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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama



    Fer serious. 'Mommy 1' didn't make it through the ICH issue. 'Mommy 2' was played with to death shortly after dawn this morning. HR was absolutely frantic as she came running into my room, fishnet in hand, screaming 'It died, it died, it died! I was just playing with it mama!'


    What a wonderful way to wake up. :wacko: Guess I need to have the 'fish can't breathe out of water' talk with my little Elmyra. :rolleyes:

  2. No kidding ... or a few! I keep losing mine. <_<




    I told Mr.Oscar all the inlaw shenanigans will be taking place at THEIR house today. We're bringin' the food and THE MESS!!! :lol:

    I typically either leave mine in the car and it starts to rain while I'm in my office across campus, or I leave it in my office by accident and it rains when I'm in my car.


    Then they broke. All of 'em. The wind was killer the last few storms. <_<

  3. I'm not Christian. I like Christmas music fine. I know it comes every year, at the same time :lol: though listening to it for 8 hours a day has proven to drive me batty once back in the 90's, but nothing that I can't get therapy for... I knew it would be over in a month. :lol: I can see where they might be coming from, but if i were there I personally wouldn't care one way or another. (as long as its not manheim steamroller. I'd climb a clock tower for 8 hours of that. gaaah.)



    I :wub: Manheim Steamroller.

  4. Hmmm...I bought way too much handmade soap (still not done with that - I'll hit IGF's site when it reopens), handmade earrings, and am still hunting for something handmade John Deere for a 2 year old (not having luck with that one... I don't like anything I'm buying).


    I did all of this from the comfort of my dad's couch with a cup of hot cocoa while watching HR and my step-mom put up the Christmas tree. I love shopping online because I can walk away to think about it and walk back later - it took looking at the store a couple of times between noon and 8Pm tonight to get exactly what I wanted/needed from my soap guy. ^_^

  5. I don't own a credit card - I've never believed in them (and was SO happy when I listened to Dave Ramsey and discovered I wasn't the only person in the world with that perspective :lol: ). I used my debit card for almost everything. So far, everything I've purchased (except for HR's stuff) has either been a handmade gift or something for me to make a handmade gift out of. :D


    Etsy Black Friday sales rocked today.

  6. BOO!!!


    I've been reading threads in the Political Forum. There are some super educated people on Pcom and some really ill informed ones too. It's a great read if you can't sleep. You just got to remember to breathe deeply and slowly so you don't hurl your laptop across the room from disgust and frustration.



  7. Especially with fries ;)


    Hmm, that could be another thread. Where are your favorite places to go out for ice cream or a milkshake...


    BTW, I like McDonald's iced coffee. QuikTrip has many coffee choices to choose from at a low price; perhaps they could think about having a little section for customers to sit down and drink coffee and eat donuts while perusing the morning newspaper.

    It depends on the McDonalds. I've discovered that it's about a 50/50 chance of getting a good one. The good ones are oh-so-yummy though!

  8. I don't even know from Pre or Post conspiracy. The only thing I know is that David Duchovney and Gillian Anderson are equally hot but this show is beyond stupid and CREEPY.


    We watched one episode of Fringe. I said never again.


    Munky and I watched the first episode together and five minutes in were all :blink: :blink: :blink: ...but couldn't bring ourselves to change the channel. We've just immediately changed the channel after House since, so as not to get sucked into the creepy, incredibly predictable show with the Mighty Ducks guy. :lol:

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