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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. Oh, you'll get flogged alright :lol: :lol: If you have strong opinions, make sure you have your facts and a strong intestinal fortitude!! :lol: oh....and if you don't have your facts, someone will make sure you do ;)



    and always, ALWAYS check snopes.com before you post :ninja: ;) :lol:

  2. And maybe that's why we have so much violence in our school.  Kids are not

    taught any morals in our public schools. I guess they think reading, riting and

    rithmatic are more important. :D  ;)


    It is not the responsibility of the schools to teach morals, and why ANYONE would prefer that their children be influenced by strangers rather than learn these things at home, I will never understand. Teachers are hired to TEACH, not to instill morals in your children. If you depend on the schools to teach your children right from wrong, you are not only passing the buck, you are asking for trouble.


    This is the problem in America today, there are too many who want to shift blame and paint themselves as the victim of some injustice. In recent years, unbelievably, Christians have added themselves to the ever growing list of those who can't get a fair shake in this country. Morals are the business of the family and the church. Why on earth should the schools need to be involved?


    While everyone bemoans the loss of discipline in schools and "pretends" they have been denied the right to discipline at home, a big part of the problem seems to be that parents cannot bear to tell their children NO. For whatever reason, nobody wants the responsibility of setting and enforcing rules and boundaries for their children.


    Why worry about spanking when you won't establish for them what is and is not permissible and/or acceptable behavior?


    If your child needs time to read the Bible and pray, try turning off the tv, the video games and the computer and I'll bet you find they don't really need to work these things into their school day. Who knows? They might actually spend their time in school LEARNING something.

  3. There are those who know what the Bible says:

    The Bible also says 'he who does not work should not eat.
    and there are those who know what it means:
    She never says she is proud of me because I make 4 or 5 times what she makes, because I have 3 degrees and am close to starting my fourth, or because I wear ties to work. She tells me she is proud because I have done a little better than she did, which is all she ever wanted me to do. She says she is proud of me because she thinks I am a good daddy. She beams with pride when one of my former students comes in to where she works and asks how his/her favorite teacher is doing. She still thinks it is incredible that I teach. I hate to speak for my mom because she is quite articulate herself, but I think she would say the reasons that she had a child were pretty simple. She fell in love with a handsome fellow (she never knew he would turn out to be a mean and worthless), got married when she turned 18, had sex, and gave birth. I bet she had all kinds of hope for me before I was born, and I bet that she never thought about the money. We lived in a housing project for a while. I do not ever think she thought, "Whooopeeee, I get to live with roaches." I think she wanted a baby to love the same way her momma and daddy loved her. It may sound crazy to you, but she sincerely felt that she had something to offer: love, values, morals, hard-work, and persistence to name a few.......



    All of the left wing/right wing gibberish is just that. The prerequisite to Heaven doesn't involve party affiliation......


    .........Children are blessings from God, and His plan for them supercedes our plans for them. One so weak and misguided probably shouldn't be second guessing Him.


    By the way, the Bible says ALOT of things. You can search a concordance and find a verse that will support just about any position you want to take on an issue, then if you keep looking, you'll more than likely find one that will directly contradict it. Memorization skills are handy, I have to admit, but for a true witness to the power and omniscience of God, give me someone who can explain it as they understand it any old day.




    I doubt there are many in office today (regardless of party affiliation) with enough testicular fortitude to ask the coach's mother (or any other constituent) such a question. Any fool knows that's no way to win re-election!


    :lol: :lol: @ Zell Miller. :wacko:

    Nutty as a fruitcake.

  4. Some years ago, when my ex wasn't yet my ex, we saw a raccoon at 2 in the afternoon during the hottest part of summer staggering around by our driveway. You could tell looking at it that it was just all wrong....it didn't pay us a bit of attention, it's movements were erratic, like it was drunk, and when my ex finally decided it was getting too close to the house, he shot it. The first two times, it just did a somersault, got up, and kept going.


    I'm sure he probably shouldn't have handled it that way, but it was the weekend, and we weren't willing to chance it attacking a person or another animal. No way to be sure it was rabid, but just judging from it's behavior, our position was that it was better to be safe than sorry.

  5. I'm really sorry you're having to go through this. You seem very determined to help your husband, and that's a wonderful thing. Sounds like you're caught in the middle of an unfortunate situation. I know how you feel.


    I really do.


    If you decide to pursue this please be careful. Sounds to me like you may be dealing with people who aren't thinking normally or rationally.


    Although I understand the reason it was done, I sure hope someone sent this girl a PM to ask her to clarify the situation before that was posted openly for everyone to read. From all appearances, she simply wants her husband to come home and clean up his life. I guess if you've never been there, you might not understand. It's not an easy situation to deal with OR walk away from. People say they'll do this or that "IF" they're ever faced with a similar situation, but it's more difficult than you realize when you're dealing with someone you love very much. Her ex- husband's problems with the law are his, not hers.


    Have you considered that she told the only thing she knows, or is everyone now operating on the basis that 1) she is lying, because that's been implied? and/or 2) that because her ex- husband is on drugs and could have very well been misleading her, she no longer deserves anyone's sympathy or understanding?


    She asked for help in finding her ex. She was accused of lying. Openly. What do you expect her to say?


    By the way, there are still people who don't spend all their time in close proximity to a computer :o and who might spend more than a few hours doing other things.

  6. Pay up? When the problem involves death, property damage and explosions, I say it sounds more like they need to be locked up til they understand why civilized people don't do such things for entertainment or whatever. It disturbs me that this seems to be an ongoing problem and has been allowed to continue. There's no doubt this is criminal activity and a danger to anyone who lives in or must travel through that area.

  7. I said this in another thread somewhere....but I think it bears repeating, especially considering the amount of the fine for a window tint violation.


