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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. "Growth problems" & "no more people" are two different things.


    DUMB COMMENT, for such a well-informed fella.


    Can you explain without the lecture on history and government? Just a straight-out unembellished explanation?


    Unless the law gets changed, the way I understand it the only way for the county to build schools is to either pay for them 100% with local taxes, or to wait until we already have the students in place for the new school.



    What the hell does that mean? Students in place for a new school?


    :huh: If they'd look in all those trailers, they might find exactly that.

  2. The plans, for NOW, are 500 homes.


    When, pray tell, is there a definitive answer on the number of homes that will be built? Can they just add to it until they've met the maximum number allowed? Sort of like the concessions....if they don't come through, is there some penalty, since the development can't just be erased (or even denied before it begins) ?


    You want to talk about things that are hard to stomach...this thread is the very least of them.

  3. Great question! So who is more stupid? The man who doesn’t have anything, or the one that does and don’t enjoy them? I don’t worry about money because I know it will work out. The Bible tells me not to worry so I don’t. (Matthew 6:25-34) I don’t worry about “things”/possessions because I figure if I need it Ill get it. If I don’t need it, but want it, Ill just save up for it and if I get it then its all good, if not oh well. I don’t think its about being stupid, but where your priorities are. Mine is to love and be loved, not how many toys I have.




    I think it's pretty stupid to measure a person by anything other than who they are inside and how they treat others. Some of the happiest, most content people I know are those who value people over things and love over money.


    I also think it's incorrect to categorize a person as less intelligent simply because their priorities differ from yours.


    Everything is relative. Some might consider it stupid to spend 7-10 hours commuting to a job and then 40 more busting a$$ for nothing more than the money to buy things you have no time to enjoy or use and that definitely won't be of any use to you once you're gone.

  4. A moratorium on rezoning applications would help to slow the growth a little while the county regroups and gets a handle on roads, waste water treatment plants, school situation, etc.
    Thank you! So nicely worded. Hopefully it won't be disregarded as such statements have in the past. Unfortunately, because it's logical and doesn't fit the current agenda, the odds are not in your favor.


    But the developer wants to build higher end homes, and wants to get the most for his investment. So he works with the county and gets approval for a PRD. (With sewer) As part of that, he promises sidewalks, maybe a red light, money for sewer system expansion, money (or land) to the school system. Whatever it takes within reason to get the county to approve the PRD.


    He's going to build a clubhouse, pool, tennis courts, more greenspace and other ammentities as part of that 200 acre development. It also means he can put those same 400 houses on smaller pieces of property. Up to 5 per acre. It may work out to a few more houses over all. But it won't be the 1000 that some want you to believe.




    1-I'll give the benefit of the doubt here, but promises are a bit hard to bank on.


    2-Why can a developer promise (maybe) a red light, yet we can't get them at intersections that have proven to be dangerous? Is there a builders-only sale going on? Please note the word 'maybe'. 'Maybe' is like a junior version of 'promise', but with less certainty.


    3-Money or land to the schools? Can they just give money? If so, how much money has been given to the schools so far? Makes no sense, to allow a developer to straight-up give money while declaring impact fees off-limits to schools. Oh, wait. I guess the difference being that giving is voluntary and optional.....and impact fees are not popular. Same can be said of the politicians who allow them to be imposed on their watch. If they prefer, they can always donate land, and we can hope it's located where a school is most needed. Something. Anything...which brings us to:


    4- "Whatever it takes". 'Nuff said.


    5- R-2. 2 houses per acre. While a developer has sought PRD approval in order to put more (up to 5 per acre) houses on less land, they really won't do that, it's just a technicality, probably something they like to do so that the county can ask for concessions that will cost them money. Besides, then they can make a really nice neighborhood for the people, give them more pavement and recreational facilities-anything that costs them more money. I think the new math explains it best....1.8 houses per acre for R-2, 2.7 houses per acre for PRD-but with the PRD you get promises-whatever it takes ;).


    So maybe only singles, couples or families with 1.165 children will occupy those extra 1-3 houses per acre - that's not so bad, is it? I'm sure they like to go to all that trouble and expense so they can build a 'few' more houses than R2 zoning allows.


