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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. A lot of people bring fruit to work. It beats a Lardburger and some GreasyFries.


    How do you know that he is not allergic to grapefruit (Or thinks he is)? Maybe he is, but he just avoids it and doesn't make it a big deal?


    Maybe you should just have the HR mirmadons just outlaw ALL food on the property. Remove the fridge, close down the break room, have security checks at the entrance.


    I am not insensitive to your phobias. I have some, too. But they are my voices, and they are not anyone else's problem.



    Seriously? :lol:


    Sheesh. She's not demanding that no one ever eats an orange on the property again. She works in the same office with this guy---not office BUILDING---office. It is rediculous that this guy continues to eat the oranges sitting right there in the office when he KNOWS she is allergic to them. All that has to be done is he either takes his orange addiction to the breakroom or leave it at home. That's it. :glare:

    A 10x30 office, with no windows to open and a huge door that has to remain closed. ^_^ ;) If I roll my chair back a couple of feet, I hit his. No cubicles or anything.

    And you're exactly right. :D

  2. You could always put a bottle of Vitamin C on his desk. If that doesn;t work next time he eats an orange- grab your throat and fall in the floor and start acting like your having an "episode" due to his orange- like you can't breathe and stuff- maybe that will scare him enough for him to stop. ;)


    :o :lol: :rofl:

    I so would, but we're the only two in here...I don't want to play wolf incase it actually does happen one day.


    It's never actually happened - well, not since we found out I was allergic anyway. Then again, I'm typically super careful and folks around me are considerate.

  3. So now we need an area outside of the building, around back, by the dumpsters, (but far enough away from the smokers so that it will not pose a health hazard), where someone can eat an orange?


    It's not like I just don't like oranges. I wish I didn't have a problem with oranges. I've said a dozen times today that I feel really bad that I react like that. It's not like I"m allergic to air...or something insane where changes have to be made around my workplace. He could eat it in the breakroom - which is somewhere I go often. It's being shut in a 10x30 office with no windows or ventilation that is causing the problem. ;)


    It's oranges. Simple. Sometime that can be easily worked around.

    Who the he** brings an orange to work several days a week anyway? :huh: :rolleyes: Not like it couldn't easily be replaced with grapefruit.


    :mellow: great, now i'm gonna get orange juice on me while i'm.... wait. this is the cafe. -_-


  4. OK, Little One.... You go to HR immediately! If I saw it once, I saw it 10 times in this thread... HOSTILE WORKING ENVIRONMENT!!! There is being a DI*K and then there is endangering someone's life, which is what he is doing!!! :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:


    You have to do something about this. Do you realize that if he puts you in the hospital due to his ornage fetish- he will get the everloving crap beaten out of him??? How many pcomers will be waiting outside his car when he leaves work???? DON'T BE SO DARNED NICE, THIS TIME!!! :wub:

    :o :blush: :wub: :rofl: :wub:


    Have I told you lately that I love you? :p


    Talked to boss lady's boss about it -boss lady is out today - she's gonna take care of it. ^_^ If that doesn't work, I'll go to HR.

  5. I would get my favorite perfume and I would spray it in the office ALL DAY long! I would also get me some STRONG room deodorizing spray and I would fog the room when he begins eating his precious orange and then leave the room. I would buy enough plug ins to fill every electrical outlet.

    Actually, I would punch this jack wad square in his face for being such an asshat! What a JERK! Not even TOW would do something like this!



    :lol: :wub:

    Good to know. :p

  6. How about making a cd with subliminal messages on it. Have it playing all day, with a message that would make him sick every time he has an orange. Or one where he does anything you say... :D make him your little man servant over time.


    That wouldn't work - we can't bring in CD's (or USB drives, or floppy's...nothing that can hold any kind of information ;) ).

  7. You should put the flyer for GNC on his desk. Circle the vitamin section and the location of some local stores near the office.

    :o :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


    Did I mention that he and I are the ONLY ones in the room, all day every day?

