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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. There is a brand new house here that was built right in my backyard, between me and the subdivision behind me, and I swear, one of the bedrooms you couldn't fit a double bed into, the other isn't much bigger, if any, and the master can't be more than about 10x10, possibly 10x11, max. Decent sized closets, but I think I'd prefer to have room to walk around my bed, instead. I feel for the kid who gets stuck in there.


    And the steps down to the basement are open, and you can see the unfinished concrete block along the landing from upstairs. In all honesty, though, after I saw the lot (?!?) and the messed up driveway, I probably wouldn't even bother looking at the inside, if I were looking for something to buy.


    Of course, it's been sitting unsold since last summer, so I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't think it's worth whatever they're asking for it. They'd have come out better to knock on my door and ask if I might be interested in buying that little strip of land behind me, because I would have, yes. If they'd knock down that house I still might consider it :lol:


    I'll take my 50+ year old house over that any day.


    edited to add: My kitchen is the biggest room in the house, it's roughly 16x20.

  2. I know I could but I feel sorry if it didn't get that chance but put down.


    I did go over and patched the hole in the fence.  Then I fed both dogs which lunged at me for the food.  He has a lab too that was sorta skinny and ate so fast she got a bit sick.  I then gave them some water.  So for today they are okay but just wait till he gets home.  If he doesn't make sure they have food and water, I might have to take this a bit further.  I can't afford his and my dogs.  I got danes and one is a pup and it takes all I got to keep these two up.  I know he didn't ask me to do all this but I am just looking out for the dogs.


    Well it was good of you to do it, lots wouldn't. Some would take it out on the dog, even.

  3. The problem may be associated with the large storms that have erupted on the Sun. They were even supposed to interupt Direct TV/Dish service


    Could be.


    I thought that activity had died down for awhile. Guess not.


    Should make for some nice Northern Lights, for the ones who can see 'em.

  4. Now, this would indicate that the growth that Paulding County has experienced - and bear in mind the county only controls county has finally hit close to home for some of these Commissioners.  That is to say that maybe growth is impacting the county in ways they don't necessarily agree with. Sewer, while preferred over  septic by almost everyone, is expensive to install and maintain county wide and the demand for connecting to the sewerage systems of the county just can not keep pace with the growth. 


    Maybe a time out is necessary to regroup and actually take a hard look at the growth of the county. Where the sewer, water systems, utilities, schools, roads are and where they are projected -- where all those things are going and how to best keep up may require study like the master sewer plan ordered Tuesday night.


    Nope, couldn't be. That would be too complex. It must have been that simple "STOP THE MADNESS" post on Pcom. Yep, that  was all it took to convince the BOC that a breather is necessary.


    I fail to understand why you appear to be lauding the county commissioners' finally taking notice of the adverse effects of all this poorly managed growth while simultaneously taking what seems to be a mean-spirited jab at concerned citizens who have been trying to get the attention of the commissioners and other residents of the county by bringing these issues to the forefront for some time now. Does it only matter once it starts to affect the politics of the commission? When it affects the commissioners' quality of life?


    I would honestly hope that the 'STOP THE MADNESS' post (along with others) played some role in bringing this matter to the board's attention, considering the fact that the Commission Chairman is an active member here. Unfortunately, it's more likely a case of the problem hitting the brick wall that is the sewerage issue, falling right into the laps of the commissioners and threatening to bite them hard if they continue to ignore it.


    If I misunderstood what I took to be a condescending remark at the end of the post, I apologize. I read it several times and that was the only context that seemed to fit. I do know I clearly understand the message conveyed in the highlighted sentences in the first paragraph quoted above. Didn't like it, but I clearly understand it.


    I, for one, am proud to know there are those who still care enough to try to make a difference.

  5. There Is A Fountain


    Just As I am


    I Will Meet You in the Morning


    It Is Well With My Soul


    Wherever He Leads


    It Is Well With My Soul


    Other gospel songs I really love are:



    Had It Not Been

    Peace In the Valley

    He'll Hold My Hand



    And anything sung by the Inspirations or Acapella (sp? - I'm referring to a group, not a form of singing)


    I don't really have one favorite. I love most all the gospel songs and hymns I've ever heard or sung.

  6. I think OsFan's close neighbors

    are Mr. Sar and Mr. Casm.

