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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. My mom always told me two kids were easier to raise than just one.





























    I've also heard that after two, there's really not any difference. :blink: :wacko: :rofl:

  2. make a list of the items you need..


    and post them on here so we can what you need....

    That's actually a really good idea.

    A 'Hey - keep a lookout for this' list. I'll probably do that tonight. ^_^


    Good idea!


    LGM - I have some things you are more than welcome to have! You would be doing me a favor by giving them a home :lol:


    I'll see you soon anyways!



    That is good advise. Some of my favorite things in my house are the things that I saved up for & spent the extra money for when I was younger.


    It's also a good idea to make a list on here. Everyone wants to help you, what a great & loving bunch of folks! :wub:


    Best of luck to you.

    I'll actually have to agree with that one. We broke three or four of the $1 wine corkers until we finally splurged and bought a really nice one. It's probably my favorite little gadget in the kitchen.


    I say go cheap and sturdy. I till use the plates and glasses I bought at K-Mart back in 96 every day. ($5 for 8 heavy glasses and $10 for place settings for 4) I just looked for things that were good quality and sturdy.


    It makes me proud that I bought those things with my money, all by myself!


    I bought more glasses at Wally the other day to go with the old ones, $6.87 for a set of 4. (inflation)


    Good Luck and Yippie for You!


    Thanks! I'm super excited about it. :blush:

  3. this little girl is such a grown up already. when you talk to her its not like you are talking to a little kid. its amazing..honestly..i look forward to seeing her more than i do her mommy..hehehe kidding

    I've already threatened to kick you once today. :mellow:



    :p :wub:

  4. I have never met that child but I think I love HR. :wub:

    Ya wanna babysit? :mellow: :lol:


    That is so funny and cute... you do know that when she gets to school the teachers are going to be pulling out their hair.

    She's already in school...her teacher and director have stories just as good as mine. :lol:

  5. :ph34r: :rofl:

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


    Give her back the elf. :ph34r:

    Never took it away in the first place. :D


    It goes up with the Christmas tree on New Years Eve - that way Santa knows if she's being rotten about her new toys.


    BOY has that worked! :o :lol:

  6. I'm off of work this week, so HR and I are sleeping in. I was awoken at the crack of dawn this morning by a child with a piggy bank in her hand, and a face like this: :mellow: . Conversation was as follows:


    Me: What are you doing?

    Her: Can we go to the store?

    Me: ....whyyyy?

    Her: To get a little brother?

    Me: Seriously? Why?

    Her: Because you won't have one.

    Me: Baby, you can't buy children.

    Her: Aunt *** did it.



    :rofl: :rofl:


    My aunt adopted a little girl from Russia. We read a book on adoption the other day, so I explained to her what adoption was and told her about her wonderful little cousin. Great idea, right?!?


    Oh, and she has stipulations: 1) It has to be a boy. 2) It cannot be a baby. Period. :rolleyes:

  7. I knew you had them, I thought they were all the small ones for your crafting. The ones I was talking about are the ones that are big enough to stick HR into. Plus you can stack them pretty high if needed, when I moved here from NY, my trailer was half full of them. I left in a snowstorm, which turned into sleet and then into rain. Not a thing got wet... and I really don't recommend doing 80 in sleet storm pulling a 16 foot long trailer.


    Yup - I have tons of those. My crafting stuff is in clear ones with green handles, my clothes and storage stuff are in black and silver, and Nevaeh's bigger toys and sets (like her new Dora house and accessories) are in pink and purple ones that match her Princess room.


    Just bought more today, actually. ^_^ I always wind up spending a hunk of my Christmas money on storage for the Christmas presents she got. :rolleyes:

  8. you can store at my house too. and i have some stuff i can probably give you. ill help you move too. since i love you so much...by the way we are talking on IM right now and i just want to thank you for being such a great friend.



    That's because you rock. ;) :wub:

  9. I did one mistake when I first moved into my current place. I went and bought lower cost items thinking that I was saving a few bucks. Almost all of that I wound replacing because it was cheap and rather crappy. So spend the extra few bucks and get something better quality to start off with. In the long run you'll end saving money because you wouldn't have bought everything twice.


