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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. IKEA is one of those places where you CAN spend alot, but you can also get decent stuff at decent prices. Just as an example, I got some pots to go with the expensive ones mom gave me a couple years ago. Paid $9 for 3 of them, to be honest, I think they work just as well as the expensive ones.


    If nothing else, go there to get the ideas. There are lots of setups of "living X square feet" that I wish I'd seen before I moved into my one bedroom closet. Go get the ideas, see what they use in the areas, then if nothing else keep an eye out for the things you like at cheaper prices elsewhere. I can go there, spend an afternoon, and spend no money, and not feel like I have wasted an afternoon at all.


    Something else to keep in mind that most of the big stuff they sell (furniture, bookcases, etc) comes in the flat boxes but rarely do you need more than an allen wrench to put it together.


    There is also an AS-IS section, stuff that is scratched, or has been returned, etc. Usually at half the price it would have been new.




  2. I started out with hand me down dishes, yard sale pots and pans and God Awful looking furniture from freecycle. When I moved into my very first place, just me and my kids 2 years ago, all I had was a few boxes, my son's twin size bed and an air mattress. I bought my bed with my tax money, my daughters came from freecycle, as did the burlap material in orange and yellow HUGE flower print sofa and chair. My first coffee table was given to me as was the dining table and mismatched chairs. LOL


    Then I upgraded to a sectional I bought here for $50, then upgraded again to a beautiful set just here recently. The way you do it is slowly. Don't expect designer if you don't have the budget. You save for the one piece you really want and go from there. :) You can do it. :) And it's so wonderful to know that YOU did this! Good luck hun!

    I don't do designer. :nea:

    The furniture that he and I have been (play) fighting over is black woodgrain furniture from Wal-Mart - I think we got the desk, entertainment center, 4 bookcases, dining room set, and a few other pieces that match all of less than $400. :lol:

  3. we may have to tag e in on that. i'm good with the food part, but she's awesome at the stuff you get form cvs part.

    Score! This should be one helluva shopping trip. I'm bringing a camera. :lol:


    I Have an entertainment stand that I put on here a while back and never sold it. I was asking $25 for it but if your interested we can work something out. It was my son's and he had a 32" TV on it, so if that works for you let me know. I am going out of town in the morning, but since it's not something you need today, it will give you time to think about it or find something you like better. We will be back by Sunday. Just let me know. I also have a desk. Sorry no pic but I will get one later. It's nothing fancy nor was it expensive but you could have it for $10.




    I just bought one thing at a time. When I moved out of my parents house, everything I owned fit in my trunk :lol: I remember sweeping the carpet because I couldn't afford a vacuum. It's all about baby steps. :)



    I'll give you the 10 for it if she wants it and add it to the small pile i am keeping for her in my storage unit. i've got a 4 day weekend coming up so anytime thur-sun is good for pickup for me.




    The desk would be $10 and we can work out something for the Tv stand that's pictured. I will try to take a pic of the desk for you. Hold on It'll take me a minute.

    I have a desk. ^_^ It's one of the few pieces of furniture I'm taking that was 'ours' - we have two of them. I do like the TV stand though.

  4. ugh. k and i moved in to a 1 bedroom apartment together in august of 04. we had nothing. 4 years later we are in a three bedroom ranch house with a full basement, and we're bursting at the seams!!!!!

    don't forget about the few things that i have in storage for you.

    You have my Shai chair - I promise I'm not going to forget about that. :lol: :wub:


    I'm taking you grocery shopping with me when I move out. Just a fair warning. :ph34r:

  5. LGM, it's not easy as many know we lost our home 2 months ago today. The Insurance Co. rented us a house and furnished. I find Myself going to get something out of the cabinet and it's not there. As the past month went by I have found myself at the Dollar Store alot.


    My Mom ans sister have give me some stuff also.


    It will take time but your a smart girl and I am sure you and HR will be fine!


