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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Just found out that not only am I approved for my new place, but one actually opened up and I can move in at the end of this month/first of the next month. Holy wow, that's just weeks away...I better get busy! :o


    I ALSO got a bed, a dresser, a tv, and a computer monitor from a friend who's moving this week. Now I just need to get a comforter set for my bed - it's a full and mine now is a queen, so nothing fits. ^_^

  2. the garbage disposal

    I am insanely paranoid of those things. To the point that I persuade friends to work 'em for me. :ph34r:


    I also can't stand to be the center of attention if I'm standing infront of folks. We played charades at work a few weeks ago, and I thought I was going to cry when it was my turn. :lol:

  3. I haven't heard those two names in YEARS... wow talk about a flashback, hippo and a warthog?



    You're the first person to know where the name came from.


    I actually wanted to name them Van and Morrison...or Doctor and Hook...or Jude and Max.


    Might still change it. :pardon:


    You are my new hero! I couldn't do it!!!! :hi:


    I'm scared of dogs. :blush:

  4. Snakes and rats. {{{{{shudders}}}}}

    I have two snakes, and two rats. Biggin' and Littlin' are the snakes - they've been in the family for a decade. BeBop and Rock Steady are the rats...I'm absolutely smitten with them. :wub: HR wanted gerbils, but I figured she'd squish them. :blush:

  5. Do you know someone who sews? Maybe you could buy some material and stuff and have one made pretty inexpensively.




    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



    You must not come around these parts often. :p I sew - make children's clothes, quilts, adult clothing...just about anything I set my mind to....and I sell my stuff right here on p.com. ^_^ I'm just too busy to make stuff for myself, or my own little one. :blush:

  6. Does the word eclectic mean anything to you? ;)


    Lots, actually. That's what we had going on around here until a tax return and awesome matching furniture for the entire house was found pretty cheap.


    I think I'm only getting 2 pieces of it, so back to eclectic I go.


    Tis' ok, hippies don't have to have matching/designer stuff. :ph34r: :lol:

  7. Oh, KRM! These are going to look beautiful in your place, and I bet the girls love them!


    Folks are right though - they really are horses. Nothing like waking up with a horse laying on you, staring into your face making sure you're breathing. :lol: :blush:

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