming bird can eat it's weight in an hour or two) or something. Whenever I one of the $5 pizzas, I end up eating about 1/3 before I get home, and then another 1/3 after I get home.


    Nah. If there's three of us then we each eat two slices and the kiddo eats a slice. Then I have one to eat the next day (or three...I can't remember if they cut it into 8 or 10 slices now).


    We eat smaller meals throughout the day though, so we don't eat a big dinner. It's just another of many meals.

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