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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. :o ... wow... will you be able to return the one book and exchange for the older version? So they still sell used books, or is that the price of a used one?


    How did the first day of college go?


    Wasn't that class that I need to exchange, but yes. And they do sell used books, but they sell quickly. This was the last one left of the entire selection of books from that class - I had to buy new or go without and ratemyprofessor.com claims this one was a toughie. They were right...quiz on the first day, glad I had my book. You can sell books back later too, but it's always less than half price.


    It wasn't actually my first day of college - I've been before. ;) This is just my first day with a new mindset that nobody is going to hold me back. :D HR was right at a year old when I stopped attending.


    ETA: It definitely wasn't her holding me back. :nea:

  2. Why, thanks!


    The tunnels. I haven't talked to Karen since before Xmas so I have no info. I'll send an email & see if I can get an update. Last I heard, the tours were still on Tuesday & Thursday, 10AM 'til 4 PM. That's all I know. Folks can call the Chamber of Commerce or the Commissioners Office to order tix.


    I missed the Christmas tour this year....train included. :( HR was so sad when we realized it, she loved it last year.


    Did they even do it this year? :pardon:

  3. My oldest son & Cash. I am so proud of him. He brought Cash home from the hospital and is raising him on his own :wub:




    That is sooooo cute! Your oldest has always been great with babies:

    Baby HR, one of her favoritest uncles (i.e. Daddy's best friend), and myself.


  4. When I don't have grown up stuff to do... I get on my motorcycle and go find something to do ^_^


    Boredom isn't my problem. Mine is finding enough time to do all the stuff I want to do.

    Finding time to do any of the stuff I want to do is my problem. :lol:

  5. Dang you guys are good...Everytime I think of something..I am scared to write it cause I figure I will just TICK someone off :ph34r:


    No joke! They'll even dedicate a thread to being ticked. :mellow:

  6. I'm super vulnerable to sweet talk - and I have a huge heart, so I tend to let myself get run over. I can't even count the number of people I've let back into my life knowing fully well that they've hurt me before...most of the time knowing fully well that they're going to hurt me again.


    However, I prefer honesty. If you're going to screw me over, tell me you're going to screw me over. Sometimes, I'll even let you go ahead and do it, but preparing my heart and mind for it is something I would prefer.

  7. I have really bad dandruff this time of year, and this year has been worse than normal. After trying everything from scalp treatments to Head and Shoulders, I finally PM'd my bath and body guru - SoapMom. I just wanted to know if she knew of anything that would help, and mentioned that I remembered reading somewhere that her Pine Tar soap might help. She said she didn't make a medical claim or anything, but that the feedback from customers seems to go along with that theory and she uses it for the same reason herself.

    Guess what? I just so happened to have a bar under my cabinet, in my basket of other IGF products. I tried it out, use it once or twice a week...NO more dandruff!!



    Yay!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo:


    Thought I'd share, incase anybody else is in the same situation I was in. It's cold weather, and I know alot of people have the same problem. :blush:

  8. What did ya get? I only use her soaps!!! They smell so good. Today I smell all honeysuckley. Tomorrow- maybe Happy Hempa...

    Hempie Hippie is my all-time favorite soap - with the Honeysuckle and Quaker Comfort running close behind. The Hippie soap just rocks, and it's lasting me forever. I haven't even broken into my new bar yet. ^_^


    I've been using the Persephone the past week or so. It smells like Pomegranate, and I keep getting told that I smell 'purely edible'. Who wouldn't want that? :blush: :ph34r:


    I need to stop by Vito's on the way home and pick up the exclusive soap, though. I have yet to do that and they sound like they smell absolutely delicious. I'm not a peach fan, but the other two sound great!

  9. Why do you think I drink straight usually? :rolleyes:


    Wait a couple of years...you'll start liking the drink for the drink rather than the effect of it just being straight. ;)

  10. it should be made in a coconut, with coconut milk, and when it's made good, one can be the same as a couple

    I don't want one to be the same as a couple. I drink because I like the drink, not to get drunk. :lol:


    Iffin' I wanted to get drunk, I'd just drink the rum by itself. :rolleyes:


    1 month and 14 days until I am in Phoenix, Arizona. :p


    less than 3 weeks until I'm in my own home with the kiddo. :blush:

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