    This would be why I don't say a whole helluva lot that isn't super positive - I have to share a tiny little room with him all day. :mellow:

  8. yes you should :p I was so excited and you kind of gave me a push to do it. I did want to find out about your scarf....do you want the same color or do you have a favorite color?



    Not yet, Im hoping to get started on it when the baby takes a nap. Do you have a color in mind? Is it for children or adult? short/long, etc. Hey camochick you would probably like the ones I made for my tomboy daughter who wants everything in camo.lol




    sorry about the bad picture. I have got to find some better lighting! The fingerless gloves can be short or long, my daughter chose to roll up the end to give it a cuff. She feels it makes them more touch looking. lol






    thank you! :wub: I really like that name maybe I could add a 4 you to the end?.


    Did you see my post about your snowflakes? They are done and ready to go home with you. lol Just let me know when and where


    My favorite color is green - woodsy greens, but I actually really want a light pink scarf to go with my new pink sweaters. :unsure:

    'Tis ok if you don't have light pink though...just use whatever you want. ^_^

  9. would you like some cheese to go with that whine? :p :lol:


    <_< :p


    Think I'm whining now? Wait 'till I end up in the ER 'cause a health nut 'has' to have his vitamin whatever every day. ;) :lol:


    Let me know if you need for me to have a talk with the boy, LGM!


    :lol: :wub:


  10. Her boss may not have the authority to do something like that. It seems like she was trying to make a compromise. Then too, LGM is way too nice and too sweet to cause problems for someone else even if they are causing a problem for her.


    HR is the best place to go. If they don't do anything, then her employer can also be held accountable as well as if she does need any medical care.


    It's obvious that thus guy is an ass, and he needs to be the one to leave the room if he wants to have an orange.




    I had to give someone 2 epi shots when she was stung. She was severely allergic to bee\wasp stings. She was stung by a yellow jacket when we were out at a lake. The first one lasted maybe 15-20 minutes before she started going back into anaphylaxis, had to give her the second one while the ambulance showed up. We carried one in each car, and one in her purse at all times. If we went anywhere without our cars, then we carried a second one with us.


    I told my boss that I felt bad that he isn't supposed to eat something just because I'm around. :rolleyes: :lol: :blush:

  11. :bad:


    I'm srsly thinking about bailing on the rest of the day. I'm sick, lightheaded, and have a headache now. <_<


    As most perfumes make me ill...you should try dealing with that. No matter where you go you have to deal with it.


    I don't wear perfume. ^_^ ;)

  12. That was a lot of quoting....




    You do and don't?


    :lol: .

    Yep it was that guy, and no I don't have an epi-pen. I did, but I used it, and then I didn't have the $$/insurance to get another one.


    Now I do. I should probably make an appointment seeing as how somebody apparently has it out for me. :mellow:

  13. Good Lawrd women what are you NOT allergic too?


    That's pretty much it, actually...bees, oranges, tomatos, and two different types of laundry detergent. Only the first two will send me to the ER though. Tomatos make me sick and make me break out, the two laundry detergents make me itch like crazy - can't focus kind of insane itching.


    I was allergic to everything when I was a kid, but I outgrew almost all of them. ^_^

  14. Get you a bottle of Fabreeze allergen spray...just for the heck of it everytime he eats one when you come back....spray....sprrrayyyyyyyyyyyyy, ssssssspppppppprrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy! :lol:


    Got a window? Put your coat on and open it too!

    Our windows don't open. :(


    My hubby would pass out. He is has severe allergy to any citrus. One time my mom cleaned her windows with mountain berry windex and he was in the ER with anaphalectic (sp?)shock. Watch out girl!

    That's how I am with citrus.

    He doesn't seem to get it. Or maybe he does. :unsure:


    OOOH! I seen on CSI one time where one juror put peanut butter in another jurors chili (peanut allergy) and was arrested for attempted murder.


    But seriously.


    Don'y just complain to the manager that gives bad advice. Contact Human Resources about unsafe work conditions.



