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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. OK, then it's the one that smells like cedar that kills me. I swear everytime she wore it, it smelled like a cedar saw mill. I don't why I thought the woodsy one is patchouli. If it's the trail mix looking stuff (I am totally blanking on what it's called... ar-something??)


    This kind of bowl.




    Oh, thaaaaat kind of bowl. No, that's not what patchouli smells like. :mellow:

  2. What does it smell like though? Is it the woodsy one, kind of like cedar\piney smell? Or is it the one that smells a lot like the stuff you put in a bowl, only 50 times stronger? I just remember a lday I worked with wore something, and I think it was patchouli.


    Yeah, that one. Maybe.


    What kinda bowl ya talking about, exactly? :mellow:

  3. :sigh: Ok then :rolleyes: smelled bad to me then..... to others it may smell pleasant. Honestly, the smell of skunk doesn't bother me. But the smell of patchouli kills me.



    Did decide on what to eat.... ordering pizza. I was going to make an Seared Asian Pork Loin with a Asian Pan Sauce.... but pizza's easier and I just feel like cooking at all.


    I use patchouli soap. :D

  4. I love having breakfast for dinner. I don't think I've ever even ordered anything of the lunch menu at Waffle House. And I've eaten there many times after getting off work, and any other time of the day. I always get the same thing, triple hash browns scattered and smothered, a waffle and biscuits and gravy.






    Because him being sick killed my appetite for the day. It smelled pretty bad up to the last two times, so one led naturally to another.



    Did I kill your appetites??? I if so I am sooooooo :lol: :lol: :lol: just kidding. I'm sorry.

    Well it wasn't completely gone until just now.



    Great gods. :rolleyes:

  5. :lol: :blush:


    IKEA is awesome! :wub:


    + every time I go there, I get a ton of great decorating & organizing ideas!

    That's what I'm hoping for! My mom printed a bunch of crafty/thrift store ideas for apartments from the Better Homes and Gardens website. Some of them are just too cool!




    Hey....does anybody know the difference between a duvet set and a comforter set? :huh: They look the same to me.

  6. That's a bummer! Bella's bed is from IKEA and I can't find sheets to ever fit properly, they are usually too big ;)


    Yay for your bed though! :wub:


    I had to add 'coffee table to my list - he won the battle on that one. :rolleyes: :( :lol:


    I was all 'But...but...but...Sage gave us that!' :rofl:


    I'm going to take a trip to Ikea next weekend I think, just to look around and get some ideas.

  7. When oldest was in a toddler bed, I found that a twin size folded in half - then turned 90 degrees was just the right size for a toddler bed. A toddler bed is a crib mattress, right? If so - find plain crib mattress sheets - we had plain white ones, but I think we've gotten rid of them all. I've never used top sheets - both of them just kick them to the bottom of the bed. Then, fold a twin quilt in half, maybe sew it up if you need to, and use it that way.


    Good luck. I've never figured out why kids need cartoon characters on their beds.

    The bed itself is a pink Princess bed. :bad: And she has other girly stuff and will probably have atleast one painted wall. I think character sets just make it too busy.


    Then again, I organize her entire room with matching, labeled Rubbermaid containers...so apparently I like things to be orderly and aesthetically appealing. Who knew? :pardon: :lol:

  8. Maybe I'm easily frustrated today because I know I have to go back to work in 2 days ( :lol: ), but this whole bedding hunting thing is driving me nuts.


    HR has a toddler bed...only it's a teeny tiny bit bigger. I can't find bedding for it that doesn't have some cartoon character blasted across it. All of the nice bedding, even the cheaper nice bedding, is for a twin. Ugh.


    On a good note - I found a bed for moi. :D

  9. No, same one...


    I went through a period where I was sure she wasn't interested, and that I was wasting my time yet again. Well, we did some talking, and the events of the past week or so have changed my mind.

    I am now sure that I just read into things the wrong way, and I decided that I needed to step things up instead of moping around. What do I have to lose? Even if she isn't interested I will at least find out quicker, and if she is then I won't win her by waiting on her to call or something like that... So... I say what the hell? :lol:



    I concur.

    Go for it. ;)

  10. I can't sleep because I didn't get out of bed until 4:00... Woke up at 12:30 when I recieved a text message from 'someone' :ph34r: between dozing and texting with her I didn't get out of bed until 4:00. Then I went to pick her up around 6:30 and went out for a while... I dropped her off around midnight. ^_^



    'Splain, please. :mellow: :p

  11. You have been given a lot of great suggestions. I can only add....do not go into credit card debt to get all the things you need. You don't want to deal with a completely set up home and a huge debt to pay off.


    Take what is offered to you free. It's not charity....it's people giving so that you can give back one day!


    I don't have a credit card. Don't believe in them, actually. :blush:


    But thank you for the suggestion! :D

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