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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Racism. Where did that come from?

    Pretty sure they were referring to spending time with family that makes them all <_< -_- due to racism. ;)

    I have one of those too - luckily I get to dodge them until Christmas. :D

  2. I'm going to have a bittersweet Thanksgiving, I think. I get to see my uncle, whom I've only seen twice since I was HR's age. The first time I was still in elementary school, and the second was almost 4 years ago when my mom was in a coma in ICU. We didn't think she was going to make it and he just happened to call her house to say hello (after years). I picked him up and we rode to and from the hospital together so he could see her - he didn't even realize I had graduated, much less graduated, grown up, gotten married, and had a baby. Today, he gets to meet HR. :wub: He is my only uncle - although I do have a few uncle-in-laws and great uncles.


    After that gathering, I'm going to a different family gathering. My grandmother will be there (and be as cantankerous as possible, I'm sure :wub: ), but my grandfather will not be. You'd think after 8 years I'd be used to it, but I'm not. He died of lung cancer when I was 15, despite the fact that he quit smoking 10 years prior. <_< My grandpa was my favorite person in the world.

    I miss you, Grandpa. :blush:

  3. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




    I have taken your posts as I think you intended. I do not believe that you have real ill feeling toward your mother. You wouldn't be doing all that you have. We all get irritated with loved ones and this is a good place to recount the events that led up to the drink at the bar! :D


    Have a great Thanksgiving and you will treasure all these great stories ( and the not so great ones, trust me ) in the years to come. :)



    He's just irritated. Not a doubt in my mind that he loves his mom and is enjoying his holidays. ^_^ My mom was the center of my universe growing up, and while I may pull my hair out and beat my head against the wall about her from time to time as an adult, those around don't have a doubt that I love her in spite of it all. ^_^


    He just spent time with her in Florida, then drove 1000 miles in the car with her, is continuing to spend time with her, and has to turn around and drive another 1000 miles with her. Love her or not, that's alot of time to be spending with somebody. :wacko:


    I'm also 99% sure that his being glad he doesn't live up there was directed at the traffic/parking issue, seeing as how that's what his post was really about...and she doesn't live 'up there'. :D

  4. My stepmom got HR a portable DVD player for Christmas. I'm not exactly thrilled with it - we only take 15-20 minute trips...45 minutes tops - and I can't process that a child would need to watch something on tv to make a 20 minute trip. Like my dad said, 'We used to drive 6 hours to the beach without even a radio!' :lol:

    I'm sure it'll come in handy though. ^_^


    When it comes to Ipods, I really wouldn't get anything but an actual iPod. I've had a few other mp3 players, and it's just easier to find tunes and accessories for an iPod. WAY easier. Then, for Valentines Day, Easter, good grades, etc., you can pick him up a $10 iTunes card. ^_^ Those things really are the gift that keeps on giving (unless, of course, your Dxh leaves your passenger car door unlocked and it gets stolen 3 weeks after Christmas <_< ).


    Circuit City had some cheap laptops, but you might want to shop aroud on those. I know very little about them.

  5. I was wondering if there were any coffee shops around here. I had forgotten about Hiram Coffee House, and will have to go there sometime. There was a coffee shop/bookstore in Powder Springs (I think they had a commerce membership here) that was conveniently located for me, however they didn't open in the morning until after I was supposed to be at work.


    Thank you to everybody who made suggestions. "Fivebucks" is the only place that came to my mind. Sitting in a booth at Waffle House late at night works well, too.

    Why even bother with coffee? Ice cream or milkshakes are perfect in this weather. :lol: :p

  6. Did you see the part of the preaching to the choir thing? Being form Paulding county thing? Girl....If I know what you are going through with that it is my own life! I was barely 22 years old with two kids! good things are out there for ya!!!! TMI I guess! :blush:



    I just ranted about my ex....your story was SO not TMI. :lol:

  7. You should change it to say "I deserve every dream and hope I have, and no one will take that from me."


    It's the truth, you know it, even if you don't always tell yourself that.


    Not to say you came from nothing, everyone has a different history, it's how and what you do with it that counts.

    And I'm doing something with it. ^_^ :yahoo:


    I agree!


  8. That would only matter to someone who only thinks that they need to tell themselves they are better than someone else. If you are interested in someone, and are attracted to them. It's because you are attracted to who they are at that time. And everything that they are at that, is because of everything that has happened to them and that is what made them who they are. Even your little HR, she has made you what you are today.


    It doesn't matter where a person is from. Trash can come from anywhere, and the most beautiful gems always come from nothing, they grow into that.


    I'm gonna run out of room in my siggy with all the lines folks have been coming up with over the past few days.


    Thanks. :wub:

  9. Awe sweetie I am not to much older than that and I already think he's an ass!


    You do deserve so much better! You are a great girl with so much to offer!


    I'm from Paulding County, have a kid, and had a subpar childhood...thus I'll never be good enough. ;) And I'll never make it on my own. :rolleyes:


    I read that thread. NEVER got the impression that was what you were saying! If I remember correctly, somebody did a quick hijack & asked how the guy was doing or what happened to him in the middle of that other conversation, right?


    Somebody pulled a muscle on that reach...


    That's what I'm saying.

    But no...everything I do and say...ugh. Yeah. That.


    what crap!!!! i swear if a man said that to me....... i would beat a NEW opinion into him. that crap is unacceptabe!!!!!!!!!!!! i just cant get any further into that one, mt blood is boiling and i dont even know you and i know you deserve better than that! im pissed.


    Don't get pissed. ^_^

    I just needed to vent.

  10. maybe changing your signature to "none of my exes are gay would get the point across????? :rofl:

    I so think I'm going to add that. :ph34r:


    Wow! :o I really think this is just crazy (the little that I know) The older you get the less you care about what others say! Like I said before! I am sooo glad NO ONE cares about what I do!


    I am sorry LGM! You deserve better!

    He's in his 30's...I think age is irrelevant. :lol:


    I do deserve better though - just recently realized this. Very recently - after being told I'd never be good enough. :rolleyes:


    I still can't see you being spiteful or mean to someone. Maybe, just maybe.... less than polite, but that's about it.

    I can be.

    Not to him though, which is why I was all :blink: about it.

  11. LGM is way too nice to do anything like that. Anyone would do well to be even a tenth as nice as she is.


    I keep telling you I'm not as nice as you think I am. :p


    Nice than some apparently give me credit for, though. :rolleyes:

  12. why do they care? i may have missed something, but i dont recall seeing you post anything mean or ugly or wrong, maybe they should MYOB!!!!!!! i dont really know you but you seem nice, i cant imagine someone pickin a fight with ya!

    No idea.

    Apparently I think my ex is gay. Ah, no. I wished my ex well a few nights ago, and then I joked about C.Mark thinking some other p.commers were gay and/or girls...never mentioned the two together.


    Hey - if I thought he were gay I wouldn't have dated the guy. Repeatedly. :rolleyes:


    What the heck!? I am soooo glad nobody cares what I do! :lol:

    No joke.

    Not even worth my time really. ^_^ Just throws me for a loop.

  13. That's how I felt a few hours ago.


    Apparently, despite the fact that *somebody* is no longer on the board, somebody ON the board is playing 'little birdie' and reporting what I'm saying/doing. :angry2:


    I wouldn't even flippin' care if they'd atleast get it right. :rolleyes: <_<

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