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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. I absolutely cannot wait to see how this is going to play out! I :wub: me some HR stories!

    It's entertaining, to say the least. :lol:


    Seriously, we REALLY need to get our two together and see what happens! =@


    Your HR stories remind me so much of A it's not funny!

    We definitely need to get the girls together! :D

  2. I remember when 9/11 happened, I mean right as it was happening, I looked at my 1st period teacher and said 'Wow. Maybe Atlanta isn't the safest place to live. What if they attack the CDC?'. She just looked at me and said 'You're smart for a 16 year old.'


    I don't live in fear, but I do think about it from time to time. Living within the 'Metro' area of a big city scares me when it comes to things like this.


    Makes me wanna move to middle-of-nowhere-America. -_-

  3. I hope I am not posting this twice. That elf looks just like the elf I've had since I was about 5 years old (I'm 45). Except my elf is wearing a green and white striped outfit and not a red one. Same face. He kind of looks like the snap-crackle-pop guys from the Rice Krispies box. My sister Amy and I each got one because he was free with the purchase of some kind of dish washing liquid my Mom bought. I just hung him on a door knob Sunday when we decorated our house for Christmas. Is there a story behind him? I have never heard of "elf on the shelf"!


    I love him because he looks vintage. Reminds me of a Kewpie doll. :wub: :blush:

    I think you can find the story behind it at www.elfontheshelf.com - the creators are local (from Kennesaw), the author's name is Chanda Bell.

  4. may, i ask, what in the world are you posting about?


    Skippy is what she named her Elf on the Shelf.





    Actually, she didn't name her, a friend of mine did...but she seems to think it fits him.


    Cute little thing, isn't he? ^_^

  5. Yesterday HR discovered that if she holds Skippy, he can't fly back to Santa and report her behavior. Awesome, right? Wrong - that apparently also means he can't fly back and report bad behavior...atleast in this kids head. She got up in the middle of the night, and elf-napped Skippy. :mellow: :blink: I woke up to her coughing three different times and kidnapped him back, only to find him right back cuddled under her arm.


    So, she wakes up this morning, gets dresed, moves her covers back and flips out because Skippy isn't in the bed. 'Where'd he go?!?' she asks. Ummm...to Santa? Her face went all :o :unsure: and she started running around the house yelling 'Skippy, where aaaaaaaare you?!?'. She found him on the entertainment center. The following conversation took place as she was trying to get him down:


    Me: Leave Skippy alone.

    HR: I just wanna hold him

    Me: If you hold him, he can't fly back to Santa

    HR: ::looks around like I said something obvious:: Umm...I know.

    Me: You're not holding him - Santa will get upset if Skippy can't fly back to him.

    HR: ::looks defeated::


    I go to my room, and peek around the corner to find her on her tip toes infront of the entertainment center. She looks at me panicked, and slaps the power button the tv.

    HR: Skippy doesn't like tv.

    Me: Good thing you turned it off then.

    HR: Yep. :looks around for a way out of being caught:

    Me: Back away from the elf.

    HR: You know he's my bestest friend.

    Me: That's really sweet.

    HR: Yep. You should give him to me.




    As we left, Skippy was watching Goof Troop...which is apparently his favorite movie, and she left him a blueberry muffin. Bribing the elf, now? I hope to gods Dxh eats the muffin before she gets home. :unsure: :lol:

  6. Santa thanks you SmoochieMom. :wub: Santa on the Square is a real Santa, professionally trained at the world's oldest Santa School, which he attends annually. You do not have to pay anything to see Santa and tell him your wishes. While photos are offered at less than $10, you do not have to buy, and you can take your own photos. Moms, Dads, siblings, are welcomed, too! Santa is working on a website - check out the photos to see the 'real' Santa. Santa :)

    Where is he located exactly, and how long have you guys been doing this? ^_^

  7. The asking for the first date has never bothered me so much... It is the part after that, the 'getting to know you' part. I hate that feeling of discomfort that I get until I get to know them more, and I also am aware of the fact that I tend to 'smother' people that I like because I like to be around them more than they may like, I usually come off as desperate... I guess what I am really afraid of is scaring them away... :lol:


    I have the opposite problem. The 'getting to know you' part is fun for me...I like getting to know people. Unfortunately, I wind up still in the 'we're not really dating, we're just getting to know each other and seeing what happens' stage while they're wayyyyyy ahead of me.


    More than once I've been introduced as the girlfriend only to look around like 'Moi? Girlfriend? Say what?' :rolleyes: :lol:

  8. I was kind of wondering that myself. I mean, I understand that sentimentality of it, but if it's going to be that traumatic for him, why put him through it just because it was a fond memory for you? I mean, it's not going to give him the same type of fond memory if it traumatizes him. :unsure:


    In my own defense ( :p ), I don't force HR into it. Anywhere we 'try' Santa, there are other things to do - like when we went to see the lights at Lake Lanier. There's a whole slew of things to do. We do the other things, I suggest the Santa...last year she said ok and got all the way up to him before freaking out and I whisked her away back to what we were doing before. She did this three times (at three different places), but I never pushed her. I just pointed and said 'Hey...wanna go see Santa?'

  9. :pardon:

    I've never been on the receiving end of that rule. I've always received a 'Good night! I had fun.' whatever text message by the time I'm ready to go do bed. :unsure:


    Either that or 'Call or text me when you get home and let me know you made it okay.' (by the way, I don't drink and drive...this just seems to be the norm for some reason.

  10. You are currently owned by a James? :unknw:



    That figures.


    So, somebody just got off of the computer - was on whilst I was in a steam shower trying to breathe. Just tried to log on to my myspace and voila!:This account has been locked out for 15 minutes due to excessive failed login attempts. Please try again or Click Here to enter a different e-mail and password.


    Freakin' A. :rolleyes:

  11. Doesn't it make you a little sad to know you might not have that picutre?

    I have a picture of me in Santa's lap from the time I was born until I was 19 - 19 was the first year I had HR. I haven't had one since, and neither has she. :( It was a huge tradition with me - I drug Dxh to the mall every year just to get my picture. :blush:

    We've tried the mall, parades, little church functions...just hasn't happened so far. She's a little calmer this year, but she flipped out on Chuck-E-Cheese at her birthday so I'm not so sure.

  12. My sensory sensitive youngin' has yet to meet Santa IRL. She's seen him from afar several times, loves him on tv...but the whole sitting in Santa's lap thing just hasn't worked for us. Yet. We're trying again this year.

  13. Yes! The only Christmas music I would listen to was The Trans-Siberian Orchestra until Taylor Swift came out with a Christmas album last year. Now, Subby's very talented piano playing is included in the only Christmas music I listen to! I bought a few copies to give out as well.


    ::coughcoughcough:: :angel:



    Just kidding!

    I bet it's awesome though. ^_^

  14. Let me rephrase... it encourages kids to be good then?


    It would be much more effective if he was animatronic, with motions sensor that would let him follow the kids with his head.


    Some kids, like LGM's little HR have already figured out how to outsmart the elf so his effectiveness is somewhat limited.... that's why he needs to be animatronic.




    Next thing she'll figure out is that if she's in another room he can't see her. :lol:


    She figured that one out already, that's why she kept climbing and getting him down - so he could see her in all of our rooms. Then I told her that if she kept touching him, he couldn't fly back to Santa. I swear I saw the little wheels turning in her head...then she realized that if he couldn't fly, he couldn't report the bad stuff either. :rolleyes:

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