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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. I can't get on the website, my computer at work doesn't have the latest flash player, but thank you I will check it out tonight at home.


    It's an elf doll that you move around the home, and it has a book/story that goes with it. Every day the elf is in a new place, watching what the child is doing and reporting back to Santa. The author is Chanda Bell - she's local, actually. She'll be at the Town Center Barnes and Noble next week:




    I wish they had something similar for every holiday. :mellow: :ph34r:




  2. Awww, so sweet! Eat that up LGM! Holiday Blessings to you and yours!

    I am absolutely eating her up. I love this age. :wub:


    Your tree is perfect the way it is..


    I use to let my boys deocrate our tree.. to me it was perfect, but to everyone else it could have used a little straightening up LOL

    It is perfect. She took all of her princess balls and hooked them together...they're hanging off of the middle of the tree like a ball 'ladder' now. :rolleyes: And there's a Kelly (Barbie's little sister) IN the tree.


    Aww, this will be a good memory.


    I'm smiling about you having pink on your Christmas tree but nothing black. You really are becoming more girly. :p BTW, your hair looks good that long/short.

    :p to the girly comment.


    And thanks. :blush:


    awww, sweet! I can not wait to get our tree up, we are doing ours on T-day maybe, or the day after :)


    BTW, did you tell HR that its FREEZING outside and she's wearing a sundress, lol

    I DID tell her it was freezing outside. She said that we weren't going outside and it's 'too hot!' in the house. :rolleyes: She's right though, it was a good 75-76 degrees all weekend. She takes after her dad in that she's always hot, even sweats in her sleep.


    This morning she had on her school uniform, with a turtleneck under her polo shirt, and a jacket. :D She opened the door to check the weather first, but she wore one. :lol:

  3. Now thats a special memory in the making.

    Yep. :wub:

    It took twice as long, but it was worth it. Of course, now I'm looking at my tree going 'That's pretty pathetic for being such an artsy/craftsy person' :blush: . I was going to completely redo the tree and do something awesome this year, but funds weren't agreeing with that idea.


    Ornaments are just random things we've collected over the years, and some of the balls.

  4. HR has been begging to put up the tree...so we did. I thought I'd share - somehow my tiny tree wound up being silver and pink this year. The ornaments are a little....misplaced too, but I love it anyway. :wub: This was particularly exciting for me, because she's never helped with the tree. She was too little, and then too wild. :blush: This year was perfect.




    Adding her pink decorations



    Moving the pink decorations ALLLL to the front of the tree






    Tree topper


  5. I didn't know what you looked like before either - And I remember that you said that you were kinda freaked at people recognizing you in public. Ms. Sirius asked if you were Mark's wife. I told her - "I don't think so..."

    :o :rofl: :rofl:


    Guess that's what I get for sitting with Mark. :lol:


    You're not from the "Beaver Ruin" area, are you?



    Paulding County.

  6. Yeah, but you were going "there." -_-



    Therein lies the problem...crazy hides REALLY well sometimes. :blink:


    I could have gone elsewhere...wasn't meeting anybody or anything, just wanted to get *out* of the house.


    I crawled into bed sometime between 3-4am. :( :lazy:

  7. Last year, The Bert Show had people from all across Atlanta send in thank you cards to military personnel that would be missing Thanksgiving due to their service. You could either drop them off at a Taco Mac or send them in to Q100. This year it's SO much easier! All you have to do is type the message in online and hit 'Submit'!


    They still have a ways to go until they hit their goal. Lets help them out!



  8. See, that's my problem. MOST of my friends (as in almost all) are married, and they either aren't interested in going out dancing or they have restrictions b/c of spouses. :(


    I was SO available last night. :mellow: :p

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