    Another thing that I did and worked out great, is go to Wal-Mart, Target, or any discount stores and buy yourself several storage bins. You can use them to move your stuff and also use them for storing anything you may end up put into a storage area. Since they are plastic they won't collapse or fall apart if the get damp or wet. And if there is a flood or something as long as they don't have holes in the bottom of them your stuff won't get wet either. I bought about 15-16 for 2-3 bucks each a few years ago. And used them to store a lot of stuff for a few months. the storage place did get flooded and everything was fine.


    If possible, also change the locks out. You don't want to take the chance of the previous tenant coming back and getting in while you're not there.



    You don't know me very well, do you? :lol: My whole place is Rubbermaid containers with lids. My storage area is full of them, my crafting stuff is organized in them...even HR's toys are separated (and labeled with a matching picture of the contents) into shoebox sized containers and stacked neatly on shelves.


    LGM <--- plastic organizer addict.

  10. Do you want the coffee maker too? I'll start an LGM box with some apartment goodies for ya. :)

    I get to keep the coffee pot. :D

    He doesn't drink coffee. Although now that I showed him how to make tea in it, he might fight me for it. :lol:


    There are ways to do this on the cheap and not go broke, but I mostly hate that you are having to start over again. It's just sad to me and I hope you're OK. With that being said, what you need to do after you start to get settled, is to have a notepad and every time you need something odd and don't have it like you used to, write it down or you'll never remember until you need it the next time and still don't have it. Scotch tape for example or something as simple as a wisk. Yardsales and thrift stores rock when looking for kitchen gadgets, I'm always surprised at what people get rid of. Good luck!!! :)

    I'm ok. ;) He's ok, too. We're just trying to make sure everything is taken care of, and we're both going to be ok. We will literally be less than 10 minutes from each other, so that helps HR. We're working on him a 'needs it' list too...I get the washer and dryer, so we need to find him a set of those, things like that.


    I think I'm going to do that with the notepad. Or a dry erase board on the fridge - I love those things


    Believe it, they are taking up space. :p (neatly organized this week though) :rofl:

    Like you are one to talk about being organized . :mellow:


    Yea...then she will have to have a yardsale!!!!!! :lol:



    But I won't have a yard. :unsure: :lol:



    I'm about to start going through stuff and selling stuff. Whatever I make will go right back into buying more stuff. :rolleyes: Like, there's no need for a chest of drawers and 9 totes of fabric...but I sure could use a toaster oven. :lol:

  11. here's a thought. i know you're not getting married, or having a baby, but why not register with target under their "club wedd" registry? go around the store zapping everything you think you'll need for the house, then folks like me can view your list online and pick up things as we're out shopping anyway. be a neat way for you to compile the list of things you'll need, and i've always wanted to play with on of them zapper thingies!!!

    oooh! and if you have a housewarming, you can let folk know where you're registered!



    when the crap did i get so domesticated?



    Lets go play with a zapper thingy!!! :D

    Do they have those at Wal-Mart? Wal-Mart is cheaper and has more kitchen gadgets, don't they? :unsure:

    I really do think I want to have a housewarming. Or a 'Hey, come visit me in my new place! I'll provide the food and drinks' party.



    Well, you're welcome to it if ya want it. I recently bought a new color and this will get folded into the linen closet and forgotten.



    **adding showercurtainrods to the list**

  12. You do it one thing at a time. You can not expect to get everything you need all at the same time. You start with the important stuff like something to sleep on and just work your way up.

    :rolleyes: :p

    I'm not expecting it all at once.

    I was just askin'.


    It's just overwhelming to thing about, so I posted to ask how other people handled it. :D


    I just have to say I think ya'll are awesome for helping out LGM. :wub:

    I know, right?!? :blush: :wub:

    I didn't want that kind of help - I just wanted to know how everybody else did it.


    I really like that top set - super cheap too.


