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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Sounds like a bad disc. You might be able to just download it from their website. I'm not sure how to go about getting the disc itself to work. sorry

    It wouldn't read another disc either...but it reads stupid Disney Majjong. :rolleyes:


    Another thing to check, is the disc a DVD disc and is the drive a CD drive only?


    Or it could just be a bad disc.


    That's the problem...I forgot we swapped out my DVD drive for a CD drive only when the computer crashed.


    Son of a.... <_<


    Should just go ahead and get a Mac :lol:


    You's gonna pay for it?


    I used a Christmas gift card to get the game...now I gotta find a darn DVD Rom. :rolleyes:

  2. ..Pulls finger........................



    JEBUS CRIPES, did something inside you die?!?!


    haha. Thanks for the warm welcome guys(and gals.) Yall seem like a warm, disfunctional bunch, just like my car forum im a member of. :p



    And i KNOW you just didnt Giggle at me Shai!


    I'll be around!


    Warm? Sometimes. Definitely dysfunctional though. :D


    And yes, I just giggled at you. I didn't even know you were joining and it took TWO seconds to go 'HEY! I know him!' :rolleyes: :lol:



    He's corrupt already he knows LGM!!! :p



    From a past life...or something like that. :lol:

  3. :huh: Who in the heck is this "Chopsticks" you speak of???? :p The name is COPSchick...........



    And yes, dear, I was only trying to take something off of your todo list. Secondly, you knew I was wanting to paint it green (I know how to match)


    Bring her w/ you....my boys would have a blast playing the Wii w/ her!



    She hasn't figured out the Wii thing yet - it'd last two seconds. :lol:

  4. Lemmy see the pictures... :lol: :lol:


    I am curious now. :p


    Every 9mm I have shot has had a much softer recoil than their .45 or .40 counterparts (unless you are shooting really high pressure loads out of the 9)

    Lemme find one. ^_^ I'll PM it to ya.

  5. XD-40? Yup, those are pretty smooth... Let me guess though, the 9mm was a smaller lighter gun?


    Gun weight, caliber and to some extent gun geometry all affect recoil... a light as hell 9mm will have more felt recoil than a heavy as hell .45. But a gun of the same make/model/weight in 9mm will have a much lighter recoil (unless you are shooting +P+ loads out of the 9mm)


    Twas bigger. That's why they argued with me about it, and I made them shoot it. :lol:

  6. Hearing protection is recommended... :lol: :p


    Depends on the guns...


    What were you shooting?

    Oh, I had on earmuff thingies. ^_^ And goggles. :D


    I have no flippin' idea what the 9mm was...I have pictures. :pardon: It was silver and shiny. I actually shot two different 40's - no idea what those were. Something like an SD-40 Tactical and a Compact? The Tactical was the one I liked the best...they said it was because it had a longer and heavier barrel so the kickback was lighter (Again: :pardon: ). No idea what the .45 was either - the .45 and the 9mm belonged to a friend. He just showed me how to take it apart, load it, and shoot it...we didn't get much farther into detail.

  7. Just the different calibers.


    .45 ACP .40 S&W and 9mm are all very popular calibers (though there is much debate as to which is the best.)


    Typically guns chambered in 9mm will hold more bullets than either .45 ACP or .40, have less recoil and a little less stopping power. .40 S&W is probably the most balanced carries a few less shots than 9mm but has a good bit more recoil also has a lot of stopping power, rated higher percent one-shot-stop than .45 in several tests and faster incapacitation times. (also guns chambered in .40 are typically in the same frame size as 9mm unlike guns in .45 acp which are usually much bigger)

    .45 ACP is the biggest, tends to have fewest shots and more recoil (although since the guns are bigger and heavier they tend to help absorb the felt recoil) the stopping power on the .45 is very nice, although waaay overrated by many (hell, there are plenty of people that think .45 ACP will stop 19 out of 20 fights with the first shot using standard hard ball FMJ ammo, which is complete BS.)


    My advice is go with the 9mm, less recoil, good (albiet not the best) stopping power and higher magazine capacity. Plus the 9mm ammo is much cheaper than either of the other two....


    Here's some basic info that i pulled from Wikipedia.


    45 ACP


    .40 S&W




    Hey! I shot all three of those today - first time ever shooting. I even made them take pictures...and I'm pretty sure one of my shooting buddies snagged the casing from my first shot to make something for me, but my ears were ringing so I didn't catch it all. :blush: :lol:


    I disagree about the recoil though. They waited until I popped off 4 or 5 rounds with the 9mm before they gave me the 40 and 45, and I swore the 9mm had a helluva kickback. They looked at me like I was nuts, so I had one of them try it. He shot all 3, the 9mm last, and went 'Well damn...you're right.' They had the easy ones and gave the beginner the one that kicked her tush. :rolleyes:

  8. I've been grading all day and cleaning up. I'm now nursing a headache, so I'm prolly going to curl up and watch TV for a bit before going to bed.

    ::hugs:: on the headache.


    I hate headaches. It's an absolute miracle I don't have one today. :wacko:

  9. told ya you were gonna be sore girl..ha. wait and see if ya can move your right arm in the morning or not! ugh

    so curl up there and watch a movie...i am pretty sure santa left ya some popcorn ;)

    My shooting buddy wants to buy me a drink and go play Wii at his house. :rolleyes: I'm debating.


    I'm on a hunt for a lost $50 giftcard. <_<

  10. Well Girlfriend, come on over to MacFarlane's and have some fun. I am sure we can get ya in a better mood!! :wub:


    I'm in the mood to curl up on somebody's couch and watch a movie. I'm here instead. :rolleyes:


    And my shoulders hurt - I went to the shooting range for the first time today. :blush:

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