    But to his credit this week,

    he is doing an excellent job at providing me with

    about my only

    chuckle each day 

    as I tackle a very difficult job so I can go on

    vacation next week.


    Edited to be clearer.


    I agree. Some people tend to find humor in sarcasm, whether it's intended that way or not.


    I am one of those people.

  7. If they know they haven't paid why don't they take there belongs and move instead of waiting for the owners & law to do it for them. They deserve to have there things plundered if they don't move first


    If they're being evicted for not paying rent, I would think they have no money to get another place to live, either, so they stay as long as they're allowed to and then do the best they can when they're put out into the street. If that's how it should be, then why not just go ahead and say that anyone who is foolish enough to leave any property in plain sight deserves to have it taken, whether it's out there due to an eviction or because it's their kid's bicycle or their lawn furniture and outdoors is where it's normally kept and used? It is theft, and it's a most despicable form of it, stealing from someone who is has been displaced and may not even have another home to go to.


    Nobody deserves to be a victim of a crime, and there is no justification for taking what belongs to another person without permission. No matter where their things are, they are still the property of the owner.

  8. yeah.......and your words are spoken like true trailer trash red neck chick..

    I said nothing to you.

    Go join the other with the sick sense of humor.. :D  :D


    just stating what I PERCIEVE>



    What do you PERCEIVE as trashy, sick or redneck in my pointing out that you steadily decried the man as horrid and yet wouldn't simply ignore the threads he was posting in? You were obviously doing your best to get his attention and to pick a fight with him, I simply pointed out this fact. Besides, there was nothing said in that thread to prompt your melodrama and I grew tired of it, as I do anytime an adult whines and complains while actively participating in such "disgusting" behavior. If you don't like it, go find something that doesn't offend you and let those of us who aren't afraid to admit we're enjoying it do just that.


    PS-If you're trying to insult me, forget it. I can see already that it will take more time for you to get up to speed than I can spare. The adjective you selected for your screen name here describes you about as accurately as mine does me, which is not very.





    Yes, Stumpy, I can read, and do...quite often.

  9. Ah, got ya. ;) All I'll be baited into saying on that subject is that one doesn't have to speak to someone to know that they risk being struck by an automobile when they step off a curb into heavy traffic at a busy intersection.

    I remember when that was a funny little triangle-shaped intersection with a package store situated dead center of it, and the Kellers lived in the house on the hill where that new car lot is in front of Kmart. Maybe that's why Jessie feels so comfortable standing out there, maybe in her mind it's still Hiram without the 4-lane and all the traffic and shopping centers...doesn't make it any safer for her, though.


    I'm curious who the guy is who's been dancing around all over downtown Dallas around lunchtime the past week or so. I've seen him on West Memorial Drive, and others have seen him on Main Street and East Memorial. He seems to be enjoying himself, or was when I saw him, anyway, grinning from one ear to the other and dancing up a storm.


    Maybe the Cartersville Hwy guy is his sinister alter ego, or something.




    Still nothing on the ball bat, I see. Hmmm.

  10. I've been called a demon before...  :blink:  :ninja:

    And I will call you one again. Gloat away. In my eyes, your sense of humor or what the heck YOU want to call it is SICK. :wacko:


    Yeah....... Why isn't this in the HH with all your other topics? :angry:

    you belong there.


    now blast away......... :D




    :lol: :lol: :lol: @ this


    Yes, you seem utterly disgusted by the man. I guess that's why you're here hanging on his every word?


    I love it.


    "I'm following you around because I dislike you and you're a sick, sick man, Arcaidy. A demon stalker, even." Please.




    I think someone is trying to get your attention, Stumpy.

  11. Honkin hasn't let the cat out of the bag yet.


    Maybe it's something the police are using to spy on me??

    Maybe the FBI is using it for a sting against me???

    Maybe it’s a brand of leather pants????

    I'm not sure....


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



    Maybe it's something the police are using to spy on me??


    :blink: Let's hope not :blink:

  12. I wonder if this is the same guy who was out at the end of the driveway of the residence across from Old Cartersville a few weeks ago who was pointing and appeared to be yelling and raising %3!! at passing traffic on Cartersville Hwy?


    He appeared to be pretty angry, not to mention rather disturbed. I guess he hadn't felt the need to break out the baseball bat yet, the day we saw him.


    I'm aware that they make baseball bats of aluminum; are they made of steel, also? :blink:

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