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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. 'Public schools rock my socks!' -Sage


    'I love stray and neighborhood animals unneccesarily playing and pooping in my yard!' - LibertyLady


    'It's not worth the money to put the extra effort into being frugal' - Teatime


    'I don't have an answer to that question' - ihave2dogs


    'Anybody wanna shoe shop in my closet?' - LPPT

  2. I'll still look out for her then.... there's at least 6-7 regular cats that I see by the creek area, there's an area that they go into and use as a home. I'll put out some food too, maybe that will help (and make for even more permament residents). They hang out there becasue of the water and there are lots of small critters there too.









    :( I'd be the same way if one my dogs went missing.

    Reread the OP - she's no longer missing. They found her dead in the neighbor's yard. :cray:


    My big, fluffy, not so cuddly Hurricaine Katrina Kitty. :(

  3. y need to give some sort of idea on general pay for this...picking up from school..feeding, getting bath and ready for school next day..then bed. i dont know the going rate for just "babysitting" but i bet there are either some parents of teens or teens on here that do..good luck.


    I'll work that out with the person. ;)


    another thought, if the babysitter\nanny is going to be driving with HR, you'll want to make sure that they have enough insurance just in case something does happen... and they will probably need to have childseat too, unless you can leave it at daycare for them to use, and they will need to know how to use it properly


    That's in my notes already. ;)



    In the past, I have had excellent results using education majors from KSU. Latter year students with kid experience, who you also know are really going to be into kids. Didn't you say you work at KSU? What could be more perfect. You could post to a billboard in the education section, maybe even get references from teachers, etc.


    Working on that one too. ^_^

  4. Go to Care.com - I've been hearing a lot about this website, but haven't tried it out. Also, check with some of your friends to see if they have an older teenager that's interested in making a little cash.

    That site is awesome! But it's $25 for a month. :blink:



    KRM Thank you!!


    LGM i am very good with kids. Esp. girls due to the fact my brother has two of them. I love kids.

    I'll PM you later this evening when I get home with a few questions. ;)

  5. So, I could keep HR at her school past hours, because her school offers it. It's pretty cheap, considering, but I want to try something else. I would love to have somebody pick her up from school, take her home (as in our home), feed her and all that jazz, and put her to bed. It's just two days a week, we're talking right around 2 hours or less, and I'll be home about 30 minutes after she goes to bed (at 8Pm). Just two days a week this semester. I'm thinking about extending her bedtime to 9pm so that I can tuck her in after I get home, but that entirely depends on how the mornings go if I do that.


    Any ideas? I would prefer someone I know and trust.

  6. AWWWW, Sage!! I am so happy for you. All the wonderful things that happened towards the last half of the year last year and just continuing thru into 2009!! My next question is... WHO'S THROWING THE BABY SHOWER??? I already know who is baking the cake. I so cannot wait!! YAY!YAY!




    I should so throw a p.com shower. :lol: :ph34r:

  7. I was told if you carrying in the back your having a Boy. If you carrying in the front your having a Girl. I was also told that if you carry High It's a Girl and Low Its a Boy.

    Yup - little one was in my ribcage and she was a girl.


    Then there was the.......Turn Around and let me see you from the back...........If you can tell you were preggo from the back it was a girl, if you couldn't it was a boy. :)

    That one worked too.


    I was always told that the baby's heartbeat while in utero was a good indicator. Slow heartbeat (130's) was a boy. Higher heartbeat (150-160) was a girl. For all 4 of my children this was accurate.

    That one worked too.


    LOL, you can do this over the palm BEFORE pregnancy too. They did it to me, and I thought it was pure BS...said it would be twins :o We weren't even having anymore kids :rolleyes: . Crap...1 1/2 years later come #3 and #4 :p :wacko:



    How did you know it meant twins?

  8. :rofl: Thanks sweet stuff! That whole feeling ill around Christmas makes TOTAL sense now :ph34r: :wub:

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    No joke. :rolleyes:



    Congrats Sage!!! Does SHE know yet? haa haa haa

    Can your daughter claim it as her brother if its a boy?


    I said the saaaaaame thing. From my understanding, it has to be a boy. And may need to reside in my home, anyway.


    Hey Sage - I have room if B is really that determined. :lol: :wub:

  9. Are you sure she is your child???? J/K. Don't worry, she will outgrow that phase ALL too soon!!! LOL. Enjoy her while she is little and still in that cute phase. :)



    LGM, your child is priceless! I just love hearing her stories. I so want to meet this sweet little angel one day..lol She is a riot!




    Thanks! I'll have to post pictures later - I started mopping a few days ago and she took it from me and cleaned the floors herself. :blush: Every.Single.Floor. in the place. I think she spent a good twenty minutes on her hands and knees with a scrub brush, singing the songs from Cinderella. :rolleyes: I tried to get her to play with her dolls or tea set instead...nope! Wanted to clean.

  10. So I'm walking out the door to take little one to school this morning, and she pitches a fit. She did the same thing yesterday. I tell her we HAVE to go to school and she replies with 'Nope...I want to stay home and clean and cook and make muffins...like a mommy is supposed to'. :blink: <_< For real? Maybe I shouldn't have kept her home in the mornings over break. :lol: So I tell her that she has to go to school and learn, and she says girls should stay home and not have to go to school.


    :rolleyes: Wow. As smart as she is, she prefers chores and cooking. Lord help me.

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