    That's going to be me. Halfway through making dinner I'm going to open the cabinet and realize I don't have any herbs, spices, a spatula or something.


    lgm i have a large room upstairs if you need to store stuff untill you move in, i've got a couch loveseat, and a recliner. also a dresser chest, nightstand, and a bed frame- head board & footboard



    You're awesome. :blush:



    First of all, don't try to get it all at once. You'll go broke if you do. Take your time, look around, decide what you like, save for it, then get it.


    Second, try IKEA. Alot of their household & kitchen stuff is a lot less expensive than Wally World or Target, and better quality. When a friend got divorced recently he went there & bought all his dishes & kitchen stuff & got way more for his money than he would have at WM or Target.

    IKEA is also a GREAT place to just wander & get ideas as to how to make the best of small spaces. They also have good prices on sheets & towels, rugs, storage stuff, decorative stuff, etc. There is a kids area where they actually ENCOURAGE the kids to play with the stuff & try it out first! Lots of neat things for kids rooms, too...

    Even though I'm not in a one bedroom closet anymore & can afford more than I used to, I STILL get alot of stuff from there. It's a great, cheap place to spend an afternoon!

    Is Ikea cheap? I always thought it was expensive, so I've never been. I looooove Ikea catalogs though - I'm an organizer freak.


    HR is taken care of - she has enough furniture, clothes, and toys to take up a whole 3 bedroom house. :wacko: Right now there are 2 beds in her room....she pushed them together to make one giant bed. :rolleyes: :lol:

  6. You learn to make do and do without stuff until you can afford it. It's not easy, but it's definitely worth it in the end. And, you do take help whenever you need it; don't worry, you'll be able to pay it back to someone else down the line.


    That's my problem - taking help.

    I fight against it. :blush:



    Goodwill at Hwy 41 & Chastain (Kennesaw)


    America's Thrift at Hwy 5 & Blackwell (Marietta)


    Both of these supermarket size stores have a treasure trove of thousands of nice household items for cheap... B)

    Thanks! I didn't know there was one of those there!

  7. I have dishes and glasses you can have if you want. Also a small crockpot.

    I don't need those, but he will. I'm getting the dishes, glasses and crockpot - he's gonna be left with just a few. On the bright side, we have 3 sets of cookware to divide up. :wacko:


    I'm going to be going thru stuff..Getting ready for my move..I'll invite you over..To see if you want any of it....Funny you start off with nothing and after almost 20 years of marriage and 3 kids you have to much stuff...Funny how life works huh :lol:


  8. Have a little housekeeping Housewarming party!


    Your gifts could be all the stuff you need to set up your new place. :)

    That's a genius idea. We never did have one when we got this place together - just moved in and started from scratch.


    I think that's going to be my problem...We've worked forever to buy all this, and now we're splitting it in half. Well...he's getting most of the furniture and I'm getting most of the 'stuff'.


    Garage sales, thrift stores, family hand me downs, discounts and clearance sales.


    It just sort of happens over time... over the years you just accumulate more stuff...


    Our first apartment was furnished with folding lawn chairs and milk crates... :lol:


    (I will be having an awesome moving sale this spring as I clear out the clutter of a 3 bedroom house before selling...) B)

    Lemme know when! :D


    I LOVE craigslist; if you look and are not to be in a big hurry-you'll find great deals

    I'm moving out in the beginning of February, hopefully, so maybe I can accumulate some stuff before then.


    Wonder if my mom will let me store some stuff over there? :ph34r: :lol:


    I have some extra kitchen stuff, including a coffee maker NIB.



    Dollar General and Dollar Tree all have bathroom stuff and cleaning supplies. Just get a little bit at a time. Don't jump into buying it all at once. When you come across the deals, and you see something you need, then get it. If you don't have a bed in the beginning, then get an air mattress until you can afford a bed or a pull out couch. If you need towels and stuff like that, just buy a few in the beginning and slowly add to your inventory as you can afford it.