    I was told by more than one person, one of them a police officer, that rolling down the window so they can see is only going to help if, when the officer takes notice of you, he can see inside the vehicle. My understanding is once they've tried and aren't able, it's probably too late to avoid a ticket.


    I was told that I could remove my tint before my court date, bring the vehicle and let them inspect it, and they'd drop the ticket. I opted to pay the $65 fine and roll my windows down instead of removing the tint. When I carried the car to the Dallas PD to have it checked just to be sure it was only 20%, the officer was very nice but did point out that the tint was illegal and while there is no charge to check the tint level, he could have ticketed me if he had chosen to do so. Luckily he didn't. If you choose to keep your tint, though, keep in mind that there is no limit to the number of citations they can issue you. He said that it wouldn't be unheard of for someone to receive multiple tickets for illegal tint in a single trip, either.


    edited to add: Anyone who has tried to "peel" the tint off a window knows that it's not that easy. They probably don't ask you to do that because you can't see out the window until you spend about half a day removing the residue that's left if you try to just pull it off without using soapy water, a solvent or heat to soften the adhesive when you remove the tint.

  8. Yes. I had hoped so too.

    This isn't a pleasant situation to find yourself in.


    Haven't seen him but I'm far from Douglasville. Still will keep an eye out just in case your info is incorrect.


    I wish you luck finding him and dealing with this whole mess.

  9. No idea.


    I had a pair of LA gear high tops that were white, pink and black, with three sets of laces-- white, pink and black, of course. Talk about tacky! but they were my favorite shoes, even though it was nearly impossible to wear 'em with anything that wasn't white, pink or black. Ugh.


    MTV was actually a music channel and hairspray was a commodity.

    Ah the good ol' days.


    Devo :lol: :ninja: :lol:

  10. Well then aren't you lucky that with each new day comes a fresh start and the opportunity to do that which was left undone the day before?


    I'm sure a good night's sleep is all you'll need in order to be back to your usual redundant self :D In the meantime, I guess the rest of us can all just pull out our handy, dandy charts and graphs and try to get up to speed so you aren't bothered with requests for some new and useful information or unscripted queries that require an obvious, if somewhat awkward, sidestep. After all, it isn't like you're getting paid to impart your vast knowledge to those of us who are less enlightened on the subjects of unrestricted residential growth in the county, zoning requirements and these mysterious statutes that render our county leaders powerless...at least until they're blind-sided by some obscure, yet magically empowering issue like sewerage requirements and limitations , that is......I mean really, it isn't like they should have given this matter their full attention many months ago as part of the bigger picture. Right?


    Oh, and ;) right back atcha.

  11. Since you all get forums that non-paying members don't have access to, is it too much to ask you to keep the pink/orange antics there and leave the rest of the site to folks who may not have any interest in what goes on there?


    Some of these replies are downright childish; none of us should have to put anyone on ignore simply because some are too selfish to confine the pink/orange playhouse business to the exclusive forums afforded you for that purpose. I really don't understand, though, what makes any of you feel it's your place to invite anyone to leave, for this or any other reason. I guess it's that 'clique' mentality or whatever. Regardless, it's behavior that's suited more to adolescent girls than a bunch of adults on a public message board geared toward news and issues concerning Paulding County.


    See, I don't understand the problem, once they look around I think if they can use a computer they can probably figure out where they want to read and spend their time. I know I did, and so far has everyone on here, some just want to change things to suit them. Just my thoughts....


    The problem is that it's darn near impossible to look at a thread's subject line and see which ones you all have disrupted and sent off topic with this nonsense. Of course you don't understand the problem. You're too busy trying to blame this on someone else. You know what they say about that one finger pointing at others....how many does that leave pointing back at you?

  12. 1. The pro-R-2 (Nonplanned type growth) group (Whitey et al) had absolutely no effect on us. The sewer moratorium in Sweetwater was due to the fact that we had a limit we could accept at the new sewer plant (next to the Frog G C). 75% residential 25% commercial. 75% of the Plant capacity has been zoned residential. End of story, nada, finito. The plant was built with Industrial Revenue Bonds. Therefore some commercial capacity has to be reserved. We did our job. BTW- The Sweetwater basin is miles and miles away from Mr Whitey and his little slice of heaven. So clearly we weren't thinking of him when we enacted our REQUIRED moratorium.


    Ok, this just sounds bad coming from an elected official of this county. 'No, we didn't take the concerns of any of the county residents into consideration, we only did this because our backs were against the wall and we had no choice at this point in time - which really came as a surprise, since it was just a week or so ago that our spokesperson, TBAR, clearly stated that there was no action we could take to slow this monster down without finding ourselves in court.'

    So is it poorly planned and managed growth or something else that's better left unsaid behind the way this has all come about?


    2. Trudy and the School Board support PRDs because they pay their own way (we proved it with empirical, factual evidence that was presented to the Board of Commissioners by me). I gave a copy to p.com of the presentation. Ask them to put it on here. The only housing being built in this County right now, that pays enough property taxes to support the schools are PRDs.


    At the risk of sounding foolish, I am just not getting the math behind this....when you consider that for every additional household paying property tax you also have an additional family who likely have children who will attend our already overcrowded schools whose budgets are already stretched beyond their limit. How does that not offset any gain, especially when you're dealing with a very large development? So far, other than some donated land for future school(s), I haven't seen any concessions that would significantly increase the budgets of existing schools that will bear the brunt of children coming to live and attend school in the county.

  13. Just to clarify, if something is shown under the recent topics section, it doesn't state which forum it is under, it only lists the topic's title....which could be why there is some confusion when someone reads something like this and comments that it's not appropriate. I didn't know it was in the religious discussions when I opened it, and the condensed title didn't really give much indication what the content was, either.


    edited because it needed to be :p

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