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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Not at all. Simply explain to her that Santa is in your network, and that you will be loaning the elf your cell phone regularly.


    Problem solved. :D


    That works.


    This kid is smarter than I can handle.

    What barely four year old comes up with stuff like that? :huh: :wacko:

  2. OH NO!!! touching him takes away his magical powers!!! She must beware of this cause he won't be able to fly without them!!!


    I got one for my girlfriend's son. He is 5 and named his elf "Twinkle". It is working very well. I called him Sat. to check up on Twinkle and was given the play by play. It is awesome and Jen and he DH love this thing!!!



    Sounds like you need to re-read her the book. You can't touch him or he'll loose his magic, then he can't fly back to the NPole to give Santa his report.


    I'm thinkin' that's the point. According to her, if he can't fly, he can't report to Santa. Then she can keep on keepin' on, AND she has a new friend to play with. :rolleyes:


    My preschooler has officially learned deductive reasoning. I'm doomed.

  3. OH GOD! I had the coughs on Friday night. However, I was with Solosoul and Rocksymom all day Friday and they aren't sick. So, I hope I am not the one who got you and JLH sick!!! AACCKKK!!!


    Feel better, sweetie! Love me some hot tea with lemon and honey!!!!!

    <_< <_< <_<




    I do have lemon and honey zinger tea...other than that my cupboards are pretty bare. Waiting on Dxh to take over the kiddo later this evening so I can go grocery shopping. :wacko: Not a good idea to do that while I'm sick though...I'll want to buy all comfort foods. And soups. :blush:

  4. -_- great.


    If I'da known. :blush:


    See: if you would eat more oranges, you wouldn't have this problem.













    Seriously, I hope y'all feel better soon - it's a bummer of a time to be sick!


    :o :lol:

    Or bananas. Bananas are apparently the Godsend to good health. :rolleyes:

  5. Awww! :(


    Are you miserably sick? Or just coughing and such?




    SSD-5%20Get%20Well.gif.gif ear0165l.jpg

    :lol: :wub:


    I'm coughing, congested, and it hurts to swallow.

    She's pretty much the same, only she squeaks when she talks too. Her director called her this morning and she sounded like minnie mouse. :blush: Her throat is sort of red, but when I try to shine a light in her little mouth to look she gets distracted by the flashlight and closes her mouth. :rolleyes:

  6. gonna be out and about today and i would call and come by but.....guess not if you two are possibly contagious...she sure did get hot and sticky playing thanksgiving...also, lilli had just gotten over pneumonia if they didnt tell ya...was out of school for two weeks.

    i will call later if not too pooped and check on my little guys.


    One of 'em just got over pneumonia and another little one had strep, but was on an anti-biotic.

    No telling which one she wound up with...this kid catches everything. :rolleyes:

  7. Feel better soon!!

    Eh. I'll be fine. I would have gone to work today if I didn't have to take her in for a check-up anyway. And if she didn't have something potentially contageous to take with her to daycare.


    I'll be back at work tomorrow...with a box of hot tea and a tupperware container of sugar/honey. ^_^ :lol:

  8. I don't think we have the same thing...actually think hers may be strep. <_< Fun-tastic. :yahoo: :rolleyes: Anyway, this is a small PSA because I/we saw bunches of folks over the weekend.


    Crossing my fingers we didn't get anybody else sick. :unsure: If we did, I'm really, really sorry. :( :blush:

  9. Trying to wake up. Got in around 6am, managed to take a nap but kept waking up. Been up since 8am yesterday got to sleep around 9 and woke up at noon. Been going through all the photos I took, mybe I'll do an online album with them. Most may not find them interesting though, I lived up there so most of the photos I took aren't really the touristy type ones.




    Is it that dry tinlgy thoat sensation? Wih a cough that you get from taking too deep a breath?

    Nope - it's congested cough with a cough I get from doing anything. :lol:




    That sucks... I hope you get over that mess soon!


    Me too! ^_^

  10. even if it snows you can drive in it, let a little air out of your tires for better traction and go slow


    I'm not worried about the snow...I'm worried about the folks that freak out over the word 'snow' and wipe out the stores/clog up the check-outs for us folks that really are out of food. :lol:

  11. We've just read the first Fablehaven. Loved it!!!!



    I was at Barnes and Noble today too! Had to get the Elf on the Shelf. :blush:


    Because you rock. :wub:



    To the OP, as a former bookseller I can really only tell you what I saw kids his age reading - Twilight series, Harry Potter series, Gary Paulsen, some L. Snickett, and the Warriors series. The Warriors series absolutely flew off of the shelves, and still does - I've never read a single page, so I couldn't tell you what they're about. There are alot of them though.

  12. what cha do ? for a job

    You ever see those commercials that come on TV late at night? :pardon:

    :o :lol:

    Not even close. :p


    sounds kinda boring

    I actually love it. I work at a college, so it's all college stuff. The students are great, my co-workers are great, and I love working in customer service.

  13. Um....nope....no, I didn't!!!! I had it 2 weeks ago. I don't think you could still catch it from me now! :p



    I hope I didn't catch it from you last night, though. :closedeyes:



    Maybe it's one of those bugs you can't get again after you have already had it! ::keepingfingerscrossed:: :lol:



    I talk on the phone for a living. Wonder if I can shake this mess by 8am Monday morning. :rolleyes:

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