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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. I voted that it should go back. ^_^


    Now, if they were married that's an entirely different story (IMO, anyway). I believe each party should keep their own rings, especially if they have children. Now, say the husband doesn't want the ring, the wife should have the option of keeping it before the husband gets rid of it - but I'm of the strong belief that the rings should get passed down to the child/children (so says the child who's mom still wears her dads wedding ring as a thumb ring 22 years later :rolleyes: )

  2. I'm more fond of my first name than I ever was, but I still prefer Shai. I'm also WAY more fond of my middle name than I was previously. My mom called me Panda - and I actually smile at that now rather than making mean faces. ^_^


    Christmas, though, is probably the thing I hated the most that makes me smile now. First year though - for some reason I'm excited about the season.

  3. I like the mom & pop places or independently owned coffee houses. There is a great one off of the Marietta Square. I'm not into Starbucks. Haven't found anything local. I do enjoy a laid back environment and simple coffee cup from IHOP :D Currently my home is my special place!


    The one at the Square is awesome. :wub:

    I could spend every weekend at the Marietta Square though - love that place.

  4. Now my truck is neat and clean all the time, I take care of my baby..


    Then the wife's car.... well I could take a fire hose to it for 1/2 and hour and it might be clean.


    I don't even ride in it any longer. :o


    nuff said on that one

    I wouldn't have anywhere for someone to ride. :nea: Unless, of course, I moved the booster. HR has her own clean spot - she makes much of the mess with her 'stuff', but refuses to leave her mess on her side so the other half of the back seat is a collection of Dora, Barbie, jacket, random non-matching shoes, hairbows, and the missing pieces of a Doodle Pro. :rolleyes:


    I was going to clean it out...then it got cold. I'm thinkin' about doing it at lunch.

  5. what? who needs that junk?


    i'm talking useful stuff....


    like cheezits, house slippers, needle nose pliers, a frisbee, some velcro, 6 half read paperback books, a pack of matches, fishing poles, tackle box, a tarp, blue window paint.............


    you know, stuff you might need.


    christmas ornaments, a cd player (boom box style), three coffee mugs, a water bottle collection, a barbie with a blue mohawk (nekkid, of course), a barbie with missing appendages (also nekkid, of course), fifty-eleven empty grocery bags, enough preschool artwork to wallpaper a gymnasium and shoes. Lots of shoes, big and small.



    Gotta be prepared, ya know?

  6. My Neice wants her eyebrow done....I would pass out as soon as the needle gun thingy came at me....thus the reason I have never gotten a tattoo though - I do at times still want to get a Teddy Bear on my ankle (which --- yes --- I have heard is one of the most painful places to get a tattoo!)


    Only thing I can say about Belly Button piercing --- my neice said it is quite painful if it gets ripped out because it gets caught on your pants. I didn't ask her how she knew! :rolleyes:


    Most places don't use guns. They use a clamp with two holes...and a needle that they...yeah, just youtube it. :lol:



    okay,I'll admit...my eyebrow didn't tickle as much as the belly button piecing :lol: Neither hurt,but I felt the eyebrow piercing ^_^ The tongue was the easiest,I actually asked," that's it?!" when he was done,lol,but the nose piercing almost made me cry :lol: That is the only one that hurt,and it HURT <_<


    The belly button is a BREEZE!

    The nose made my eyes water, but it didn't actually hurt. My eyebrow bled like crazy the first time, but not so much the subsequent times.


    You know what the worst piercing was for me? My cartiledge. I had three or four in each ear, and could never get over the crunching/pop sound. :bad: I turned green almost every time.

  7. How could someone not like her? She's too much fun.




    Maybe he just wanted to give you mouth-to-mouth :pardon:

    :o :lol:


    I'm 99 % sure he's more Mark's type. I think, anyway.


    Either way, no thanks. :nea:

  8. HIJACK!!! Pictures.......PLEASE......................... :o :o


    Of what, exactly? :unsure: :lol:


    Like everybody else said, though, it's pretty much over and then done. Most piercings are like that. I just vividly remember blacking out because it was not typical of me. I smiled when I got my eyebrow done...all three (technically four) times. :blush:

  9. I do not buy any food at Starbucks ever. I went into the one at Target one day and they were out of blueberry muffins so she went to the Target bakery and was going to charge me $1.79 for one of the muffins out of the 3 for 2.99 pack I told her how funny I thought thas was. Never ever again.

    :rofl: :rofl:

  10. Really depends. I've had friends that didn't even flinch, and I've had friends that cried their eyes out. I would have to disagree that it depends on your tolerance level though, different people have different feeling in different parts of their body. I've had many, many body piercings...and the bellybutton was the only one I reacted to at all. It didn't really hurt...but I blacked out. I could hear; I could move; I just saw black for a few seconds.


    Healing....now that's another story. :lol:

  11. hey lgm did you whoop orange boy's butt today


    Nope. :(

    Pretty sure I'd lose my job. I did go to my boss lady's boss lady - she said she'd take care of it, and that if it didn't get taken care of she'd go higher up. She was not happy...baffled, even, that somebody would be so inconsiderate. ^_^

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