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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. That's OK... Kinky can be good. :p


    How did you manage to run into a door though? :blink: :lol: :lol:

    Same way I did the last two times (one of which I broke my nose). Walked through it while it was moving, didn't realize it was still moving/had moved, and turned around to run smack into it. It's never just the door either, it's always the edge (the thin part).

  2. Gettin kinky on us are you? :blink:


    :lol: :lol: :p


    :rolleyes: :lol:

    Not anymore so than usual. :p Bubble wrap is for my protection from myself, technically. And fruit.


    I ran into a door today. Again. Didn't break my nose...this time. :rolleyes:

  3. Adults are not nice. He is a huge ass. Let me come visit you one day. I'll bring a nice ripe diaper with me and throw it in his trash can, then we'll leave for lunch. :lol:

    We share a trashcan.



    Genius, though. :lol:

  4. :lol: :lol: :lol: I love the word 'asshat', especially when it fits the heads of so many people on Pcom. It always makes me laugh out loud. :good:

    Me too. ^_^



    In all of this, remember: "If it's not documented, it didn't happen".

    It's documented. ;)


    Yep, LGM, you are just gonna have to be an adult about this. Ask him nicely not to eat them in the office. Make sure someone is there to witness said request. Then go straight to HR and tell them all about it. If you don't do something- noone will. There is being nice and there is being an adult.

    I've done all of that except go to HR.


    Can't I be a nice adult? :unsure:

  5. hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog


    hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog


    It's a brand new day, whatcha waitin' for.


    Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot diggety dog,


    get up, stretch out, jump off the log,


    Hot Dog Hot Dog our problem's solved.


    Now we got ears it's time for cheers


    Hot Dog Hot Dog, Hot diggety dog.


    I dunno that one.


    I'm telling you girl - that Paralyzer song - it makes me think of you every time - and I've never even met you.


    For me, right now, it's Britney's new Womanizer song. I really like it. There are others, but that's on the repeat loop right now.


  6. If your like me I always have a song in my heart and in my head. To bad they hardly ever play the same thing..haha I burst out in song all the stinkin time.


    The past week or so it's been TSO's 'A Last Illusion' and 'Wizards in Winter'.


    Try that sometime - songs without words stuck in your head...can't even sing along. :lol:


    You're sooo young! :D

    I love that song! Just makes you wanna cuddle, don't it? B)

    Nope - makes me wanna cry. ^_^

    Somebody get a different song stuck in my head, please.

  7. DUH. I got that much. Is on the road where the Dallas Theater is? On the left hand side when you are going to the courthouse from the Baptist church?



    DUH, there's only one courthouse square.


    Just sayin'. ^_^

  8. 2 pair size 7 black if you can do half sizes do one a seven and a half.


    One more thing from business owner to another and friend to friend.

    don't take on to much at one time and get burned out on your hobbie ,then it won't be a hobbie anymore or be any fun to do.

    Besides you have to much that I see I like and will want.

    If you can't get them tomorrow , don't worry about it, just let me know you do.


    I second, third ,fourth, and fifth that one. :mellow: ;)

  9. Lots of bittersweet memories with that song.




    I don't have any memories of this song...except maybe riding in my carseat while my mom listened to it on the radio. :ph34r:


    Would had to have been years later - I wasn't born yet. :blush:

    I do love the song though. :D

  10. Boy oh boy, kinda wish people would lighten up around here.


    Conehead, people are not getting your sense of humor and you will now receive death threats (by PM of course) maybe they will get your sense of humor on another day. Don't worry, there will be another day. :)

    I's not being hostile - he's crackin' me up.

    No death threats - I already said once I'm not violent! :D :lol:


    If someone can DIE from it Yes...don't be an asshat.

    See...I'm not even asking that. Just take it across the hall where there's ventilation. :pardon:

  11. Okay, so let's just put those few together and let them go to school together... or wait, they could stay home in a bubble like they really do have somthing wrong with them, just because there are idiots in the world.


    Maybe you just better quit work QUICK LGM and stay home... I'm sure *youknowwho* will have a "progam" for you.

    -_- :wacko: :aggressive:


    Do I get to keep my paycheck? :unsure: :ph34r: :lol:

  12. Yeah, but that's the gomment talking.


    I have never particularly liked peanuts, and would avoid them. I, and you, and the majority of the population grew up with peanuts and peanut butter all around us at school, however. Never saw a heart attack or any reaction to them personally. If someone has a peanut allergy, give them a special space.


    Don't punish everyone for the 1 in a million.


    Tell that to the kid I had to use an epi-pen on because we had a peanut based product in the room and didn't realize it.


    That was a wonderful ambulance ride to Paulding Hospital, just for the fun of it, ya know? :rolleyes: :lol:

  13. If someone in my office told me that they had once been hospitalized because they smelled an orange from 10 feet away, I would have stifled the biggest laugh you have ever heard, tried to look serious, and would have promised to bring the orange to work triple wrapped, eat it in the break room, and dispose of the peels in a toxic waste bag.


    I would have no problem being a gentleman in that situation. But, boy, would it make for some great stories over a beer.


    What is this severe reaction you get from smelling an orange from 10 feet away?



    He's not 10 feet away, he's three feet away. Maybe.


    I can't breathe. Literally - my throat starts to close up. How's that for a reaction?

    I've only actually had a reaction one time, and came *thisclose* to being hospitalized. I went to my wonderful doctor who stuck a needle in my arm and confirmed my allergy, and I've been on the safe side ever since - hence the lack of a reaction since the initial one.


    'preciate the questioning though. :rolleyes:

    And while we're at it - I actually like the smell of oranges. And lemons, and tangerines, or any kind of citrus. If I could, I'd eat an orange a day too. ;)


    UMMM same way kids can't have things with peanuts in their lunches because someone else may be allergic. :unsure:


    Maybe I only understand this because I taught Pre-K. :pardon:

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