    And you thought this was about money. Shame on you.


    For the record, we all understand the part about land owners having a right to sell land. Nobody has disputed this fact or forgotten it. Y'all are starting to sound like you've been brainwashed.


    markdavd Posted Today, 02:39 PM

      R2 does not need any rezoning


    And according to you, PRD can't be denied.

    Big difference there. Glad you cleared that up for us.

  5. Don't forget: You also have the right to sell your land, if you so desire. This may be particularly valuable information for anyone who happens to own a large parcel of farmland, half a forest....something along those lines.


    Isn't that neat?


    :mellow: :ninja:






    :) Thanks Eddie. I know a person to whom this information might be especially helpful at the present time. Seriously.

  6. The only solution to the taxes is to bring in Light Industry / Warehousing / Offices, etc. The problem is that residents in the past have fought these with everything they had. Now we're paying the price.


    What the ???

    Ok, when did this altercation take place and why am I just now hearing about it?


    And why do you get so defensive every time this subject comes up?


    That is NOT the only solution. It's the only solution that doesn't involve the county's "leadership" taking an active role in slowing down this growth.

    I don't really see how it can benefit us to go after light industry/manufacturing/warehousing if the residential development simultaneously continues at its current pace. We'll never be able to close the gap between the two at this rate.


    Ever hear of cutting off your nose to spite your face? Band-aids don't help much in that situation, either.


    markdavd Posted Today, 01:40 PM

    Don't forget the people who sold the land. I'm sure they aren't complaining about the $$$.



    Bad experience?


    edited to add: Lets get the offices that we already have occupied before we push for anymore of those....

  7. I had no problem understanding the meaning of your oft-repeated comment, only it's relevance to this particular discussion.


    I don't think there has been anyone questioning the owner's right to sell, just a few folks expressing their regret over the Dragstrip's demise, maybe a couple more hoping it's just a rumor.


    Sticking these same phrases into discussions like band-aids does nothing to ease the frustration many people feel who have invested their entire lives in this county only to have it change so drastically right before their eyes.


    Now, what was your point again?

  8. I don't recall where, but this question has been asked before. :mellow:


    I also work in a profession that is subject to strict privacy laws, however, I believe you answered your own question with the statement that anyone can own a scanner, no?


    If you want to know whether there is sufficient interest to warrant posting this information, the number of times the threads are viewed should give you some idea.


    I do know we appreciate the effort and time RRR spends posting this here.


    I hope this answered some of your questions.


    Welcome to P.com :)

  9. I don't want to get into the whole changing thread titles, cause they are past history, so I will make it a general statement.  :D

    Looks like we may have some relief from this long drought. What has it been???? 20 hours since we had rain??? :wacko:


    My lawn is getting mold on it. It never dries out!  :lol:




    20 hours? Lucky!


    You must not live near Dallas.....

  10. I was amazed at how passive and intimidated these parents were by their kids. I feel they're also partly responsible for not getting a handle when the kids were younger. Seems to me some of them were not only afraid of their own children, some were so afraid of rocking the boat, so to speak, they just let the kids do whatever the h3ll they pleased rather than exert parental authority when their kids defied them.


    Then again, my friends who have children these days tell me that I'm mean and don't have a clue. They're right, the only experience I have with parenting was my own childhood, but I do know what worked and what didn't. So does my mother. ;)


    ANG Posted Today, 12:04 PM

      I loved it. Funny stuff watching the big bad punks cry like babies.


    And what she said^^^^ :lol:

  11. I figure anyone who would do something so childish and irresponsible either doesn't know or doesn't care that there are already too many families with children who legitimately need DFACS oversight or intervention to have some dumba$$ use them as a pawn to satisfy a personal vendetta against a parent who is perfectly fit.


    There's plenty of money wasted in government already without stupid pranks like this to add to the problem....not to mention the fact that DFACS is struggling to keep up with an overwhelming number of cases already.


    edited to add: If you have to leave the computer for any amount of time, check back to be sure 10 other people didn't say what you wanted to say when you come back before you hit 'send'

  12. i was glad to hear the dog was returned to its owner before it got in the road or was hurt in any way.