    Guess I need to go check out Dollar General and Dollar Tree more often. I normally get that stuff at Wal-Mart.

  9. Definitely garage sales for the furniture/home decor things... When we first moved into our apartment right after college I was hittin the pavement every Friday and Saturday. I think I furnished our whole two bedroom/two bath apartment for under $200!!


    As for kitchen gadgets have you checked Old Time Pottery off of Canton HWY/Barrett Parkway? They have super cheap dishes/kitchen stuff/home decor stuff/bed & bath/ect.


    Cleaning items, coupons are going to be your best friend... you can really stretch your money when you combine the grocery store's sales with coupons.


    Our kitchen table (which we still have and use daily) came from an office liquidation over in Kennesaw. We also got our two really nice computer chairs at that same sale for $15 each (these were $200+ chairs that were barely used!). Just keep your eyes opened for business going out of business too, that is another way to get cool furniture. I have a Ralph Lauren Polo 7-foot-tall clothing rack down in the studio... got it for $15 when the Rich's at North Point Mall merged with Macy's.


    Just be creative!

    You rock!


    Entertainment center=milk crate

    Couch=old Chevrolet back seat

    Bed=sleeping bag

    Etc, etc, etc


    You'd be surprised what you can do without when you have no choice.


    I have no problem living like a college student or fresh starting young adult.

    However, I have a 4 year old. I can't imagine DFCS, her dad, or my family approving of it. :nea:

  10. two words for ya hon... Dollar General. You can get alot of the cleaning supplies there and other odds and ends( dish strainers, measuring spoons, aluminum foil etc)

    That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. ^_^


    Never in my life thought I'd be going 'Okay....so who gets the plastic thing that separates the silverware?' :rofl:

  11. Son of a....


    How can I do this and not go broke? :mellow:




    You can do it. WE can help!!



    I wasn't asking for you guys to help. I just want to know how everybody else managed it. I mean, everybody starts off somewhere...and we did too, I guess, but most of our stuff was accumulated over almost 7 years and he's getting the bulk of it. When we started out, we had a couch and an end table as a dining room table, with fold out chairs. :lol: (We were 19 and 20).

  12. I'm 99% sure I picked my place, IF they have one open by then (they don't at the moment). So while shopping at WallyWorld for organizer stuff, I realized ALLLLL the stuff I'm going to have to get when I first move. How did you guys do it all? :unsure: First thing that ran through my head was 'Dang, I need a kitchen table, entertainment center, maybe even a couch and coffee table...probably even a bed'. Then I got farther in my shopping and went 'Oh no! I have to start over and stock up on ALL household stuff! Cleaning supplies, laundry supplies, toilet paper, bath stuff'.



    Son of a....


    How can I do this and not go broke? :mellow:

  13. Ohhh, I just checked out the web site. I want to go to that one as well!!! The Bodies thing just creeps me out.

    I should be doing both of these this week. ^_^

    And going to The High

    And Oakland Cemetery to take pictures.

    And the Aquarium.



    I so love having a week off. :lol:

  14. yay! let the time suckage begin!




    I'm actually walking away from it. HR was finishing up the Tinkerbelle movie, so I decided to do this. Now I'm finishing up laundry and dishes, cooking, doing the nighttime routine and all - I'll be on later.


    The friend that got me readdicted just asked me to come over and play. :rolleyes: I'll probably wind up in East Bumble surrounded by fiftylebben computers, tv sized dual screens, and gamers. Again.


    GAWD this is addicting. :wacko:

  15. You should be able to use the code.. I'll ask Dh when he gets back in if you haven't already figured it out by then :)


    I didn't realize how absolutely computer illiterate I really am until this past weekend. :rolleyes: :lol:

    Hung out with a friend and played WoW until some ungodly hour (my alarm clock went off shortly after I went to bed :blush: ), and knew NOTHING about ANYTHING he was talking about. :lol:

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