    And you just reminded me both the knife sets are his...and the knife block. :lol:


  13. I would think the question of - How much of the revenue is from Alcohol vs. food? Maybe that will tell you more than anything else. I dont come there for alcohol, so I am not one to really give you a good sense of direction.


    I truly hope you are able to come through this - I love it there and your staff is awesome! Over worked but awesome!


    :::Hijack - you need to give Brittney a pat on the back. That girl worked her a$ of Friday night taking care of that entire room by herself and handled it well::: endhijack!

    She rocks!!! :D


    I also don't come for the alcohol - I just come to hang out, grab an appetizer and a sweet tea, and listen to Mark. I will have to say though, I do enjoy the Bahama Mama every once in awhile.


    Maybe you can do something "Empire Records" like....put out a can for donations or something....help "Save MacFarlanes"...

    :o :clapping: :yahoo:

    This is a GENIUS idea! I would SOOOO help out with this!


    Keep it open and add more desserts to your menu. :D


    (Oooo and add the open of "baked" chips with your spinach dip. There's just too much fried stuff and no other option.)

    I concur - baked chips with the spinach dip would be awesome.

    And fried pickles. I would loooove fried pickles. :ninja:


    I really do think you get alot of your business from appetizers and drinks. I never have the money for the meals - but the appetizers rock and are plenty filling.


    Maybe the next time everyone comes in to see Subby or Mark is there doing his thing, you could hold a 50/50 raffle. Who ever has the winning ticket gets half the proceeds, and the other half goes towards paying the taxes.


    Or hold a special event of some kind. Maybe some pcommers can donate some GC to be donated (hair cuts, tanning, or whatever). People can buy some 50/50 raffle tickets and some tickets to these items. All the proceeds go towards the taxes, and it will bring in business for those who donated a gift certificate. Just an idea.

    This would be awesome, too!

  14. i was going with the worst possible scenario, that one day, my hand will get completely stuck in the hole. they're not really supposed to go in there, ya know? and i do have big hands.


    and yes, "DIBS!!!!!!!!!!!"



    Such a pessimist. :p


    Climb on over to my side of the fence...everything is all positive.


    'Sunshine and rainbows...sunshine and rainbows' :D

  15. well then, make sure there's enough counter space for me to stretch out and sleep in the kitchen and i'll consider being in charge of the "hole maintenance".

    :unsure: :huh:

    I's gots sleeping bags.


    Three: Ariel, Tinkerbelle, and Barbie. She got all three for Christmas. I know which one you call dibs on. :rolleyes: :ph34r:

  16. Nana is keeping HR so we can go out. Dxh is going to a friends house for their crazy annual party. I was supposed to be going to Primal...never been. I changed my mind and will now be going to a friends house for a keg party. Oh, what fun! :rolleyes: :lol: I'll probably do the mom thing and keep everyone in line, clean up, and hide keys.

  17. The small stuff can be overwhelming but what I did when my hubby and I moved for a single bedroom to a house was I picked up one or two little things everytime I went shopping (when I could afford to) from a big list of stuff that I wanted/needed. Then it didn't seem like it costs so much.


    I guess this is probably what I need to do: sit down with Dxh and figure out who's getting what. Furniture is taken care of, even the DVD's are divided, but little things we only have one of haven't been done. Can opener...who's getting the can opener? :rolleyes: Seems like such a silly little thing, but when you add all the silly little things up that's one helluva list to resupply yourself with.


    Honestly, he'll probably end up with most of it. I have money to replace it...and will probably end up replacing most of his stuff too. I'll make a list, look for bargains, and start from there.


    On the positive note: I hate having 'stuff' - much prefer lots of space and a simple look (which is why I love Ikea). Guess this means I can start towards that! :lol:


    slip covers are your friends. and i have become an expert on wrasslin' them into place.

    there will be no picture taking during those contortions though!



    OOOOOH! Value City on 41 has slipcovers - that's where we got the two here that wound up not fitting. :lol:

    **adding to the list**


    New place has one of those holes you love so much too, by the way. :ph34r:

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