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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Princess and I got the coolest Christmas present *ever* - BeBop and Rock Steady. She's officially scared to hold them because Rock Steady bit her finger, but she still loves feeding them and watching me play with them. I'm in love with them, and am absolutely spoiling them. I'm goin' to PetSmart later to get them a couple more toys...they chewed up the other ones already. They also looooove fruit, and toilet paper rolls. :lol: :wub:


    For those that are scared of rats or think they're stupid, I wish I had a video camera when I cleaned out the cage. I put the bucket infront of the other door, and Rock Steady started pushing the bedding into the bucket with his nose and hands. Took him one time to figure out what I was doing, and now he helps. :wub:



    This is Rock Steady...he's huge and has red eyes, but he's the sweetie of the two.



    Their set-up...getting a bigger one here soon, I hope. They seem to love this one, though.



    You can only see his nose, but this is BeBop. He's all white, and a little smaller than RockSteady. He's currently hiding because I took his cracker away for trying to bite me. :rolleyes:





  2. I was thinking that, that hair style goes better with a rounded face. You have the high cheek bones, with a more narrow face. You could go with shorter in the back and leave the hair towards the front and ears longer so it will still frame your face. This is the closest I could find. But a bit shorter in the back.




    I've had that haircut a dozen times...absolutely hate it. ;)

  3. Where you going? :p



    :( I'm sorry! what a terrible thing to ask you to do with no voice!

    Out. :p


    What she said? :search:

    Roswell/Alpharetta area....wayyyyy out 120. Friend of mine moved, has a new place, so I'm going to help unpack and celebrate. Have to wait until Dxh gets home from work though. ^_^ Tomorrow night is movie night with the kiddo! :yahoo: Shoot - I forgot popcorn at the grocery store. :unsure:

  4. Umm... Just curious, do schools not have libraries in them anymore?


    Funny how I made it through high school many moons ago.

    The only computers I had access to were at school and even then, our school only had 4, total.


    I don't believe in all my years of high school or college, I ever missed a research paper because I didn't have access to a public library or a computer in my house.

    My parents worked late... and we didn't have computers in the home back then.... and internet was something only the bigger colleges had and it wasn't graphic browser based, it was Unix.


    The problem is that far too many people want the easy way out and are either too lazy or too stupid to figure out ways to get a job done, if they don't have access to a way they are used too.


    That's one of the big problems with the country... work ethic flat out sucks, over-all.

    Just look at how many kids in high school can't even count back change from a transaction at a local restaurant without the register telling them the correct amount.



    ...and I'm not 100% sure, but the libraries are not "county".

    They are part of the West Georgia Regional Library System which is related somehow to the University System of Georgia.


    ...which is currently raising fees, lowering employer paid benefit percentages and raising the employee paid portion. enacting state wide hiring freezes, cutting jobs, cutting funding, shrinking budgets, etc. etc.



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