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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Playing single mommy, almost full-time college student, full-time employee and trying to maintain some sort form of relationships with the people I love has proved, actually, to be much easier than I expected. I don't get alot of sleep, but can truly say that I'm the happiest that I have ever been. Independence rocks...and the lack of stress is rocking just as much.


    In other news, last last Saturday night I started having chest/upper abdominal pains. It felt like somebody was sitting on my chest, and I kept having contraction like waves of pain right in the center, under my ribs. By Sunday, I was doubling over in pain atleast once an hour, and the paramedic I'm dating was demanding a trip to the ER. I, being stubborn, told him I'd survive unless he was going to drive all the way down here from north Georgia and make me go. :blush: :pardon: I went to work Monday and dealt with it...Tuesday wasn't nearly as easy. Finally by Tuedsday afternoon he had talked me into a doctors appointment, but only because my boss wanted me to go to the ER, too. I sat in the Dr's office for an hour and a half Wednesday before I was even taken back, and then he came breezing in and flew through my exam. Boils down to possible gallbladder (because I'm having referred pain between my shoulder blades), and a few other digestive issues including an ulcer or esphogeal burn (both of which are unlikely). I had some testing done, missed three darn days of work total (like I need that as a single mom supporting little one by myself :rolleyes: ), slept alot and ate very little (nausea and pain just don't do well with eating), and reluctantly let him take care of me until he had to go back on shift. I have more testing and appointments on the 27th, which is too far away if you ask me - this mess hurts. SO, keep me in your thoughts. They have me drinking nasty, chalky stuff four times a day and taking a daily pill...and when I go back I get to drink barium fluid :bad:

  2. Please tell Ann and Bill that my prayers with their family.


    Lady Raider, Bill actually passed away many years ago...I was still in high school and I graduated in 2003. I think mom was just letting everybody know which Pinson family it was, as Ann and Bill were well known back in their scouting days. The Pinson's were like a second family to me growing up - Ann and her husband were actually just over here last weekend helping my other half load couches up three sets of stairs. :wub:


    I'm going to see Stephen today as soon as mom lets me know when he's going to be home. My heart broke for him and the little ones when I woke up to such horrible news yesterday. :( If I can say anything about the Pinsons, it's that they're one helluva strong family.

  3. :o it is a lgm sighting :o

    How are you swetie :D


    Exhausted. I've been cleaning/reorganizing/planning since 11 this morning. :wacko: I finally sat down for a second because I heard fire alarms and wanted to make sure I wasn't going to catch on fire. :blush:

  4. Sorry for the late update, but received a text/phone call/email about an hour and half ago that said KSU was all clear. As for whether or not the prisoner has been apprehended, I do not know.


    I got a message around 5:45 that it was all clear, so we all bailed. About half way to the car I got another message from one of the head guys (sent out as a mass alert) saying it was not all clear. No idea...I just know they hadn't caught the guy and it took me until 6:35 to even get to the edge of campus traffic was so bad. They checked my car and trunk and let me go.


    Just walked in the door. :rolleyes: Shoulda been home an hour and a half ago...all over some dude wanting some cheese eggs. <_<

  5. This seems like a very efficient way of prisoner transportation.


    No joke....and I can't leave my office until they catch the guy.


    And it's 5 o'clock.


    That's it...I'm going to the dang bathroom. <_<

    ::good vibes and juju please::

  6. Latest announcement:



    At 3:02 p.m. today, Cobb County police notified KSU officials that one of their prisoners had escaped their custody. The prisoner was being transported from Orlando to someplace in Tennesee by a lone transport officer.


    The officer stopped at the Waffle House to eat.


    The prisoner managed to get out of his handcuffs and ran for the East Deck area of the Kennesaaw State University campus.


    Cobb County Police dogs tracked him through the parking deck and through the woods to KSU's Science building.


    Current reports cite that the escaped prisoner is not armed. Several sightings of the escaped prisoner have been confirmed in the KSU Science Building.


    At 3:44 p.m., an email was sent to all KSU campus crisis manager directing them to lock down their buildings. At 3:48 p.m., KSU officials ordered an evacuation of the Science building's inhabitants to Parking Lot A.


    Presently KSU Public Safety, City of Kennesaw police and Cobb County police are on site managing the scene.


    Frequent alerts are being issued to the entire KSU campus community to maintain their security and to keep them aware of unfolding developments.

  7. LOVE IT!! Can you make my youngin' some heady panel pants?




    He can wear it with his Railroad Earth shirt! lol!


    I'll bring the devil sticks and hackey sacks!


    PS, this year, we MUST go to the drum circle!


    I could make those...it's time I need to make. ^_^ I'll letcha know.


    And yes, drum circle is a must - just lemme know when. ^_^

  8. I'm a fan of the outdoor shots...I'll come take yours if you want! Spend a day in the park! I have a mac daddy camera, no clue how to photograph, but heck, I'm free! This is our first family picture. :wub: Though we're doing some solo too. And then there's the corporate headshot that can be put off no longer. :rolleyes:


    That would rock! :D Sounds like too much fun. I have a little crappy camera, but I know how to photograph...maybe together we can figure it out. :lol:


    Excited for your first family picture. :wub:

  9. I didn't figure you were in the science building! :p


    And doesn't it always seem like you gotta pee when you can't go?!?! ^_^


    I know, right? :rolleyes:



    Think they just spotted him on big shanty. Maybe they will relieve security on campus shortly. There are a BUNCH of police out there!!!


    Guess'n I should take another route home then, eh? :lol:

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