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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Is

    this the one in Atlantic Station?



    75S to 16th street exit (250)

    right on 16th

    right on Market St

    Right on 18th


    You can't miss Atlantic Station

    You're awesome! ;)


    Not a clue, Honey... KRD has GPS and it is completely awesome!


    He has GPS too, but I don't trust those things after one sent me two miles outta the way. :rolleyes:

  2. I recieved four bouquets this year - one was hand delivered and the other three were delivered through online sites. The ones from 1800Flowers.com were the pretties/best - the bouquet was HUGE, gorgeous and perfect. It had roses, carnations, and daisies. The other two were from proflowers - one was fantastic and the other was not so much. The fantastic one was 24 roses in red, yellow, and red/yellow/white striped looking - all in perfect condition. The not so pretty ones were a dozen red roses that were sort of bruised.


    I've *always* had to arrange online-ordered flowers myself. They come that way to help keep them from being damaged when they arrive. I like arranging flowers, so it's never bothered me much.


    SO, it really does seem to be hit and miss. I prefer 1800Flowers.com though - I've had around 15 bouquets from them in the past year and have never been disappointed.

  3. So I'm driving to the Bodies Exhibit...and I don't do that area well AT ALL. When I pull it up on MapQuest, it tells me fifty-eleven different locations, and I don't know which one to pick. For those that have actually been to the exhibit, how on earth do I actually get there? :blush: And can I park there?


    My ticket time is 2pm. :yahoo:

  4. Try physically rocking the washer - see if it will lean one way or the other. If it does, you need the feet on the bottom of the washer adjusted. It just takes and adjustable wrench. And, judging by JLH's faces, I'm kinda thinking he's volunteering (I might be wrong though).


    Sounds like it's time to have the "Hi, I'm new, I think we've gotten off on the wrong foot" conversation. It could very well be that if she's seem to noticed their loudness at 6:30am that she may not know that they are beating on the ceiling. But, that's got to stop.


    Good luck. This is why I would rather mow grass than live in an apartment. Our last apartment experience included a regular peeping tom that would come out with great regularity. Being a firefighter at the time, I had alot of back up. But, them taking samples of "fluids" outside my bedroom window didn't do much for me. Haven't slept on the first floor of any building since.


    Jlh is getting breakfast and then coming to take a look at my feet. :wub: Dunno what I'd do without that guy.

  5. I have yet to beat on my ceiling; however, it's coming... :glare:


    HR just stomped back at them and said 'Darn it - stop!'. :o :ph34r: Dear gods, it's gonna be a war around here. :rolleyes: :lol: . She wasn't even doing anything...just sitting in her floor coloring. :blink:


    I made Dxh come look at the washer yesterday - it's his laundry I'm washing this weekend anyway. He just went :unknw: .

  6. I could never live in an apartment. I am such a light sleeper, and usually in the bed my 10 at the latest. Everything would wake me up. I would never get any sleep.

    Dxh, HR, and I lived in a downstairs apartment for 4 years - didn't mind it one bit. We actually used to beat on the ceiling too - but only after we *met* the wonderful college guys that lived above us. They made all sorts of noise and chaos, and appreciated the gentle knock when they were being so loud they were waking the kiddo at midnight. It was sort of a pact we had - they could do whatever they want as long as they didn't wake the kiddo...if they woke the kiddo we'd knock instead of calling security. :blush:



    :wub: :huh:


    Try making sure the basket in the washer is centered and the load is evenly distributed--otherwise, you'll have to do a feet adjusting thing. As for the downstairs neighbors, they must the the relatives of my nocturnal elephants. :rolleyes: :glare:

    Yup...I did the first two, so I guess it's the feet. I'll trade your nocturnal elephants for these kids any day...I'm used to upstairs noise. Noise under my feet is throwing me off. :lol:

  7. how old are the kids that live downstairs? like, kids kids, with parents that need to beat their asses for beating on the ceiling? or like 20 somethings kids who need to have a few things explained to them about common courtesy?


    oh, and you have to do something with the feet of the washer, i think. i dunno. kennon will be home sometime next week if you want him to look at it. or maybe someone else can help you sooner.


    As I was leaving for work yesterday, a little bitty mama with four upper elementary school/middle school aged kids her size and bigger walked out. Same kids that were screaming and running up and down the stairs at 6:30 in the morning while she just walked to the car....not so sure talking to her would do any good. :nea: I could understand being upset after 'curfew'...but this was at like 6:30-8:00 when it all started. :rolleyes: I feel sorry for the people under them. :ph34r:


    Washer feet? Ruh roh...I dunno anything about washer feet. :unsure:

  8. So, we're in the new apartment and loving it. We were completely unpacked and set up by Sunday afternoon, and I cooked my first dinner in my new kitchen on Sunday night - all thanks to some *wonderful* friends and family. I never would have made it up 3 floors that many times by myself. :wacko: Grand total was 9 truck/SUV loads and 2 carloads....and amazingly the place is still pretty empty. I think most of it went into my craft room. :blush:


    Anyway, apparently there are 4 children below us. 4 children that don't like noise or crying preschoolers. Or an unbalanced washing machine. If they beat on my floor one more time, I just may choke somebody. I was *going* to make them brownies and sort of do the 'Hey, I'm new to the neighborhood!' thing...until last night. HR was crying and trying to go to sleep, so they were beating on the floor, so she'd cry harder, so they'd beat harder....I think the cycle stopped around 11pm last night. No brownies for those rugrats. <_< It's not like we make alot of noise...we're gone all day, and are home for maybe 2 hours tops before she goes to bed. :rolleyes:


    Now the washing machine has them ticked. I'll admit, it'd driving me crazy too. How do you balance a washing machine? :unsure: It's not just the load, it's every load.

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