    Yeah, that's why I took that pup home with me, 'cause I would have really hated to come back through and see it had gotten in the highway and been hit or something. I think he may have taken up with someone in the subdivision nearby because he brought a few stuffed animals and other toys home and then just didn't come back one day. The kids down the road across the street from me sort of took over my beagle that way too. He did come home every now and then, but last time he tried they followed him and took him back to their house. I miss him, but better than having him cross the highway to go play, so I just let 'em keep him.

  13. I think the same, except on a grander scale....TV isn't on my list of things to do any longer. Ever.


    I can't even stand to hear one playing in another room.


    My own reality keeps me plenty busy as it is.

  14. Are you serious? Never knew anyone who had to pee in a cup at work? I sure have, and seen more than a few lose their job over it.


    I personally view this as an invasion of privacy, but companies do it all the time.


    note: like most, there's no way I would equate pot with meth....not even close. Just wanted to clarify that you can still lose your job from smoking the doobie.


    I would also like to add that the DEA is wasting its time on reefer busts. They should go after the hard stuff, period.



    Well, yes, I actually was serious....as compared to meth, and the tendency of meth users to just decide work is a waste of time (hence the question about the reason they quit if it's energy and drive they were seeking from the meth). To be honest, drug tests really didn't come to mind, as anyone I know of who has become addicted to meth has generally stopped working before the opportunity or reason arose for their employer to have them submit to a drug test.


    Had this been a discussion about the evils of pot ONLY, rather than a discussion about meth that included a comparison of the downfalls of meth vs. pot, my reply might have been a bit different. I won't argue the fact that pot does dumb you down, I don't know about the long term, but it does have negative short term effects, for sure. If it came down to it, though, I would call alcohol a more damaging and problematic addiction than pot. I also believe that alcohol is a much harder addiction to overcome. Pot is relatively easy, once a person decides they want to stop smoking. For that matter, cigarettes are far more difficult to put aside than pot, in my opinion.


    While I do know people who have been required to submit to drug tests by an employer or potential employer, I DON'T personally know of anyone who has ever lost their job (or a job opportunity) because they could not pass the drug screen.

  15. Uh huh


    Uh huh...


    How can you shun everyone else for judging Leslie when she judged everyone in a thread prior to her "public announcement"? 


    She is the one that cut EVERYONE down on her prior thread....Did  you happen to miss that? Or was it convenient for you to NOT include that? :huh:  :rolleyes:  :unsure:



    If you're referring to the public announcement thread itself, I did see it and didn't feel it was her intention to judge anyone at all, so IF that's the thread you're referring to, yes I saw it, no I didn't feel it was convenient not to include it. -_- I didn't feel she was attacking anyone or judging, or that it was even relevant to this thread at all. I thought she was offering something useful and helpful and some people seem to have felt that it was all about them and took offense. I obviously don't think along the same lines that you do, so it probably won't work to apply your messed up logic to my motives or lack thereof.


    This is not that thread, it's another thread, and it was pretty tacky for you to all attack her here because of some people's overreactions to the other thread (and isn't it convenient to do it here now that the other thread has closed....hmmm?)

    If you have a problem with her, have your say, by all means. The manner in which you've gone about it here, though, is tacky, and somewhat unfair, considering the group effort y'all had going on against ONE person.


    Good of you to at least admit you got some pleasure from it. MShutley can mark that one down as exhibit #1 on his evidence log. :D

  16. Anyone who says they never form judgements about others is not being truthful. We're human. We are flawed, and everyone forms judgements about others based on one thing or another. How else do you explain how we deem one person worthy of our friendship and another not so simply based on their character or other attributes? Do any of you feel better about yourselves for your attack on Leslie? And really, am I the ONLY one who sees the irony in this?



    whitedove1052003  Today, 10:16 PM Post #30


    You know Honkin, some people will do anything for attention. 



    mshutley  Today, 09:45 PM Post #15  On the other hand the Bible does tell us that it is just for a christian to point out others sins as long as we are first blamless ourselves.


    And you are aware that, as humans, we can never be blameless?

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