    Since you have to hurt while he is eating an Orange... I would find something really heavy and chunk it at his head each time he would begin to eat, so he can feel 'some' of your pain. :)



    It's more than common courtesy here. If you are allergic to the citrus, and he is aware of it. His eating of an orange can place you in anaphalactic shock. Technically, he can be considered of creating a hostile work place for you.


    If kids in school can't bring in food items that can cause an allergic reaction in others, then the same should be done in a work environment. Is this the "asshat" guy?

    You should go to HR (Human Resources not your HR, well she might have something to say to him too) and let them know what is happening. This is a health issue for you, and it should be given consideration beyond "leaving the room". The chemicals that you have a reaction to, can accumulate over time and simply going into the room can cause a reaction in you.


    He could also be held liable if you do go into shock.


    Do you have an epi-pen? Just in case?

    Yep, and nope.


    turns out it was the bee that got him. :mellow:


    I's allergic to those too.

    And tomatos, but only raw and they're not fatal to me, I just have a hellacious reaction.

  15. I'm allergic to oranges. Severely. New coworker brought an orange into the tiny room we share on his second day, over a month ago. I let him know...and he ate it anyway. He's eaten several a week, every week, anyway. Last week boss lady had a talk with him, and then let me know that if he does it again I should just leave the room and let him deal with everything on his own. Eat an orange = work by yer darn self and deal with it. I come back from running to the restroom, sit down at my desk, and start having a reaction before the smell even hits my nose. Yep...eating an orange AGAIN.


    I left for nearly an hour, he's done...but it's still lingering.




    What happened to common courtesy?

  16. :angry: What a terrible, MOM-like thing to say!





    Seriously, one of the few things my mother did for which I've never forgiven her was to cut my hair when I was in third grade. I had really long, honey-brown hair, with a broad gold streak down the back (totally natural - it was weird), and it was the prettiest thing about me, no question. *She* got tired of dealing with my hair and got it chopped off above my shoulders. It looked terrible, and I think my mother even regretted it once it was done.


    Anyway, if Hellraiser wants to cut her hair, that's one thing. YOU wanting to do it is entirely another.




    A Middle-Aged Woman Who Still Remembers the Heartbreak of an Unwanted Haircut :(


    :lol: :rofl:


    Fine, I'll leave it alone. Problem is that she gets just as sick of it as I do...and then she cuts it off. P.com has seen the end result of her self-stying three Octobers in a row. -_- :rolleyes:


    My mom did the same thing to me, though, so I get what you're saying.


    Oh! HR has a honey/blonde streak in the front, close to her bangs. :wub:

  17. I guess if you have the money-- after all it is their day----but no I have never heard of that.


    Almost every wedding I've been in or involved in, the wedding party paid for their own stuff - dresses, shoes, tux rental, etc. Sometimes the bride/groom would buy something for all of them (like all matching shoes), but not the entire ensemble. So having another person really doesn't cost anything extra - unless you count the meal, but if they're in your wedding party I'm sure they would have been at the wedding anyway. ^_^


    Hubby did wedding photography for 25 years, and we saw it all. One girl's "maid of honor" was her next door neighbor and best friend all her life - HE was so honored to share her special day. I've seen 11 year old sisters of the bride be maid of honor, too. There was a maid and a matron of honor at more than one wedding. It's the bride's and groom's day - they choose their honor attendants.


    My high school sweetheart/best friend swore I was going to be his best man when he got married. I would have been, too, if he hadn't eloped on the other side of the country before being shipped overseas. :blush:

  18. Having more than 1 "Maid of Honor"? I know you can have as many bridesmaids as you so wish. But having 2 Maids of Honor?



    And two best men, also...although I can't say that I've been in/to a wedding that had 2 of each, it's normally just one side or the other.

    A friend of mine had bridesmaids, but her 2 sisters were the Maid's of Honor. My brother had both his biological dad and his step-dad as the Best Men.


    It's really just up to the bride and groom. ^_^

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