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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. just remember, asking to make it good means more rum, not extra coconutty


    Ah, see....the coconut and the rum go hand in hand - can't have one without the other. So, 'extra coconutty' really means 'extra coconutty rum'.


    When I've had a couple, I should let other folks order for me. :mellow:

  2. But if it is nasty ... I would pick something that atleast taste good. We need to get you one of those fruity drinks with an umbrella :D

    Bahama Mama! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


    It has rum in it and everything. ^_^ Coconut rum.

  3. PRECISELY!!!! The kid has two cats, two fish ponds, six chickens, a saint bernard, and an aquarium in her room all just four miles away at nanas....ugh..rats...that is why i have cats..to keep them away!


    You should start letting her spend the night a couple nights a month, like I did when I was a kid, so that she can see her two cats, two fish ponds, six chickens, big slobbering dog, and aquarium. :ph34r: :lol: :p

  4. Funny story.....My granddad owned a store a watched my older sister. My mom was divorced and they did not have daycare then, so he kept her and ran the store. Oneday when she about 3, all day long she had "pawpaw" this and 'pawpaw" that him to the breaking point. So he told her he was changing his name to....about the time he said that he dropped a coke bottle (glass) and he said "son of a b*&^%" as it broke. Well he got very busy and my older sister need him. The store was packed and she wanted a coke, so of course she called "Son of a bi&^%, bring me a coke...please."


    This was in the 70's and he was very, very embarrassed, but he had asked for it.



    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  5. Awwww, I am just now seeing this. LGM, she is such a cutie!! And the age she is now is so much fun!


    I had forgotten all about this thread. Thanks! I have better pictures of her now, scrubbing the kitchen floors. :wub: She is tons of fun. I do believe I'm changing my name though. :mellow: I fully understand now why my mom was always threatening to change hers.

  6. Seriously, you have no idea how much help you were. I may not have been able to get it without your help. The deadlines that I had to work with were so short that I really doubt I would have been able to do it without your help. They do that on purpose to eliminate as many people as possible. I actually ran into 2 other people that could have gotten it, and they didn't meet the deadlines.


    Oh believe me, I know how short the deadlines were. :wacko: :lol: :p

  7. No more animals for now....


    I plan on going to KSU. I'm going for a teaching degree, and since the program requires me to go into a critical field in teaching, I'm going for either science or special education.


    And in my excitment I forgot to mention it in the original post. A special thanks to LGM as well, she was a great help in providing much needed info on part of the application process, I would of been stumped without her help.

    :blush: :wub:


    No problem!

  8. DUDE she taint no PRINCESS!!!! She is now & always will be HR! <_< tell those who don't like HR to put their big girl/boy panties on & suck it up. :rolleyes:



    A old friend used to have a rat, that was the smartest thing I have ever seen! The cats were scared of him! He also had a hedge hog, another very cool pet.

    The only rats that scare me are city sewer rats, yuck! Pet store rats are cool! I like most animals though, cept spiders, those are dead if they get near me!

    That is a huge cage though, sheri714 has a huge ferret cage, looks bigger than that, that she is wanting to sale, check with her about it if you want a bigger one.

    It is pretty big, but not big enough for the both of them, really. I'll check with her - I think my rat guru said ferret cage's wouldn't work with a rat. They can squish down to the size of a coin and can get out of the bars.

  9. That's cool.... and sad that today's generation is so uneducated... how can someone not know who Bebop and Rocksteady are, as soon as I saw the names I was "The Rhino and Warthog! That's awesome!". And the nation weeps. :lol:


    And if you're looking for toys, you could try the Dollar Tree Store. Before my gerbils were 'murdered' I bought them a bunch of toys from there. They liked the wood blocks you can find there, just make sure anything you buy isn't painted (not that it would hurt them if it was painted, in the 'wild' they can survive a lot).


    Be careful about letting them roam around the house though, they like to chew on phone and electric cords. And if you see what looks like blood coming from their nose or eyes, it's only a discharge from their glands, it's normal.


    If you want to see something cool, train them to go through a maze or around objects in a box or table. After they learn it leave the start and the end the same, but take out the center parts. They's go though it the same way acting as if the objects were still there. They learn their environment by muscle memory, so they bodies will act like the barriers or objects are still in the way.


    They're awesome little creatures.

    I'm ratproofing the new place so they can free roam. :wub:

  10. Rats are pretty cool, I've never had them as pets though... unless you count my dogs. I have known a few people who have had them as pets, and they are pretty smart. One girl trained her rat to use that toy where you put the shapes into the holes that match. Has anyone else figured out where the names came from?


    One friend of mine figured it out really quick. Was also quick to point out that BeBop and Rock Steady weren't rats. :rolleyes: :lol:

  11. Ewww!

    So I guess you're out for a petsitter? :huh:


    :lol: . I thought they were 'Ewww!' too when a friend of mine first got one, then I started playing with them. They're not any different than gerbils or hampsters...smart though and learn to do stuff. They eat gerbil food and fruit, are clean and don't stink, cuddle and do cool stuff. They were boxing each other earlier - was hilarious. I had to go thump the cage and fuss at them for fighting.

  12. I like HR better. These buttheads who think you are a bad person for jokingly referring to her as that just need to get a life. I'll get used to Princess though. :wub:


    umm.... not the rats though... :wacko:


    I don't think I'm gonna get used to Princess. :nea: I called her that outloud today and she went: :huh: :nea: at me. :lol:


    The rats rock. :p

  13. cbsalary.com is a decent one. I'm making wayyy below average for my field. Actually, they give you a low, medium, and high on a chart, and I'm below the low. :blush:


    I'm not complaining though - I'm lucky to have a job. And with the unemployment rate as high as it is, I could easily be replaced by somebody that won't complain. ;)

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